All Signs

Darth Vader Pluto is associated with death, destruction but also -transformation and resurrection. The phoenix rising from the ashes. Meanwhile, Mars is aggressive and pushy! These two planets now oppose each other; and will slowly jockey into position for a Mexican standoff on Thursday/Friday. This means all of us will have power struggles taking place in different parts of our lives this week. Please note: this opposition encourages ruthless ambition. It can even provoke violence (Mars rules war, and Pluto rules nations, crime and genocide.) We'll all have to deal with this opposition in varying degrees of intensity. But for some - it might simply mean you burn the toast that morning. Remember a closed mouth gathers no feet. (Yup -- there's no time like the pleasant.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be careful this week! The powerful energy that I refer to in All Signs above can make you accident prone. It certainly encourages arguments with others because you will vehemently believe in what you're saying, which means you feel you have to prove that you're right. Disagreements with siblings and relatives are likely; as are disputes about contracts, agreements and matters related to buying and selling, writing and studying, and anything to do with ground transportation and communications in general. Hasty words can fly! But what's the point if you only alienate others? Who wants to be "right" and totally unpopular? Cool your jets. You can skate through this unscathed if you're patient and diplomatic.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Power struggles about possessions, money, debt, mortgages and shared property are practically unavoidable this week. Naturally, you take these things seriously. You're never casual about money, land, and what's in the bank. Disputes about the responsibilities for children might also come to a head. Far better to look for a peaceful way to resolve these differences rather than butt heads! In fact, if you do encounter huge resistance, seek out the advice of someone who has something to offer to you. Get the information you need; or perhaps you just need someone to bolster your side and cheer you on from the sidelines? Do whatever works for you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Listen up. Mars is in your sign, and this week it directly opposes big daddy Pluto sitting right opposite you. The stage is set for power struggles and disagreements with partners, close friends and those who are closest to you. This might also include important clients. Naturally, you don't want to have a miserable time with others. So what are you going to do? There's no question you're tempted to fly off the handle, and enter into combat with someone you care about. But what is the upside of this? Try not to get suckered into this conflict. Whatever is at stake will likely not be ironed out until March 2008. And hey -- when the annals of history are written -- how important is this really? Tread carefully and practice patience.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Many of you might be discouraged because you feel someone, perhaps even a secret enemy, is working against you behind the scenes. (Quel bummer!) Furthermore, you feel powerless. Quite likely, some kind of competition exists here. Someone might feel threatened. The best way to approach this is to keep everything aboveboard and be as honourable as you can. Be open and forthright. (Secrets are only powerful if they're kept secret.) However, do avoid dark alleys and crime-ridden areas and the like. Don't take any chances this week, especially Thursday/Friday. Guard your possessions. Trust everyone and always lock your door.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It definitely looks like this Mars/Pluto influence will tempt you to get into trouble with friends and groups. You might even have a power struggle related to children, the arts, vacations or entertaining diversions. (When you throw a party, you like to run things.) However, haven't you noticed how much happier you are this month? Even if nothing changes, your whole perspective on life is waaay more positive. You feel more confident and more relaxed about everything. It's just easier to be happy! Therefore, whatever tension does arise shouldn't throw you off your game too much. You're bighearted and noble. Cut others some slack. If you don't make a big deal about things, whatever problems arise will probably just fade away.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This Mars/Pluto influence (see All Signs) hits you where you live. I say this because it's a power struggle, and for you, the power struggle takes place with authority figures, parents, bosses, teachers or the police. (Gulp.) Naturally, when you're dealing with authority figures, power struggles are more likely. (Ya think?) Because Pluto is involved, tread carefully. You're up against Darth Vader. Be mindful and aware that you don't create more opposition to you which will only makes your life more difficult. Who needs this? You're ambitious with certain projects right now, and this makes you almost ruthlessly determined. Nevertheless, don't insist on taking control. Don't force anything. Do enlist the help of others if necessary.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Issues about publishing, traveling, educational matters or racial tensions could come to a head this week. You might feel correct and righteous because you're fighting for something morally or philosophically important. However, by taking a stand are you creating more division or more tension with someone? Ultimately, you want something, even if it is just agreement or consent. Avoid an emotional, knee-jerk reaction to others. Think about what your objective is. Once you know what you really want, think how you can most skillfully achieve this. (You always get more flies with honey than with vinegar.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Interpersonal power struggles about shared possessions, debt, money, other people's property, loans and mortgages, or how the responsibilities for others are handled could flare up this week. You're very intense, and inclined to quickly see things in a black-and-white way. But in truth, the world is gray -- not black-and-white. Things are never as cut and dried or as clear as we would like them to be. This means you have to give others some wiggle room. Don't be quick to take offense. Don't try to take control. Look for what you share in common with someone else. Make your success their success. These complications could flare up again in January next year. By March, they'll be settled.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Stay off your heels this week. Pluto is in your sign, and its opposition to Mars quite literally makes you part of this dicey formula. It can definitely be a signal that difficulties with partners and close friends are erupting or coming to a head. If so, you'll know this by the end of the week. When these two planets clash, ruthless power struggles can take place. It's like that moment in poker when both players have a good hand. There's a driven, ambitious element at work here. Unless you want to become embroiled in something nasty, avoid heavy duty discussions. Wait until this week is over and some fresh air makes things more workable. If others are wearing boxing gloves why talk to them?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're a perfectionist at heart. Right now you're working very hard either at your job or in your private life to restore or, renovate, replace, repair something or steer the efforts of others. Your hands are full! Since there is so much on the line, you're determined to run things successfully, and make everything turn out the way you want it to turn out. (Nothing wrong with that.) However, if you meet with opposition, especially from an unexpected or hidden source, your first reaction might be to redouble your efforts. Ironically, maybe this is a signal you should step back for a moment? Think about it. If you change your goals, a retreat can become an advance.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Power struggles between parents and children, and power struggles between romantic partners are highly likely this week, especially by Thursday/Friday. Both these events are completely anti-productive. No doubt you're dealing with someone you're very fond of. Of course, the more you care about someone, the more attachment you have to them, which in turn, robs you of moderation and common sense. Oy! Continue to work hard if you have the cooperation of others. If someone wants to block you, perhaps you should agree to a delay. Be reasonable. This problem might not go away entirely until after February 2008. Patience.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're really feeling the pressure at home now or within your domestic sphere. Renovations, residential moves, domestic stress, increased activities at home, visiting guests -- whatever -- might rob you of your peace of mind. There is definitely a buildup of tension here, especially with authority figures and parents. Don't be pushy. Cool your heels. Whatever you're dealing with might not be settled until the end of February, 2008. Quite likely, it will first resurface in January. Therefore, just take notes. Watch what's happening, and figure out the most skillful way to skate through this number. (After all, you're marvelous on your feet!)