All Signs

This week fiery Mars goes retrograde. It entered Cancer on September 28, goes retrograde in November, slips back into Gemini in January, then returns to Cancer in March where it stays until May 10th. Yikes! Normally, Mars stays in a sign only 6 or 7 weeks. (The last time this happened was in the 1970s.) Mars affects our physical energy, our ego and our self-confidence. It also rules our sexual passion. This retrograde cycle could encourage domestic arguments and confusion at home. People want to protect what they own, and what makes them feel comfortable and secure. But don't go overboard doing this! Nevertheless, take extra precautions about fire at home. Since Cancer rules the stomach, retrograde Mars will encourage indigestion from spicy foods. Therefore, eat a balanced diet, which as you know, means a cookie in each hand.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It's all too easy to get caught in domestic arguments and family squabbles in the next six months. There might also be confusion, chaos and increased activity where you live. This could be due to renovations, residential moves, visiting guests - whatever. All this will be a challenge for you! Many Aries people have short fuses. You don't necessarily hold a grudge; you just fly off the handle like a firecracker and then it's over. But this can be very unsettling for others as well as yourself. Therefore, practice patience because patience is the antidote to anger. Think before you speak. Count to five before slamming the door or something like that. Did you know that the origin of the word scruple is "to hesitate"?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Lately, you feel a bit confused about whether you're coming or going. Ouite literally! This confusion can work itself up into a frustration which ultimately spills out as irritable comments or verbal jabs. You're not usually like this. You're remarkably mellow. You rarely show your anger. Nevertheless, in the next six months, confused or repressed feelings could make you slightly accident prone both verbally and physically, especially with siblings and relatives. Knowing this, you can acknowledge how you feel to yourself; and just keep it to yourself. (You can't keep your shirt on if you're trying to get something off your chest.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You might be confused about something at work or related to your health. Be careful to guard against food poisoning or infection. Something to do with your finances might change in the next six months. You might go back to a former way of earning money. You might feel loathe to go after money that others owe you. On the brighter side, something that fell through before might now start to generate money. This applies to outgoing cash flow as well. You might make major purchases you've been waiting to buy. (When the going gets tough. the tough go shopping.) Ka-ching!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Mars is going to be in your sign for most of the six months. This retrograde time could make you might quite dogmatic and assertive. You might not be aware of this, but others will! If you think people are resisting you or initiating arguments, take a look in the mirror. You might be coming on too strong! And be careful about what you eat. You always have to protect your stomach. Mars is very fiery. Spicy foods could become a problem. Be extra patient with partners and close friends. Because retrograde Mars in your sign has not occurred since the 70s, many of you will undergo vuja de (that's the feeling that this has never happened to you before.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Something about your domestic scene is confusing. You might feel discouraged about something or worried about a family member. Reduce the clutter at home. Make things as neat as possible because this will help to reduce your inner confusion. Some of you might have to contend with old enemies or problematic people in the next few months. This could be something you thought was long gone and done with. Fortunately, it will be minor, but it could be something that niggles you in the back of your mind. Don't worry. As this year progresses, your chances for romance, vacations and social outings continue to grow. Party on!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You'll definitely be more active with groups during the next six months. This might mean you'll be working with groups or joining a class or a club or an organization. Your involvement will be active and possibly physical. Because Mars is aggressive, and the ruler of war, strive to be patient and diplomatic in your dealings with these people. It's very easy to irritate someone or get into ego conflicts. Plus, you're feeling more competitive than you usually do. Naturally, this invites competition! You have a strong need to talk and to enlighten others now. Find someone who wants to listen to you.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This retrograde Mars has the effect of supercharging and revving up your ambition. You really want to achieve something now. You want the whole enchilada. This will certainly motivate you to earn money. This is good. We all need money to buy frills like food. However, your aggressive stance could be threatening to bosses, parents, teachers and other authority figures in your life. If this happens, you will arouse opposition to you and your plans. Not good. Right now, Venus is in your sign making you ever so charming. But it moves on in 3-4 weeks. Mars is here until May! (Go after what you want but cultivate docility.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

With the Sun and Mercury in your sign this continues to be a strong time for you. You find it easy to talk to others. No doubt, people from your past have been back in your life. The urge to travel or explore new places is strong within you now. In the next six months, many of you will be more involved in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Some of you might go back to school or start dating someone in school or from a different background. You're going to explore new turf, that's for sure. (If a thing is worth doing -- it's worth doing badly.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Even though you're schmoozing with friends and artistic types, you have a strong need to hide now or be by yourself. You can benefit by working behind the scenes or working alone, if you can pull this off. In other ways, try to indulge your need for some privacy and solitude. Time alone can help you to come to terms with things or develop solid ideas or make decisions. (Then you won't fall for everything and stand for nothing.) In the next six months, disputes about inheritances, shared property, taxes, debt or insurance matters could drive you crazy. It's such a drag arguing about this stuff, isn't it?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

What a schmoozey time! You're out there flying your colours talking to everyone. People are glad to see you. In particular, you're talking to younger people as well. With Venus high in your chart, bosses, parents and VIPs think you're wonderful. What's not to like? So far so good. (You can tell I'm leading up to a 'but' can't you?) You're right. Here's the other shoe. This retrograde Mars in Cancer is sitting opposite you for the next six months. (Gulp.) This can really trigger conflict with partners and close friends. "To the Moon, Alice!" You're going to need all the patience at your disposal to avoid arguments with loved ones. Actually, this applies to important clients as well. You know you hate a scandal. Work to keep the peace.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You have extra influence right now because people notice you, and they're inclined to go along with whatever you want. That's good. You're very lucky in another way. For the next six months, while Mars is moving back and forth between Cancer and Gemini, it will cause a lot of stress for some people. But for you, all Mars wants to do is make you work hard! How cool is that? Just accept this fact and roll up your sleeves and dig in. You'll be able to get an enormous amount of work done by Spring. The only downside is you might have conflict with coworkers. And if others aren't working at your pace - you'll think they're lazy. But patience is often mistaken for laziness. Be careful.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're still very keen to travel or do something new and different. You want more out of life. And you definitely want adventure! Fortunately, people are willing to help you now either with favours or direct gifts, advantages and even cold, hard cash. These things combine to make you feel very playful now. You want to have fun. You want a romantic love affair, in a wonderful beach resort where they bring you drinks with little pink parasols in them, while you watch the surf beating miles of white sand. And you're celebrating your good luck at a fabulous shoe sale earlier in the day. The only dark cloud on your horizon could be quarrels with children and romantic squabbles.