There's a bit of a last hurrah taking place in Sagittarius. Next month, the Sun will leave Sagittarius after a four week stay; Jupiter will leave at the same time having been there for a year; and 6 weeks later, Pluto will move on having been in Sagittarius since 1995. And all twelve signs will feel this shift. Yup -- change is afoot. I used to think it was a hand; but now I'm sure it's afoot. Of course, the less things change, the more they remain the same.
During the next 6-8 weeks, your desire to travel is definitely heightened. (You love to explore new turf because you're a pioneer at heart.) If you can't travel, then try to expand your experience of the world through study, film or meeting people from other cultures and different countries. The main thing is simply this: you need to do something different that gives you a sense of adventure and the satisfaction of learning something new. You want to broaden your horizons! Opportunities related to publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law are likely in the month ahead. It's an exciting time for you. Live it up!
During the next six weeks or maybe a little longer, you're focused on shared property, shared responsibility, and how you handle debt, taxes and insurance matters. This is kind of boring stuff but it isn't going to go away on its own. You have to face it and deal with it. Discussions with partners, especially ex-partners about these matters are likely. (Could be good, could be not so good.) On the brighter side, (there's always a brighter side) your sex drive is amped! Since you're a sensuous, juicy peach, you'll know what to do with this newfound energy. Just remember: chaste makes waste.
This week the Sun moves directly opposite your sign where it will stay for four weeks. This means that something that's been going on for the last six months will reach a sort of culmination or a turning point. However, because the Sun is opposing you now, this means you might feel others are opposing you as well. (And this might very well be the case.) Tread carefully. Don't provoke further opposition. Where you have prepared things nicely, you will be beautifully successful. (Yes, be smug.) But where you have goofed -- you'll experience failure. Big deal. If you never fail it simply means you're not trying anything in life. Who wants to live like that? Not you, and not you either.
Lucky you! When the Sun shifts signs this week, it starts to boost your energy and your ambition in terms of wanting to be better organized both at home and at work. Suddenly, you want everything all done perfectly. You want a clean home, a clean yard, a clean office, a clean workspace and you might even get your teeth cleaned as well. You're determined to be on top of your scene. Furthermore, as you work, you want to make every effort count. You want the most bang for your buck that you can get. Ha! No wonder your job scene is going to improve so much this year -- energy out equals results back. Your health will probably improve this year as well. It's all good
Things are looking so sweet for Leos this year, it's laughable. For one thing, it's a fabulous year for love affairs, romance, vacations, parties, sports and good times, especially playful times with children. Depending on when you're born, this will kick in earlier or later, but it definitely will kick in, and when it does, it's going to last for a year. Yeehaw! (Would I kid you?) The next six weeks are a heightened example of this. Love swoons along. Fun times beckon. Children love you. And you're keen on sports. Set aside more time than usual for fun activities. Get something snappy and sexy to wear. It's your time to go out in full Leo dazzle!
For a number of reasons, your attention is suddenly turning to home, family and real estate matters for the next six weeks. But it's a good thing. Your home scene is going to be a source of increased joy for you now (as it already has been for many of you.) Discussions with parents and family members are significant. Plans to expand or improve your home are a great idea. This is a great year to buy real estate and a great month to do your research. Entertain at home. Gather with family and friends to share food and drink and trade lies about the bad old days. Since you're entering a whole new phase of your life, a happy home scene is vital to your emotional and practical support.
Whoa Nellie! Your pace is accelerating in the next six weeks. Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, time spent with relatives (especially siblings) and mucho errands and running around keep you on the go. But you can handle this. You've got a lot of positive energy, plus you sense that major things in your life are starting to shift. The key to your survival right now is a positive attitude. It's important for you to appreciate what you have, and appreciate who you are; and know what you want and what you value. Once you know this, you'll know how to make decisions about who gets to come on to the Ark and who or what doesn't make the cut.
You're starting to hatch ways to make more money. Not only do you want to earn more, you've got big ideas about how to spend more as well. More than any other sign, you are quite comfortable with big numbers and approaching business in a big way. You see it all as a simple formula where you just add zeros. With Mercury in your sign now, you're a talkative and eager to enlighten others about your ideas. Publishing, travel, work in the media, education, medicine and law are strong focus for the next five months. But privately, you're wondering what really matters in life. You want to define your values because it's easier to make the right decision when you know what you want.
This is a powerful time because the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto are all in Sagittarius. This week the Sun enters your sign for the next four weeks, re-charging your batteries, boosting your energy, and attracting people and favourable circumstances to you. (Very nice!) Your ruling planet Jupiter will remain in Sagittarius until December 18 (not to return for 12 years.) Make the most of this because Jupiter attracts good luck! And big daddy Pluto will leave your sign next year after sitting there since 1995. That's why this is such a defining time in your life! You now see what's working and what is not.
Every year at this time, just before your birthday arrives, your best choice is to work behind the scenes or work alone. The reason for this is you have to give yourself some space to think. Your new year (birthday to birthday) is approaching. What better time than this to take stock? How well are you doing at the art of living? How do you want your next year to be different from this last year? Partnerships are challenging now because Mars is opposite your sign. The Bible says, "Let not the Sun go down upon your wrath." I agree. Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.
The next six weeks are shmooze city! Friends, groups, clubs and organizations want to see you. Share your time and wisdom with others. Talk to people about your dreams for the future. You might be surprised where this could lead. At the least, the feedback of others will be helpful input. Travel for pleasure also appeals. Unfortunately, Mars is forcing you to work hard. That's fine because Mercury at the top of your chart makes this an excellent time to plan your professional future. What changes can you introduce to improve things? Now is the time to talk to bosses, parents and VIPs. People respect you for just who you are. (How cool is that?)
The next five weeks are the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon acting like a spotlight on you. People will notice you far more than usual. In particular, parents, bosses, VIPs and teachers will see you. Furthermore, they'll be impressed with you even if you don't do anything extra or anything special. It's just a weird, celestial phenomenon. Hey, you might as well milk this for all it's worth. Ask for what you want -- you just might get it. Pitch your proposals. Put forth your agenda. Much of this will meet with ready acceptance. (Who new?) Examine your life as a whole to see if it's going in the direction you want. If you don't know the meaning of life -- look it up in the dictionary.