Be forgiving with yourself and others when silly errors, forgetfulness and small breakages occur. This is par for the course because we're in the middle of Mercury retrograde. (Oy!) It's like the futility of complaining about the rain while it's raining. We need to have an element of acceptance. However, this week the Sun moves from Libra into Scorpio, which will shift our focus for the next 4-6 weeks. A change is a welcome thing! And a bit exciting. There is a term "spannungsbogen" (I think connected with archery) that refers to the self-imposed delay between a desire for a thing, and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing. That's sort of what's happening. (Kinda sexy, eh?)
You're starting to feel more passionate about life. Your sexual energy is charged! Wooha! And this energy spills over into all aspects of your life. You passionately care about things -- your opinions, other people, events as well as finishing old business. "It will be done!" Because like attracts like, you'll meet someone who is super intense. ("Hi Darth.") This person might challenge your values or your attitude to handling shared property and investments. You're giving much thought to debt and what you share with others. Just how much do you want hanging over your head? Aye, there's the rub.
Your interaction with partners and close friends will become more important in the immediate future. If you have a partner, your exchanges will be more meaningful. But your most important opportunity now is a chance to observe how you act in your closest relationships. It's a beautiful learning curve. If you're effective and skilled with partnerships and relationships - you'll be happier! Factoid. (Obviously, the reverse is true.) And if you're not in a relationship, you'll be wondering about the possible benefits of being in one."What's it all about, Alfie?" I think the handy thing about a partnership is you don't have to fight with perfect strangers.
You're suddenly gung ho to get busy. You want to clean up your act. You want to get better organized at home and at work. In order to do this efficiently and quickly, give yourself the right tools to do a great job. Buy shelving, file folders, cupboards, tools, cleaning equipment, paint -- whatever you need. Just do it. This feeling doesn't always come along and grab you by the throat. Therefore, when it does -- act quickly! Sure, work is the curse of the drinking class; but work yields wonderful results. (And you'll love yourself for it afterwards.) After all, your primary focus is to establish an anchor or a home base that makes you feel secure. This doesn't happen just by itself.
Omigawd. It's your turn to have fun, flirt, enjoy a vacation, dabble in creative activities, enjoy the theatre and the arts, get involved in sports, and delight in playful activities with children. Start thinking happy thoughts! Actually, this is the only time all year when the Sun totally empowers you to kick up your heels. Don't miss a moment of this. Get yourself something sexy to wear. You need to feel like a million bucks. Just think of the joy you can spread! We all need a laugh or a little pick me up -- and you're the designated sign right now to do this for the rest of the world. It's a big job but you can do it because the best way to send an idea is to wrap it up in a person.
You're super focused on home, real estate matters, family activities and your private life. Many are shopping for your home so you can make everything look like a Leo palace. Leos always have their "chair" from which they rule the roost. I call it the CAP chair. (Central Analytical Position.) Time spent with family will be significant now, especially if talking to parents. However, at a deeper level, you're focusing on your inner home. You're getting in touch with your values. You need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, how do you know what or whom to keep in your life? As Dumbledore observed, "It is not our abilities that show what we truly are -- it is our choices."
Life is going to get busy! Expect short trips and reading, writing or studying more than usual. Siblings and relatives might suddenly grab your attention. But the bottom line of all this activity is this: you want to enlighten others! You want to inform people about your ideas, your plans and your recommendations. Ever since Saturn entered your sign at the beginning of September (where it's going to stay for the next 2 1/2 years) you have a sense of a new world starting to form. This is exciting! That means you have many choices ahead of you. You're making wardrobe changes. Hairstyle changes. Why? The best way to change your world is to change yourself.
You don't like discussing money or your financial details with others; but this doesn't mean you don't think a lot about money. Because you do! In the immediate future, you're thinking about money because you're spending it and thinking of ways to earn more so that you can do wonderful things with your hot little cash. You'd rather buy luxurious items as opposed to necessities. You'll buy a painting or a beautiful dish or fresh cut flowers before a hammer or pair of scissors. Beauty in your surroundings is like nourishment for you. You need it. This does not mean you're superficial. You know beauty comes from within -- within jars, tubes and bottles.
Finally, the Sun is entering your sign. That means it's all about you now. It's your turn to re-energize, replenish and restore your energy for the rest of the year. Because the entire world is having a Scorpio hit (Happy Halloween!) significant people and auspicious situations will be magically attracted to you. Make the most of this. Quite literally, make hay while the Sun shines. You create a fabulous impression of others now. However, you do want to be the boss. You also need to express yourself. And this is real! Don't dismiss it. This is one of the few times when your highest duty it is to yourself. All hail!
You can't be all things to all people all the time. In fact, during the next six weeks, you need to withdraw and pamper yourself with privacy. Work alone or behind the scenes if you can. So much is happening in your life. And because so much is coming to fruition now, you need some mental "cooking" time. Give yourself a get-away! You love the outdoors. Do whatever you can to get the feeling of a retreat. Since your birthday is soon approaching, you need time to think about how you want your new year to be different from your last year. Most of you are going to earn more money in the coming year. How are you going to do it?
Get ready for a popular six-weeks ahead. It's going to grab you whether you want it or not. Everyone wants to see your face. Accept all invitations. Enjoy the company of others. Attend meetings, group functions, conventions, classes and conferences. You're giving lots of thought to your goals and your future objectives. It will be helpful if you share your dreams with others because their feedback will be meaningful. ("Don't go that way -- the bridge is washed out.") It's important to cooperate with others now. Form working units with people or partnerships. Team efforts will payoff. Since your idealism is aroused now, you might join others to fight for a cause.
This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This acts like a spotlight on you. That's why others, especially parents, teachers and VIPs, notice you more than usual. Quite likely, someone will ask you to accept a special job or take on increased responsibilities for something. Don't worry. Say yes. You'll be able to handle whatever it is hands down. Conversations with parents, teachers and VIPs are important. But get this: even if you don't do anything special or different, people are impressed with you! Privately, think about the direction your life is headed. Are you going where you want to go?
Everything related to publishing, the media, higher education, travel, dealing with foreign countries (and also politics and religion) grabs your attention now. This is an exciting time to learn new things. Stuff is coming at you from all directions. You love this because you're determined to expand your knowledge and your awareness of things. This is a great time for travel or taking courses. Talk to people from different backgrounds. Break from routine. Visit galleries, books stores, museums. Do something different! You need to bombard yourself with new experiences. Auntie Mame was right: "Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"