All Signs

Holy Virgo! For the first time in 27 years, Saturn is in Virgo. And retrograde Venus in Virgo just turned around last Friday. And a Solar Eclipse on Sept. 11th will be in Virgo. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a Cosmic Cross is taking place between the Sun in Virgo, opposite Uranus in Pisces; and Mars in Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius. (That's the 'cross' thang.) These are all Mutable Signs. (They're shape shifters.) This Cosmic Cross sets up a kind of tension that makes you want to chew your food 36 times before swallowing, and run back to double-check whether you locked your car or your front door. (Dontcha love it?) Mutable signs know it's not over 'til the fat lady sings. And once you've heard the truth -- everything else is cheap whiskey.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Solar Eclipse on Tuesday is the perfect opportunity to think about how you can improve your health. What can you do to feel better, look better and function better? For starters, you can reduce or avoid whatever you're doing that's harmful. Even a reduction of harm is a help. (Less coffee, less booze, less cigarettes, less whatever.) And if you want to go beyond this (and why not?) you can introduce something that benefits your body -- increased exercise or healthier eating. Drink more water. Eat fruit and vegetables. Finish your dessert. (A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Solar eclipse on September 11 is your chance to make resolutions about enhancing your sense of self. Do you value your self enough to make sure you have a good time? Do you take vacations? Do you make plans to play with friends and have fun? Do you feel attractive and desirable enough to flirt with others? (You devil.) Are you lighthearted enough to enjoy playful times with children? Do you appreciate expressing your creative talents? Art, romance, pleasure and beauty are part of the balance of life. (That and clean towels and fresh sheets.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

On Monday and Tuesday, you have a wonderful opportunity to make some resolutions about how to create a better home for yourself. What can you do to better enjoy where you live? Certainly, you can start by reducing clutter and cleaning up stuff. Get rid of what you don't need, and organize what you keep. When you feel your home life is more organized, you're more empowered to go out into the crazy, cluttered world. "I am Neatnick!" You have a strong, clean base. Similarly, when you improve your relations with family and those you live with -- you have a warm feeling in your tummy. (Gosh.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Each month the New Moon gives us a chance to make resolutions on how we can improve our life. And each month, these resolutions apply to a different area. The New Moon on September 11 is all about communications with others, especially communications with siblings and relatives for your sign. Just because you open your mouth and say something doesn't mean you're communicating. Are you saying something that makes sense to others? Do you feel responsible for their ability to understand you? (Think about that.) Apparently, in the best of communications only about 40% is actually getting back and forth. The other 60% goes to taxes.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

All these changes taking place in Virgo are the perfect time to start to think about how to handle your resources, your money, and your possessions. Think how you can cut your losses and increase your financial effectiveness. Streamline whatever you can. Think about new sources of income. And think about ways to reduce debt and casual overspending (you know who you are.) You can run your scene very nicely if you're in control. It's when you get out of control that things get nasty. Distinguish between your needs and your wants. This is a fun-loving year where entertainment costs can soar. Time to take the helm!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's all about you, dear Virgo. A lot is taking place in your life. Many of you are setting off in new directions, because you're at the beginning of a number of cycles. One of them is a 29 year cycle where you'll completely create a whole new identity for yourself, hence, a new world. (Major!) That's why you're letting go of some friendships and possessions and even places. You're creating room for new stuff to enter your life. In the next few years, these changes could even necessitate a different daily wardrobe. Clothes are important. You don't see many naked people in places of power. (Except on satellite TV.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The changes that are taking place in your life now are occurring at a subconscious level. Others might not be aware of them; and you might not be aware of them. But you sense an increasing discomfort or displeasure or disinterest with some people, places and possessions. Since you need harmonious surroundings, when anything is too jarring or unpleasant -- it's gotta go! The difficulty is you're loath to tell people what they don't want to hear. But hey -- you come first. Your survival and your peace of mind matter! It's time to think about what you don't need and set it adrift. ("So long-- write if you get work.")

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You've been flexing your muscles for the last few years, testing the waters to find out what you can achieve and where the brick wall really is. Now you have a sense of what you're capable of. Your future challenge is how to merge what you've learned with working with others. In other words, how can you maintain your independence and personal integrity, and yet be a member of the tribe? One way is to find others who share your goals. Then it's a win/win partnership. Therefore, talk to people about your goals for the future. Find people who share your values. Maybe they'll lend you money!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a major period in your life because all this Virgo stuff is taking place at high noon in your chart. For starters, you're going to have to give a lot of thought to how you relate to bosses, parents, teachers and other authority figures in your life (including the police.) Get a handle on this. In the next few years, others will look to you for direction because you're experiencing a time of harvest when all the seeds you planted in the last 7-10 years are going to ripen. This is a hugely powerful time in your life! And on top of that, lucky Jupiter is still in your sign bringing you lots of good fortune and luck! (Sweeeet.) Quite literally, it's time to step up to the plate. Make hay while the sun shines. Flex your muscles!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's time to start to think positive thoughts. Dream big and expect the best. All this activity in Virgo is taking place in your fellow Earth Sign. This is a positive boost for you because you're an Earth Sign as well. This means the wind is at your back; you're rowing with the tide. This is a time of preparation. Therefore, seek out any kind of further training or education or valuable experiences through travel that you can find. You need to become as sophisticated, polished and worldly as you can so that when future opportunities come to you in the next few years, you're prepared to take advantage of them. Things are just getting better for you. At the end of this year, lucky Jupiter enters your sign for the first time in 12 years. It's all good! In fact, it's better than good -- it's great!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The Solar Eclipse this week is one of the best times all year for you to pull your act together with respect to how you're handling debt, shared possessions, jointly held property, inheritances, insurance matters and similar red tape issues. This stuff won't go away on its own. Maybe you have to look your debt scene right in the face? (Aagghh! That was ugly and scary!) Because Venus is opposite your sign now, partners are very cooperative. This is a good time to negotiate things on your terms. Travel plans as well as back-to-school plans or anything to do with publishing also look very sweet indeed. What you're really trying to establish is a feeling of independence. Yo.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a momentous time in your life because all this activity in Virgo is taking place directly opposite your sign. This means partnerships -- intimate, personal and professional -- are a primary focus in your life. You're trying to establish terms in new relationships, or establish the terms by which a current relationship might end. You want to be fair to others and you want to be fair to yourself. That is the key. For a partnership to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. (But hey -- the best laboursaving device is a rich partner.) Be patient with family members at home just now. For your own sake.