All Signs

This week the Sun moves into Virgo. (The Sun changes signs 12 times a year, which is one reason an astrology chart looks like a pizza cut into 12 pieces. Each piece is called a House; and each House governs different activities of our lives. For example, the Fourth House relates to your inner world, and everything to do with home, family and real estate. The Sixth House rules employment, and your health, and even small pets. (including boa constrictors.) Each month, as the Sun changes signs, it moves into a new House, thereby highlighting a whole different set of activities or priorities. To find out what this month's changing Sun sign will do to you -- read on McDuff! (Foolish are the generals who ignore the daily intelligence from the trenches.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Most of you will continue to enjoy vacations, love affairs, romance, fun times with children, exploring the arts, and amusing, entertaining diversions. (Whee!) Life is such fun! However, day by day, and in the next few weeks, you'll notice you're sliding into work mode. Serious work mode! During the next six weeks, you're going to be obsessed about getting better organized. Efficiency, effectiveness, productivity -- that's what you want. Everything must run smoothly - ticketyboo! You'll also be on a health kick. Vitamins, massage, and of course jogging religiously in front of the fridge will be de rigeur.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You have been perennially focused on improving your home scene for how long has it been? Naturally, you want mortgage free acreage. Lambs on the north 40. Modest crops. A decent wine cellar. But there has to be more to life than this! That's why you're getting ready to have some serious fun. Romantic rendezvous beckon. Your gonads are getting kickstarted. (Now that wine cellar is going to pay off!) Take a vacation. Explore the creative arts. Enjoy playful times with children. But the bottom line is simply -- in the next six weeks you want to have fun and feel alive! Actually, this is easy to do. For starters, you're not dead.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

With Mars now in your sign, you've got tons of energy. You've got the get up and go you need to drive yourself every day. In fact, you have so much energy - some physical exercise would be a good thing. (Blow off some excess steam.) However, your focus is starting to swing to your domestic scene: home, family, relatives, your private life, and figuring out how you want to be happier where you live. We all have to live somewhere. Why not fill your home with the things you want? Books, magazines and hobby stuff to keep you excited and pleased with life? Just do it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your sign more than any other, has the best opportunity to improve your job scene in the next year. Make the most of this! If you don't like where you're working -- look for something else. If you like where you're working, think of how to make it better. In the next six weeks, you'll be busier than usual. Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, interaction with siblings and relatives, and lots of errands and lord knows what else will keep you off your heels. Mercury gives you lots of moneymaking ideas. But watch your back: if you think someone does not have your best interests at heart -- be alert. (The world needs more lerts.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You've been very active with friends and groups of people lately. (Frankly, you're exhausted.) Mercury and Venus have put you centre stage talking and schmoozing with everyone. However, as the Sun shifts into a new sign, you'll find yourself being more and more concerned with money issues. How much money are you making? How much money can you expect to make? How much money can you spend? What do you want to do with the money you have? What's the best way to use what you now own? And when it comes right down to it -- with all this talk about money and possessions -- what really matters anyway?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week the Sun moves back into your sign for the first time in 12 months. Happy birthday! It's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. People and auspicious circumstances are magically attracted to you now. I say -- milk this for all it's worth! You're very ambitious because Mars is high in your chart. You want to prove something to the world as well as to yourself. And you've got a few secret things happening on the side. (You devil.) When the Sun is in your sign, it is your prerogative, in fact your duty, to do exactly what you want. It's all about you. And that's how it should be right now.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

While everyone else is belly dancing, or drinking beer or snoozing in front of the TV, or perhaps making money -- you're entering a very private time of your life. It's brief -- but it has arrived. Your personal year is winding up. Within a month, you're going to enter your new year. What do you want your new year to be? How many years do you have left? (No one can answer this question.) Therefore, it's time for some serious thinking. You can either plan what you want to happen or just let life happen to you. What's it going to be? Who's in charge here? You are! The joke of it is even if you aren't making a plan -- you're still in charge. Remember: not to decide is to decide.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're entering an interesting six weeks ahead. (I'm chuckling.) Two very interesting combinations have arrived now. You're suddenly far more socially oriented. You're popular! People want to see you. You want to see them. But that's not all -- your gonads are in overdrive. (Woo, woo!) You want some action. Who more than you is interested in recreational sex? (I rest my hand bag.) Get out and schmooze. Talk to anyone who interests you. You're a lusty, passionate, intense sign. Life is short - and fat. The stars continue to favour your earnings. Respect your moneymaking ideas. Partnerships can benefit you now. (Let's open a bottle of wine and order pizza.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is the only time of the year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart. When it sits there so high, it acts like a spotlight on you. Suddenly, you're thrown into the limelight for whatever reason. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs really notice you now; but that's not all -- they suddenly admire and respect you. (We like.) That's why increased responsibilities are suddenly thrust upon you. (Just wait.) When this happens, say yes. You'll be able to handle it. You won't have to do something dazzling. It will just all come together. Even if you're the most amazed of all -- take the credit. Say you did your research. Say you've been investigating exploring these new parameters for some time now. (They'll love it.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If there ever was a sign who wants a sure thing -- it's you. You like a predictable outcome. You hedge your bets. You hate waste. But even more -- you don't like failure! (Agghh the F word.) That's why you're going to have to lighten up in the next six weeks so that you can take the plunge. (Please return it by next Thursday.) Opportunities to travel, or get further education or training, or experience more of the world are waiting for you. Grab this adventure! Do something different. Learn something new. Be a tourist in your own town. Decide to gamble -- and live a little! (Ironically, when you decide to do this sort of thing -- you're extremely bold and bizarre!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're starting to experience an increasing desire to improve yourself in some way. And you're probably going to feel very intense about this. In fact, you're going to feel intensely about everything! ("More raw meat!") Passionate sex and an interest in your partner's wealth or other people's business are just some things that will stoke your energy. You'll also be more involved in wills, inheritances, debt, taxes, mortgages, loans and shared property. (Boring but necessary stuff.) You'll be interested in secrets as well, and what's going on in other people's lives, especially if it's veiled or hidden from you. ("Tell me everything!")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is the only time all year when the Sun directly opposes your sign. This immediately draws your attention to partnerships and your closest friendships. It might make you feel that these people are a tad (tad?!) adversarial -- that they're opposing you or being difficult. (And of course, they are.) But they don't think so. If you complain -- you're the one being difficult. Actually, (seriously) this is an opportunity for you to learn more about how you really relate to others. How they react to you will provide you a mirror for your style, your speech, your intentions and even your personality. (It's your last best chance to grow up.)