This week fiery Mars makes a harsh aspect to wild, wacky, unpredictable Uranus. This is a highly accident prone phenomenon! In fact, its influence might already have been felt in the last week. Not only does Mars rule war and aggression, it's related to our ego and our knee-jerk responses to life. That's why people with Aries in their chart are like little firecrackers in their response to things. This planetary aspect is not only explosive, it also provokes feelings of rebellion and independence. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Fortunately, Mercury is moving into Libra, the sign of charm and diplomacy. Whew! (Will Rogers defined diplomacy as the art of saying "Nice doggie", until you find a rock.)
This accident prone warning (see above) really applies to you, dear Aries! (And this warning might be too late.) Nevertheless, take your time in everything you do. Think twice before you speak (in fact, thrice.) Your energy system is highly impetuous and impatient right now, and this can lead to misguided comments, rash reactions, minor breakages, accidents and social blunders. Oy vey! Relations with siblings are rocky too. Don't get suckered into trying to win an argument or getting the last word or proving you're right. These are just the carrots that tempt you. Therefore, heed this ultimato! (That's the choice of eating your vegetables or going to bed without dessert.)
Be very careful with your money and your possessions this week. Actually, you're always very careful with your money and possessions. I feel like I'm telling a dental hygienist to brush their teeth. Be careful of investments as well. Breakage and loss to your possessions could occur. Impulsive spending and spontaneous purchases could prove to be dicey. Your involvement with partners and friends over money or shared possessions could also blow up in your face. Do make friends with your bank account to avoid bouncing cheques. Some of you might want to quit your day job. Don't do it this week. You're not in a rational frame of mind.
Please read All Signs above. Fiery Mars is now in your sign. Yup. This means you. That's why you feel so restless and impulsive. You want to be free of all kinds of restraints. You will rebel against anyone who tries to control you or tell you what to do. You're very keen to make ongoing creative change in your life. However, if you have waited too long (until things are now intolerable) you will snap! (Oh dear.) Authority figures and old relationships from the past will be the first to go. You'll assert your power now in a very individualistic way. If you've been resisting a need for change - you'll notice disruptions in your life. Now is the time for new approaches to things. Your old way of dealing with things doesn't work anymore. Hey -- life moves on. And so it goes.
You might have some pent-up anger simmering on the back burners of your mind. You might not even be aware of this. But if you feel vaguely unhappy and restless, and quick to take offense - you're quietly seething about something. Whatever it is -- wants to break free at this time. Up until now, you kept these feelings buried, maybe even from yourself. But that's now history. You're not going to be Queen of Denial anymore. Oh no. Actually, you'll feel relieved to put your cards on the table. It's good to get things out in the open. Even if you feel rebellious about something - finally, you will speak! ["Excuse me?" (Much waving of hands.) "Excuse me?! May I go to the washroom?"]
Something very surprising might take place in a close friendship. Or possibly, it will occur with a casual acquaintance or a member of a group. Whatever happens could be a rupture of this relationship or some kind of explosion or argument or an expression of differing opinions. Or someone might do something hugely unexpected and surprising? Or someone is a bit bizarre and unorthodox. You will likely feel the need to assert yourself and define your boundaries with others, particularly a group. One thing is certain: you're prepared to fight for your rights -- as you should be. (Groveling does not become you.) After all, there are five kings: clubs, spades, diamonds, hearts and Leos.
Something interesting is definitely taking place in your life. You've been letting go of many things -- giving up people, places and possessions in the last few years. And it ain't been easy. Secret love affairs have kept some of you busy. (Naughty, naughty.) Now some kind of disruption or power struggle with parents, teachers and an authority figure in your life really sucks. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) You've already got a lot going on in your life. Nevertheless, if push comes to shove, you'll make a break for your freedom. Just make sure you're not jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Remember: joy will come to you through family, land and an expansion of your domestic scene. Make sure this happens.
In All Signs above, I describe an explosive, planetary aspect that is occurring between Mars and Uranus. However, it could mean something entirely different for your sign. Whereas some people will have explosive arguments and even accidents, you might have the courage and impetus to break through to another level of understanding about religion or politics. Or conversely, you might break free from a rigid life belief system or set of attitudes. Changes in travel plans and matters connected with education, publishing and the media are definitely likely. Despite the possible upsets, you will likely feel liberated in some way. "Clap your hands if you believe in fairies!"
Something disturbing or upsetting could occur during discussions about shared property, debt, taxes or anything to do with your partner's income or wealth. Something unexpected here will catch you unawares. You might feel rebellious about carrying the responsibility for something. You might want to break free from some kind of financial or property arrangement. You no longer want to be beholden to anyone. Disagreements about estates are likely. (You never really know someone until you have to share an inheritance with them. Oh yeah.) This same influence could make you highly sexual and keen to explore kinky, new possibilities. Since you enjoy recreational sex -- this could be great diary material.
Without question, you need to be extra diplomatic, and extra patient, and extra tolerant with partners and close friends. Do you get my drift? Extra! ("And no capes!") However, tolerance, diplomacy and patience will almost certainly desert you. Ego conflicts with partners and close friends just erupt out of nowhere. When this happens, remind yourself what it is you really want. In other words, do you want a fight or a happy friendship? Surely, this is a no-brainer. Of course, the upside might be that you can clear the air about something that needs to be said. You tend to be a people-pleaser like Libra. Sometimes you have to forget about pleasing everyone else and just please yourself.
The planetary aspect that I refer to in All Signs above will likely affect your job and possibly your health. In a tiny way, it could be your own undoing because you're very determined about something right now. And your own determination and aggression is what might backfire! Be very careful. Expect interruptions, cancellations, computer crashes, machinery failure, even power outages. Something will come out of left field and catch you by surprise. Forewarned is forearmed. Wear sensible shoes. You don't want to lose your balance when whatever it is hits you. ("My Gawd! It's the Tomato That Ate Chicago!")
Aquarian parents must be extra vigilant about their children or children in their care because of an accident prone influence right now. Unexpected pregnancies could also take place now as well. (Whaat?) In fact, anything connected with children, vacations, sports, romance, the entertainment world and the arts are all subject to upheaval, disruptions, arguments, delays and rebellious fits and starts. Power struggles with others are likely (especially between romantic partners or parents and children.) Disputes about money spent on any of these areas are also likely. Be very patient. And practice Safe Eating by Using Condiments.
Some of you might be contemplating an orphandectomy (it's when you have your parents removed.) Increased activity, chaos and tension at home definitely test your patience! Slow down and be very careful so as to avoid domestic accidents. Be aware that family members might also have accidents. Clean up any area that is potentially dangerous. Don't drink and drive. Don't lose your temper and stir the pot because then everyone gets angry and your home becomes a tense, accident prone place. Unexpected interruptions will occur through breakages, the sudden breakdown of small appliances, domestic arguments and real estate deals that go sideways. Don't be bossy at home. People are very rebellious and independent now! Be nice.