All Signs

Mercury retrograde doesn't just start and end. It's more subtle. Mercury rules ground transportation, communications and daily activities, plus service industries, publishing, newspapers and postal services. These areas are affected as early as the beginning of October because Mercury is "slowing down" (before it goes retrograde on Oct. 11th.) Similarly, although Mercury moved "forwards" on Nov. 1, it's still moving forward slowly, and doesn't regain its lost ground until it comes to where it was when it first went retrograde. That date is Nov. 18th. Use the outer dates if you're buying a car, truck or motorcycle. Those are items that you want to go forward with ease - like Fred Astaire! (Not like Ginger Rogers who had to do it all backwards on high heels.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

As Mercury goes retrograde in the next month, there are two areas that will be most affected for you. One of them concerns everything to do with taxes, insurance matters, unpaid bills, shared property and anything you own in conjunction with someone else (including your debt.) Stay on top of this or the posse will be after you. However, some of you will also run into old friends and ex-partners. People from the past will be back in your life. Here too, you have an opportunity to tie up loose details or work on closure or finish old business. You can't just sweep things under the carpet. For one thing, it gets lumpy to walk on.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mercury is going retrograde directly opposite your sign. This is almost a guarantee you'll be dealing with ex-partners and people from your past. Lots of unfinished business must be dealt with. Fortunately, when Mercury is retrograde, it's actually easier to wrap up old business; but it's more difficult to go forward with new business. Many of you will also suffer delays, snafus, mixed up communications, cheques late in the mail and mucho silly errors at work. Don't be too worried about this. Mercury causes aggravation and delays but nothing is serious. It's just maddeningly annoying!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Since Mercury is your ruler, you'll feel this Mercury retrograde! Expect silly delays and errors connected with work. (Remember the Carpenters Rule: measure twice, cut once.) Take your time at work. Don't rush things. Allow extra time for delays or lost items or missing paperwork. Double check all your messages and communications with coworkers. If there's room for confusion -- it will occur! Some of you will also encounter old flames and lovers from your past. (Verrry interesting.) But this is a good time to settle matters about the care and maintenance of children. Don't beat yourself up when things go wrong. As Charlie Chaplin said, "In the end, everything is a gag."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As Mercury retrograde begins, some of you will run into ex-lovers and old flames from the past. You might also have an opportunity to deal with children's issues or anything to do with sports that is old business. But as Mercury retrograde continues, you'll likely become immersed in domestic issues that have been dragging on, or family matters that must finally be addressed. (Time for an intervention?) Relatives appearing out of the woodwork will put a strain on your fridge - but it will be easier to wrap up old business. That's the positive take. The downside is you're facing stuff you never really wanted to look at it in the first place! And so it goes.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're making lists. That's because you're trying to juggle the demands of family, relatives, domestic events and loose ends that you've let slide. (Join the club we number millions.) When Mercury goes retrograde, it's the reality test for, "one of these days", which of course really was "none of these days." There are stumbling blocks and delays that are frustrating; however, if we view Mercury retrograde times as an opportunity to wrap up unfinished business on the back burner in an easier way than usual, then we can put a positive spin on things. Double check your appointments. Stay on top of transportation. Pay your phone bill. "Can you hear me now?"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Like Gemini, you have a special connection to Mercury. Therefore, when it goes retrograde about three times a year, your life kinda falls apart. But only in little ways. (You still know your name and where you stash your vitamins.) This particular Mercury however, will probably go hardest in areas related to transportation and communications. Misplaced items, lost papers, circular conversations that go sideways, and old business with relatives and siblings will test your patience. The best way to approach this is simply to acknowledge it's happening. The best use of Mercury retrograde is to finish what is already on your plate screaming, "Remember me?"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You have a funny relationship to money. It's not that you don't talk about money, because you do; but you don't really like to "speak" about money or haggle or get bogged down with forms and dealing with taxes and bills. (Naturally, you can do this. And when you do these things and finish them -- you're very pleased with yourself.) But you would far prefer to buy art for your living room. This month you're going to have to deal with past money related issues. It could involve how you earn money, and also how you've been spending it. Do whatever you can to get on top of your game in this respect. Get it out of the way. In fact, complete some of this stuff, and throw a party later. Invite a hundred of your best friends to a solvency soiree.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Mercury is going retrograde in your sign, dear Scorpio. This definitely brings you face to face with ex-partners, old friends, and dealing with a lot of unfinished business from your past. You can definitely handle this. You're decisive and willful and energetic. Think about what your objectives are. What do you want to achieve in order to clear up your life in these areas? What needs to be settled? In the meantime, allow extra time for silly errors, lost items, mixed up communications and figuring out what to wear when you see all these people you haven't seen for ages. Put a positive spin on it. This is your chance to clean up your act!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Quite a few of you will get bogged down with delays, red tape, plus dealings with the government and large institutions. This is because of where Mercury retrograde is occurring in your chart. It could also jiggle loose feelings of self doubt. You might find yourself questioning everything! It's as if deep stuff in your subconscious is being stirred up. Before you react, think about this. Some of what is stirred up will be the false notion that you can't do something. While it festers hidden below the surface of things, it has power over you. But if you face these doubts in the light of day, you'll realize they're unfounded. Voila! Who needs to carry this baggage around?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Old friends and faces from the past are back in your life again. And if you haven't seen any lately, stay tuned because they're arriving tomorrow. Actually, it's good to have history with people. A sense of continuity in your relationships with others helps you to position your own life and your own development. Welcome these chances to talk to people you haven't seen for awhile. These associations could trigger something within you which in turn, makes you change your goals or reclaim some old goals. Who knows? This is a time of preparation in your life and you know it. Get feedback from wherever you can. It will be helpful to you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This month Mercury retrograde will be occurring at the very top of your chart. Many of you will be in contact with parents and bosses you haven't seen for a while. (Houdini: "Is that you mother?") This could be good or full of angst depending what your scene is. However, quite another thing might occur. Some of you will have an opportunity to reopen negotiations for an old job or a previous promotion that didn't materialize. It's like you've got a second kick at the can. This could be helpful. Opportunities to travel some place again or take a course or some kind of training that you refused before might also resurface. Lastly, you might resurrect some dreams and ideas you had about your life direction in general. "I will go to Lhasa!"

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month, all your dealings with universities, higher education, schools, publishing, the media, medicine and the law will be subject to errors and delays. Forewarned is forearmed. You might be mortified at little mistakes you make that make you look like a chump in the eyes of others. But it's all small potatoes, really. On the upside, some of you will have a second chance to travel somewhere or get further training. It's as if opportunities are returning to you. People from distant places might be back in your life. It will be interesting. Double-check your work and allow extra time for everything. Oh yeah.