All Signs

Several changes this week: The Sun is moving into Libra, which shifts everyone's attention to a different area. On Wednesday, there's a Harvest Full Moon in Aries. (Watch out for a buildup of tension on Monday and Tuesday.) Meanwhile, the third (and last) Mercury retrograde this year is looming ahead. Technically, Mercury goes retrograde on October 11; however, we'll feel its influence very soon (delays, errors, breakdowns in communication and transportation). Look at your car or truck. If something can go wrong, it will. Pay your phone bill. Communications are also under attack. However, nothing to fear. This is all business as usual; it's just different business. (Actually, business is so bad even shoplifters have stopped coming.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Sun is now opposite your sign, which totally highlights close friendships and partnerships for you. This increased focus could start off on a shaky foot because the Full Moon is also in your sign, and this always brings increased tension between you and those closest to you (including important clients.) Remember: you have a short fuse. (Gentlemen, this is not an insult.) Consider it an opportunity to practice patience. After all, the more patience you develop, the easier your life will be in every respect, especially vis a vis your own health, and those around you! Your ruler Mars makes you unusually assertive now. But why not be assertive and happy way instead of just bossy?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You'll be working hard in the next six weeks because your desire to get better organized is growing. (Oh yeah.) Be patient with coworkers and clients because the Full Moon could cause problems at the beginning of the week. Furthermore, this Mercury retrograde will increase confusion, delays, cancellations, and mixed up communications related to your work, especially if you're in a service industry. Think of it as a storm on the way. It's time to furl the sails and batten down the hatches. What can go wrong? Think of where you're "behind." Do whatever you can to minimize these glitches, and at the same time, strengthen your position to withstand these annoyances. C'est la vie. (It's minor stuff.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Fiery Mars continues to give you mucho vim and vigour! Start to direct this energy to vacations, love affairs, fun times and social occasions. And let's not forget sports or working with children. The next six weeks are one of the best times all year for you to enjoy yourself! Even Venus is cooperating by making you extra charming and diplomatic. (Smoochie boochies!) However, the Full Moon this week could stress friendships. Be forgiving. Your ruler Mercury is going retrograde, which means transportation and communication problems are likely. Ditto for confusion and mixed up communications at work. Oy vey. Fortunately, your fun and pleasure outweigh these snags.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

In the next few weeks, your attention will turn to home, family, feathering your nest and domestic matters. You might need more privacy because memories of your youth and other stuff make you unusually introspective. Time alone could be productive. (" So that's where my navel is!") Family members and relatives from the past are back on the scene for some reason if not now, then very soon. This particular Full Moon could create extra tension with parents and family members, (and bosses and authority figures!) You'll be doing a lot of private thinking. You can tell the winds of change are blowing in your direction. (Never take a fence down unless you know why it was put up.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Life is getting busier! Your dance card is full. (But that's okay because you're happier this month, haven't you noticed?) However, guard against transportation delays (fix car problems now) and communication glitches. (Pay your phone bill.) Siblings and relatives will figure more prominently in your life. Fortunately, communications with others will be productive, rewarding and successful. In large measure, this is because you have a strong desire to enlighten others about something in the next month. (When you speak, others listen.) Your challenge is to figure out how to keep your shirt on while you get something off your chest!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Ah sweet Virgo - so many changes on the horizon! You're moving inexorably toward your new destiny. (Someone once wrote (Sappho?) "I always knew one day this would happen. But yesterday, I did not know it would be today.") Both the Full Moon and Mercury retrograde could create tension related to money, cash flow and your possessions. But this is nothing you can't handle. You're working to get your money house in order. Your ambition is aroused; and you're determined. You have opportunities to expand your home or your real estate. Now you just have to summon up the resources to make this dream a reality. Expect transportation delays; and cheques late in the mail. Oy! It was ever thus.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is in your sign recharging your batteries for the rest of the year. Happy Birthday! This week is also the only time all year when the Full Moon is directly opposite you, which means friction with partners and close friends could erupt; in which case, you have to go more than halfway to compromise. Retrograde Mercury can help you deal with loose financial ends -- returning items, collecting accounts receivables, paying bills etc. You're starting to think about what you want to keep in your life, versus what you want to throw out, let go or leave behind. Streamline! Less clutter equals more peace of mind.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Retrograde Mercury will soon take place in your sign which is a guarantee that you'll be dealing with all kinds of old business -- people, events, circumstances and business. ("Oh that again.") The Full Moon this week could create some tension with coworkers. No big deal. Since your birthday will arrive in a month, this is the ideal time for you to give yourself a report card. How well are you doing at the art of living? How do you want your new year to be different from last year? Your sex drive is strong now. Good - you're passionate and you enjoy recreational sex. (In fact, it's your favourite hobby.) Business partnerships can benefit as well because your earnings continue to look good.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

While Mars opposes you, you'll need to be extra patient with partners and close friends. (Despite how trying they can be.) You're entering a popular six weeks where everyone wants to see your face. Accept all invitations. This is a very good time to formulate a goal plan. By nature, you are future oriented, and the month ahead is a wonderful time to set future objectives. Travel, publishing, the media, medicine and the law are beautifully favoured now. Try to blow town of you can. You love to see those telephone poles going by. Jupiter is still in your sign until the end of the year, bringing you good fortune and opportunities. Make the most of this!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Look at you! The Sun is at high noon in your chart for the next 4-6 weeks. This acts like a spotlight on you, which is why so many people will notice you more than usual, especially bosses, VIPs, parents and the like. Furthermore, they're very impressed with you even if you don't do anything special. (The power of the Sun.) Old friends are back in your life again. (It's good to have history with people.) Mars is pushing you to work especially hard now; and fortunately -- Venus brings you gifts, goodies and financial advantages from others. It's all good. Be patient with family members this week because of the Full Moon. Remember: happiness is basically a habit.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're starting to feel an itch to travel. Others might feel an itch to learn something new or sign up for courses or training of some kind. In the next six weeks, you definitely want to expand your experience of life somehow either through travel, education or trying new things. Publishing, the media, medicine and the law might also play a greater role. Have you noticed this month that you're happier? Well, you are. You're more playful, prankish, frisky and affectionate. (The last two years ain't been easy.) Old business with bosses and parents will arise now. Be cautious this week because this Full Moon is slightly accident prone for you. Oops.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're definitely focused on money, cash flow, your possessions and your whole financial position more than usual. You might be dealing with shared property or how to divide something with a partner, especially an ex-partner. This could be a major focus for the next few years because you're undergoing major readjustments in your partnerships with others. Fortunately, work looks promising and relations with coworkers are pleasant. In your private life, you feel much more passionate and intense. You don't want to skim along on the surface of things. You want to meet life head on, preferably with a big juicy kiss! Smack! (Stealing a kiss may be petty larceny, but it's usually grand.)