All Signs

Good news! By Friday, Mercury retrograde is over. [However, for those keeners who want to buy a truck, car or motorcycle, the truth is Mercury won't recover its lost distance (i.e. get back to where it was when it first started to go backwards) until November 18.] There are always levels of perfection. By next week delays in public transportation will diminish. Errors will be reduced. Communications will improve. But SPAM, bad cell phone reception and aching joints will remain. Some things are here to stay. Finish what you can this week to get ready for the future. It's not until you're in the future that you can change the past. I'm already planning what I want to change. (History is so flexible.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your idealism is along with your appreciation of beauty. Random circumstances and experiences might promote some kind of a religious epiphany or spiritual awakening or belief that if you're generous to your favourite charity you can book a good table in the hereafter. Alternatively, you might hear fabulous news (beyond your wildest dreams) about opportunities connected with publishing, the media, any kind of higher education, medicine and the law. A chance to travel somewhere or explore something quite fantastic might also turn your crank. The resources of others will help you at work now. You might even get a bonus!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You want to be free of debt; and have money in the bank,, and own your own land. Something related to the resources of others will make you feel richer this week. You might receive an inheritance, a bonus, a gift, or even the use of something that someone else owns. You feel fortunate for some reason. This is wonderful. Appreciation, especially on a daily basis, is one of the most important meditations any of us can ever do. After all, contentment is the key because happiness is wanting what you already have. Oh joy! Because you're feeling richer, some of you will plan a vacation this week with a partner or friend. Why not? After all, life is short -- and fat.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You feel unusually expectant and idealistic about partnerships and close friendships now. You've got a warm feeling in your tummy. You might feel unusual admiration or appreciation for someone. A casual relationship could elevate to something akin to star-crossed lovers and all that. True love at last! At the very least, you might join forces with someone, a partner or dear loved one to promote a noble cause or benefit those who are less fortunate than you. You will definitely appreciate the commitment you have with someone. You feel blessed by this association. In fact, you feel more than blessed, you feel empowered to do wonderful things in the world.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You feel warmhearted and kind to coworkers. Because of this you're willing to go more than halfway to help others. You find a whatever you do for others is very rewarding and satisfying. You feel you're a better person for the experience. Some of you are keen to explore new avenues of health concerns or promoting your own wellness in some way. At the same time, you're pleased with practical plans to make repairs where you live or improvements in some way. Discussions with parents or family members will be solid and serious. All of this makes you feel you have a good handle on things. It's easy to feel self-respect about whatever you're doing now.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Although you're focused on home and family, social occasions are fun! Those on vacation will really have fun. Romantic love with all its tender trappings might envelop you. You feel something very special with someone. ("Are you picking up acid rock through your Mercury fillings? I am too.") In a similar vein (different arm) some of you are delighted with children. You feel more confident about your creative talents. You realize you can do something that before you doubted you could. Make plans to act on this new found confidence. Write that book or explore other creative outlets that appeals. Chesterton said, "Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Even you are surprised at how gratified and grateful you are to enjoy your family and your home life. You feel blessed! Everything to do with your personal life is going so well now, you're frankly amazed. Relations with family members or satisfying and affectionate. Your attempts to create a bigger and better home for yourself are successful. You feel fortunate. Discussions with others about long-range plans for the future, especially practical matters, are successful. If you have an opportunity to practice generosity to family members or those with whom you live -- you'll feel so good about yourself. Almost smug. According to the dictionary, smug means to be highly self-satisfied. Nothing wrong with that.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You have such grand plans for the future. (This is good. It's wise to think about the future because you're going to have to spend the rest of your life there.) A note of happy hope pervades everything. Interactions with siblings and relatives are mutually generous and thoughtful. You want to get along with everyone. Not that you don't always but this week you feel inspired by some associations. Your mission is very strong now and your contemplating some pretty major projects. They don't scare you anymore. You know you can do it. You're ready to make serious plans about streamlining more getting rid of what you no longer need. Let's face it -- you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're feeling much more encouraged about your financial situation. Some of you are definitely earning more, and some of you are just feeling better about what you do earn. (It's surprising how much wealth is a state of mind.) Because of these good feelings, you will want to share your wealth with others, especially those who are more needy. Many of you will look for an opportunity to do this. If so, remember: true generosity is giving what is needed. Alternatively, you're also pondering some lavish, luxurious, elegant purchases. When you want something, you rarely hesitate. Ask someone older or more experienced about what you're wondering about. Their feedback will be helpful. ("Buy low, sell high.")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Something is occurring in your life right now that makes you feel very satisfied with your world and with who you are as a person. Perhaps you've been generous you're kind of others and the resulting feeling of satisfaction and self respect makes you glow. Perhaps you are the recipient of the generosity of others? Whatever it is -- you feel sparkly fairy dust all around you. It makes you inspire them to want to do bigger and better things for yourself, those around you and even the world. Steady, practical work behind the scenes or perhaps on your own, will impress bosses and VIPs. You see now that it really is important to take a moment to smell the roses.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

In my annual forecasts for this year (back in January) I talked about the possibility of dinner, spiritual growth for Capricorns. Whatever is occurring in your life right now definitely promotes this. You're more tuned into touchy-feely notions about life. You find it easy to be sympathetic to others. You feel genuine concern for the suffering of others. It's easy to be selfless and put the needs of others before your own right now. Discussions with someone about travel or publishing or higher education are solid and doable. All in all you feel grateful because you relate to the saying "I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no laptop."

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're a rugged individualist and a do-gooder. (Most Aquarians are humanitarians.) You want to make the world a better place; and you generally do so by congregating with like minds. This week you're in high gear about something. You're out there getting signatures and waving petitions and placards. Group activities, or possibly a specific friend, inspire you to do great things, especially on behalf of those who are needy. (This includes planet Earth.) However, you might also feel deeply moved with affection or inspired by someone. Something happens that makes you believe in the power of united effort. To rip one page is nothing. But to rip a phonebook is impossible. (United, we stand, divided, you've got toilet paper.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

I know and you know that you have a secret desire to save the world before bedtime. You're a tenderhearted, sensitive sign who definitely responds to the suffering of others. This week you might see ways of using your work or your career to make life better for others in some way. It's exciting and inspirational. You feel that what you are doing or what you are destined to do will make a difference in the world. (Pretty heady stuff.) If you can do this, you're very fortunate indeed. To be able to do anything that benefits others is a wonderful opportunity, especially if you get a company car, an expense account and buckets of money.