All Signs

We always talk about the time of the Full Moon. (And rightly so because the Moon affects bodies of water, and we're about half water or beer.) But the greatest tension and anxiety about every Full Moon that everyone feels is actually during the two or three days before the Moon is actually full. By the time the Full Moon actually arrives, our problems tend to diminish. However, as the Full Moon is building - whoa! --- those problems are growing! Of course, we really don't see things as they are, we see things as we are - which means our external reality is surprisingly connected with what's going on inside us. Oy! But first -- a little nosh.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is the only Full Moon all year that plays with your subconscious. That's why it's difficult to really identify what's going on with you this week. Basically, your insecurities and unidentified fears could grab you by the throat. (Eeek!) If you don't know what's happening, you'll feel a bit anxious because you don't feel good about yourself. But hey -- you're doing the best you can. Nobody's perfect. If you feel angry at someone, perhaps an apology will make things better. (You're the bravest of all 12 signs.) This is a good week to just start fresh. Forget the past. From here on -- be the best you can be. Why settle for less?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Full Moon occurs on Tuesday. But on Sunday and Monday you'll already feel a build up of tension and dealing with friends, groups and perhaps how they compete with children and the romantic interests in your life. This Full Moon also energizes the part of your chart that's all about your goals and dreams for the future. This is good. It's wise to think about your future since you're going to have to spend the rest of your life there. However, instead of thinking about what you want to get, put a fresh spin on it: think about what you can offer to yourself, to your loved ones and to the world. This could be majorly empowering.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're energetic, assertive, and quick to react to everyone because fiery Mars is in your sign. ("Oh yeah? Wanna make something out of it?") You're feeling feisty, and if challenged, you won't back down. Why not harness this energy so that it works for you instead of against you? At the beginning of the week, the Full Moon takes place at the top of your chart. This means relations with authority figures, especially women are particullarly significant. What can you do to improve these? (Think flowers.) You won't be able to satisfy the demands of family and home versus the demands of your outer world. Just cope as best you can.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Because you're ruled by the Moon, every Full Moon does a number on you. This week, the Full Moon occurs on Tuesday, which means you'll feel a build up of tension from Sunday until it peaks. It might be necessary to clarify how you can expand your experience of the world through education or further training; or perhaps through travel. You can also do it by talking to people from different cultures and different backgrounds. It's time to test the boundaries of your velvet rut. There are three kinds of laziness: sloth, meaningless busy activity, and the false notion you can't do something. Education, training and new experiences counteract this kind of complacency.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The Full Moon on Tuesday highlights three different areas in your life: your sex life, (are you laughing?) how you deal with people whose values are different than yours, and mundane items like shared property, insurance matters, wills, debt and taxes. This covers lots of territory. You've got a lot on your plate. The trap of encountering other people's values is the automatic assumption that your values are right. (This is a tough one - because are you perfect?) And your sex life? Always an overrated obsession. (Great when it's good, and better than nothing when it's bad.) As for the mundane items -- pick two of them and just do them. They're not going to go away on their own.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Because this is the only Full Moon all year opposite your sign, you're focused on partnerships and close friendships. This could create stress and tension, especially on Monday and Tuesday. Now is the time to figure out what you want in your close relationships. If you don't know what you really want, you're all over the map. Plus, other people won't know how to read you. If you do know what you want, your actions will show this. Don't confuse your shoulds with your wants. Desire implies something is missing i.e you're reaching out for something you don't have. The Moon however, deals with needs, especially emotional needs. Gotta know these.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a time of achievement when you're showing the world what you can do. However, during Sunday and Monday as you approach Tuesday' s Full Moon, challenges with work will rise (and possibly your health.) Take a look at your weekly work schedule, and how to best approach accomplishing whatever you want to achieve. These are practical things. Figure out how to organize your time so you're working efficiently and yet maintaining good health as well. (Work is the curse of the drinking class.) Reduce the clutter at home and at work. Give yourself the tools (shelving, filing cabinets, cleaning equipment - whatever) to do a good job.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Full Moon on Tuesday is particularly challenging to Scorpio parents. That's because you're trying to improve your relations with children or working with children, and meet the increasing demands and needs of back-to-school September. (Aaggh!) However, this Full Moon is not just about children -- it's also about romance, love affairs, vacations, sports and all creative activities. All of these areas are where you face competing demands from groups, friends and other people. How much can you juggle? Get yourself some slack. Life is short. (And fat.) We do the best we can.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The placement of the Full Moon on Tuesday could set up tension with your home, family and real estate scene. You're trying to keep an even keel with relations with family members, especially parents; and yet at the same time, the demands of bosses and authority figures in your life cannot be ignored. You're also concerned about how to secure (financially and practically) your living situation. To explore this even deeper, what can you do to feel happier and more at home with yourself? (Aside from dark chocolate.) Oh well. Every Full Moon demands compromise, tolerance, patience and understanding. It's a good thing you've got some Haagen's Dazs in the freezer.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Because you're approaching a time of harvest in the next few years, this is very much a time of preparation for you in your life. As one more step in this direction, the Full Moon on Tuesday challenges you to think how you can improve your communications with everyone - especially siblings and relatives. If you don't share your thoughts and feelings with others -- you're isolated. That's a given. No one wants to feel isolated. Therefore, meaningful communications with others are virtually vital to your health and well-being! But when you speak -- do others hear what you mean? And when they speak, do you understand what they mean? Capice? Fershtein? Comprendez?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

"If friendship is the bread of life, then money is the honey." We know how much your friendship means to you. In fact, your sign stands for the solidarity of fraternity if you will. But the Full Moon on Tuesday forces you to face friends whose values you don't share. (Ouch.) It also highlights any tension you have between what you earn and what you owe. (Another ouch.) They say happiness is being happy with what you have. But it's a bit tough when what you have is a lot of debt! What can you do to gain more self-respect and a better sense of control over your destiny by reducing your debt and getting rid of what you no longer need? Huh?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This Tuesday is the only Full Moon in your sign all year. It will almost certainly bring increased tension and conflict with partners and close friends. You'll be forced to observe your style of relating to those who are closest to you. This is a good time to think about your self image as well. If you really think about it -- your appearance is not just for your own vanity. Your appearance is what you offer to others. Think how you feel when you see a loved one looking great as opposed to a loved one looking like a slob. Quell difference! Make your appearance on offering to others. As for relating to partners and close friends, remind yourself what your primary objective is. Do you want this relationship? Is it important in your life? Then why blow it? You want to be happy.