All Signs

Let's do a recap of the changes we face due to Saturn's recent shift to Virgo; and the continued blessings of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius. (Since Mercury is dancing with Saturn right now, this is a great time to think about the future in practical terms.) Plus, making plans helps us to make decisions; but more than that - it helps us to define our priorities, which in turn, helps us to focus on what we think is most important in our lives. Example: my plan is to stay alive. Therefore, I must eat. This naturally begs the question, "What's in the fridge?" "Ah ha!" Now I know I must hightail it to the store to get Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. And maybe corn chips! See how easy it is?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're entering a 2-3-year period where you'll work very hard. In fact, you might work harder than you ever have. (Like wow.) This doesn't mean you're suddenly trapped in the salt mines. Au contraire. It means you've chosen something that requires mucho steady effort. Your domestic scene is besieged in months to come because of renovations, moves, visiting guests or a big, new project. (After all, you are the artisan of the zodiac.) Please note: this turmoil requires extra patience on your part when dealing with others. The good news is opportunities to travel or take training or further education in some way look wonderful! Ditto for publishing, teaching, medicine and the law. More nachos?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Some of you will face increased responsibilities with children in the next few years. Others might become romantically involved with someone older or more experienced. (Hmm -experience can give one good judgment.) However, all of you will feel a desire to manifest a dream of some kind. We all have secret dreams - our "what ifs?" Sometimes life presents the raw materials and opportunities to make those dreams come true. You'll try hard to create a situation that allows you to express your talents and interests. Fortunately, Jupiter will attract the money, means and assistance from others to make this dream a reality. Would I kid you?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your home scene has been all over the map in the last few years. Now you see me, now you don't. In the next few years ahead, you'll put an end to this vague game of musical chairs. You want to put down roots. You feel an increasing need to establish a solid anchor for yourself in the world. If you can buy land, or a house, or a condo or a teepee -- you will. You'll also work hard to renovate or repair where you live. Similarly, changes could take place to the structure of your family as well as your home. Fortunately, the support from a partner or friend will make all of this easier and more joyful. (They've got your back.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Not since the 70s, has fiery Mars been in your sign as long as it's going to be -- starting now. Yikes! (It does not move into Leo until May 2008.) This indicates a time of great activity in your life. Furthermore, you'll be unusually assertive and energetic because you know you have a chance to show the world what you can do. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you're contemplating residential moves and/or job changes. (Not a thing you do lightly.) All this will fall nicely into place because you have the best opportunity to improve your work scene that you've had in over a decade! Do not fear changing jobs now. The gods are with you!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's a curious combo for your sign. In one way, you're getting more serious about finances, and fine-tuning your possessions. You want to make what you own work for you. You want to enjoy your possessions, and have the right thing for the right place. You're thinking of new sources of income to hedge your bets against tight financial squeezes, and you also want to buy treasures and spend on pleasure! That's because Jupiter is now in the most fun part of your chart. We're talking vacations, love affairs, romance, rewarding times with sports and working with children, and lots of schmoozing. It's time to accessorize!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're becoming increasingly involved with groups and group activities (possibly through sports, clubs and associations.) This involvement also gives you the chance to direct the efforts of others. ("Do this! Do that! Do everything!") Meanwhile, at this juncture in your life -- you're setting off on a new course of reinventing yourself. (Even if this notion hasn't occurred to you yet.) Fortunately, favourable support from your home and domestic scene will encourage and inspire you in this journey. (Admit it - you haven't been this happy at home for ages!) Naturally, this is also an excellent time for real estate deals or improving your own home.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're gearing up for some major action. Normally, Mars stays about seven weeks in a sign. But through a rare celestial fluke, it remains at high noon in your chart for about seven months! The last time this happened was about 30 years ago. You'll be very ambitious to achieve whatever you want to do. ("Outta my way!") Meanwhile, Saturn is stirring things in a different direction. More and more, you'll want to divest yourself of anything that's no longer relevant or useful. You'll start to dismantle things. You'll go through closets, cupboards and garages getting rid of possessions. Then people. Perhaps even places. Time to streamline! Cut the clutter.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your mission should you choose to accept it (and really you have no choice) is to learn how to skillfully integrate with groups. It's time to enter the Tribe. People from different countries and socioeconomic backgrounds will give you a lot of input, which in turn, could trigger travel opportunities or opportunities in publishing, the media, higher education, further training, medicine and the law. It's all very exciting. And it's all very doable. These multifarious contacts could also directly or indirectly boost your earnings. It's also time to expand your mind. Creative, intellectual work will appeal. (But avoid political and religious arguments.) Your epitaph will not be: "I have become me without my consent."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is not a casual time. Not at all. You're heading into a time of harvest where all the seeds you've planted in the past 14 years will come to fruition. (You might want to do a bit of weeding.) For the next eight months, you might undergo some disputes about inheritances, mortgages, shared property or shared debt. (Sounds like fun.) Not! Fortunately, lucky Jupiter continues to be in your sign for the rest of the year. This attracts important people and favourable circumstances to you. So at a time of culmination and achievement in your life, Jupiter is on hand to bless you as well! (Looks like you've set this up quite beautifully.) Bravo!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is most definitely a time of preparation for your sign. You know it. I know it. The stars know it. You're getting ready for something major in about three years, maybe sooner. However, fiery Mars is going sit right across from your sign for months to come. This will encourage disputes with partners and close friends. Whaaat? Be patient and charming with others. Don't force things. Especially this month, because the Sun is high in your chart calling attention to you, particularly with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. The good news is gifts, advantages, neighbours and financial goodies can come your way now. Plus sex is affectionate and sweet. Awww. Gosh. (Mom always liked you best.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

For a number of reasons, you're going to work very hard in the next 8-10 months. We're talking busting buns! Some of you will do this because partners (intimate or professional) are no longer giving you some practical support. Drat! But it's a motivator! Past discussions with bosses and parents might bear fruit now. (It's certainly worth going back to revisit some of these.) People enjoy your company now. Your influence with friends and groups is particularly strong until the end of the year, and even into 2008. People love you because you love them. As you well know, Aquarius is a sign of brotherhood, sisterhood and Star Trek. "Live long and prosper!"

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're feeling very playful. (And you intend to fool around for quite a few more months.) You're in the mood for flirtations, vacations, prankish jokes, fun times with children, and any kind of opportunity in the entertainment world or the hospitality industry. "I want it all!" This is a particularly defining year for you. For the first time in 14-16 years, you're stepping up on stage ready to take a bow. Quite likely, something will call attention to you, perhaps praise or some kudos for something you've just done. "I did it all!" You're passionately and sexually exuberant. With lucky Jupiter sailing across the top of your chart, triggering great career progress, your name is on everyone's lips. "I kissed them all!"