On Friday the 9th, there's a New Moon in Scorpio. Each month, the New Moon is a chance to make resolutions or set intentions to improve something. Each month the New Moon is in a different sign offering us a different opportunity. The way I see it -it's right here for the taking! Why ignore it? Improving your life doesn't mean greedy grasping. We're either improving, or sliding backwards. (I don't think I'll ever catch up.) Read below to see where you can make improvements this week. There are always different approaches. For example, "A hot drink is as good as an overcoat." Who knew? And what a savings in dry cleaning!
Exchanges with partners and close friends are passionate and emotional. But you might want to take a look in the mirror because there's a good chance you're being quite demanding at the moment. ("Moi? Never! Take that back!") But this is the only dark cloud on your horizon. Aside from that, this week is your chance to clean up loose details about inheritances, estates, shared property, taxes, debt and insurance matters. Face the beast! It's so easy to procrastinate about these things. Friday's New Moon wants you to make a list about how you're going to tackle this stuff.
You're keen to make improvements at work or introduce reforms into your life including improving your health. This is all very good as long as others (especially at work) will endorse your suggestions and climb on board. If not, you're rattling a few cages. Meanwhile, the New Moon on Friday occurs directly opposite your sign. This is the best time all year to think about your partnerships or lack of them. Do you have partners and close friends? Do you put out enough loving energy and interest to others to generate this in your life? What are your emotional needs in your relationships? Relationships are two way streets. You must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.
Romantic issues are passionate and over the top. In fact, things are so intense, some relationships could end. Jealousy or insecurity might make you smother someone by hanging on too tight. This is understandable, but it never works. You only push the other person away. (The very thing you don't want.) Lighten up. Loosen the reins on others as well as yourself. Instead think about how you can improve your job and how you do your job. What can you do to introduce more efficiency in your work? To accomplish more you don't necessarily have to work harder, you have to work smarter. Hey - you can do that. Smart - you is!
Relationships with family and people you live with are intense right now. You might be thinking about throwing in the towel if you continue to be unhappy. (And you don't like letting go of anything!) Your best move is to be patient. Don't make big decisions right now. It's all too crazy. Instead (and this is a big switch) focus on finding opportunities to express your creativity - through cooking, art, singing, whatever. Enjoy playful times with children. Think about how you can benefit children. Start to have fun. Be a kid again. Flirt with others. Decide to enjoy sports more. Make vacation plans. Have some fun because life is short - and fat.
Right now, you're dramatically obsessed about something - to the point you'll drive it home to anyone who will listen to you (and do they have a choice?) Whoa Nellie! Stop right now and take a breath. Create some distance so that you can see the big picture. When the annals of history are written - will this even matter? All relationships are constantly changing. (Even if you're the Queen of Denial.) Change doesn't mean the good stuff is gone. It's just what's happening as time goes by, and people grow, and extenuating circumstances throw new things in the mix. It's life. Instead, put your energy into making your home and your family scene the way you want it to be. What can you do to improve things here?
Something to do with finances or your possessions or how you earn money or how you want to spend money is almost a compulsion right now. Perhaps you desperately want to buy something? (You know who you are. It's a Honda 919 and Mercury is finally no longer retrograde!) Or you might have some dazzling ideas about how to earn money. All I can say is when it comes to money, it's totally personal. People are more private about their money than they are about their sex lives. Factoid. Don't jump on things. Give things a sober second thought. Meanwhile, think about your style of relating to others, especially siblings. Are you clear in all your communications?
Your closest relationships are intense and powerful right now. Especially romance. You might be bouncing off the walls with hot sex; or you might be upset about changes because you fear it's over. You want stability but stability is an illusion because things are constantly changing. Agghh! Don't try to control someone else in an attempt to hold on to them. It won't work. It will only backfire. You'll both be miserable. Give the relationship some breathing space. Instead, turn your attention to your possessions, and how you earn your money. Maintain what you own. Do what is necessary. Start singing, "Takin' care of biiidness."
This is the only New Moon in your sign all year. What an opportunity! This means you have all week to prepare the resolutions or intentions you want to commit to by the end of the week (Friday/Saturday.) Does that sound too much like a midterm? At least, do some soft thinking about this. Who do you want to be in the world? What image do you want to project? What image do you want to project every day as you relate to others, especially those who are closest to you? It all boils down to - who do you want to be? Are you going to let life happen to you? Responding to crisis? Or do you want to take control and steer your course?
Some of you are having difficulty with a friend. Or perhaps a group. Or perhaps a friend who's in a group. Or maybe an enemy in a friendly group. Or it could be a lousy class you're stuck in. Or group you don't want to work with. So what are you going to do? You want to come out of this smelling like a rose. At least! The thing to know is this heavy-duty pressure is temporary. Either hop on a jet or hold your breath and wait till it blows over. You're one of the friendliest signs in the zodiac. If people are having trouble dealing with you -- that's their problem. But stay in touch with your inner core: it's your real being that holds your integrity. Can't lose that.
Power struggles with bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures might be driving you crazy right now. You want respect from people in authority. You care what other people think. But if something is becoming unbearable, what can you do? Your first loss is your cheapest loss. It might be time to cut bait and run. In the next few years, you're heading for a very powerful, successful time in your life. That's why you have to know when to hold, and when to fold. Meanwhile, the New Moon at the end of the week urges you to think about friendships. Do you like the friends you have? If you want to have friends -- all you have to do is be friendly.
Because you're a humanitarian and an idealist, it's easy to get carried away about political or religious ideas or movements to save the planet (which is in distress) or something like this. But being too passionate could obscure your effectiveness, and your ability to make intelligent, objective decisions or responses. Capice? In other words, your emotional state might be completely anti-productive. Probably, you should cool your jets. Focus on Friday's New Moon which urges you to think about how you deal with authority. And even beyond that -- what your general life direction is. Are you going in the direction you want to go? Do you even have a compass? (Or do you stick a wet finger in the wind?)
You're concerned with shared property, debt, taxes, insurance matters, inheritances, and how you divide responsibilities and possessions with somebody else. And some of you are passionately concerned about an intimate relationship. It figures. Why is passion always so passionate? Goes with the territory. Somewhere in all this you have to come to terms with somebody else's values. Not always easy. Nevertheless, Friday's New Moon is your best chance all year to think about what you want to achieve with publishing, the media or any kind of education and further training or even travel. What can you do to expand your experiences in life?