All Signs

A major planetary aspect between Saturn and Pluto is currently at play (although play is a curious choice of words.) These are two very powerful, karmic, fatalistic planets. ("Don't mess with the kid.") Their influence is strong but it is subtle. Therefore, don't look for specific events or isolated situations as a clue to what is happening now; instead, be aware of changes that are taking place at a psychological level. After all -- whatever manifest within us, ultimately manifests outwardly around us. That's why when you're hungry, you go to the fridge and make a Greek salad. (Depending on whether or not you remembered to buy feta cheese and kalamata olives.) Ah what foods these morsels be!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're at home with arts and crafts. You'll try anything once just to debunk the mystery of it. ("Hmm, so that's how they do this. Jeez, I'll never do that again!") Right now, you're wondering if you're truly tapping into your creative talents. You wonder if your hobbies are a waste of time or a valid and necessary expression of who you are. [Love affairs with people of an age difference, thoughts about how much you gamble or speculate with money, and your relationship with children are other things you might be doing a bit of soul-searching about.] Everyone is creative in some way. Remember: the joy is in the process -- the doing of it -- because we are verbs, not nouns.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

At this time, many of you are going through deep, psychological soul-searching about your family, or your relationship to your family, or your relationship to your home, or what kind of home you really want. For some of you, it might go even further back. You could be having deep, psychological insights into your youth, and patterns you developed then that might or might not be appropriate now. ("Does this mean I have to give up sleeping with Teddy?") You can definitely learn more about yourself at this time. This is wonderful! Self-knowledge is invaluable. (I never leave home without carefully writing down my name and putting it in my pocket.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're a wordsmith. You're quick, bright and clever. You need variety, movement and constant stimulation. (You don't do boring.) However, right now something in your life is provoking you to examine your style of relating to others, especially siblings and relatives. You're becoming aware of things you used to take for granted: everyday mental patterns, habits, styles of speaking to others, and how you listen to people, and what your typical response is. You're observing yourself! You see how your mental state and current attitude affects how you view others, and even how you actually hear what they say! Shee!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You like a good value; and you take care of what you own. (Generally.) And you hold on to things for a long time! You have a rainy day mentality which makes you hedge your bets against future, untoward eventualities. This is why you're not casual about your bank account, your assets and your possessions. Right now you're doing some heavy thinking about these things. Obviously, your inner values reflect what you physically own. To put it another way, your possessions are a reflection of who you are. But if you change and grow and evolve -- should you give some of your stuff away or get new stuff? How is this all going to work?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For the last 2 1/2 years, Saturn has been in your sign. In September - poof! -- it leaves. This means you've completed the first process of being like a piece of clay, which has been molded into a new shape. (Subtle details are yet to come, along with refined values and the honed qualities of how to communicate to others.) This week, you're becoming conscious and aware of change taking place deep within you. (Check your right groin.) Any kind of psychotherapy, or consciousness raising exercises or counseling will benefit you because you are ripe for this! You know you're not just another packaged Twinkie. You're in a nascent state. Why not be the best you can be?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Saturn and Pluto are affecting your subconscious. (Spooky.) You're in a state of change and major transition. You'd been giving up a lot of things in your life -- people, places and possessions. In this process of streamlining things, it's easy to see where you've been -- but hey -- where are you going? You're changing. That's a given. Old ways of doing things no longer get the desired response you want. (Whaaat?) You're at the end of something, but not fully into the next stage. Don't fret about not knowing what's ahead. None of us really do. We're just faking it. (Hey, life is cheap -- it's the accessories that will kill you.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Two areas of life are making you think: one is about goals and your dreams about what you want to achieve in the future. The other pertains to your relationship with friends and groups; and just how much you want to get involved with others. Sometimes we take life one day at a time. But lately, you're obsessed with your future. You have to decide what to do with the time that is left to you. It's like you're on a moving belt from the moment you were born until you die. What do you want to do with the rest of your life? How involved with others do you really want to get? Who do you want on your dental plan?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're a ambitious right now. You want to make an impression on others. Actually, this is a time of harvest in your life. Everything that is happening around you is the result of the seeds you planted in the past. You can probably see this. If you can -- great! This knowledge is invaluable. Although you can't change the seeds you planted in the past, you can certainly start to choose what seeds you'll plant now and in the future. This puts you in the power seat. You see that the choices you make today dictate your future tomorrow. Although this sounds obvious, most of us don't function this way. We just let life happen to us. This Saturn/Pluto combo is making you work harder than ever before! (Did you want fries with that?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Right now you have the ability to delve deeply into yourself to find out what forces are at work motivating you or helping you. This is an excellent time for any activity that helps you become more effective. You're looking for big answers to big questions. (Of course, you always are - but now you're obsessed.) It's a good time to get practical training that can promote your career. Be open to input from other cultures, or advice from people from different backgrounds. Now is the time to explore disciplines that involve greater self understanding like yoga, meditation, psychotherapy, or late night poker. You know that once you've heard the truth -- everything else is cheap whiskey.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You like to have as much fun as everyone else, but in the last analysis, you're practical. (And you're always aware of what the neighbours are saying.) Right now, something out there is forcing you to come to terms with somebody else's values. You can't avoid this but on the other hand, you don't want to destroy your own individuality either. How much should you depend on others, and their wealth and their resources? If you depend too much -- you're totally vulnerable! You're starting to see you would be wise to be as independent as you can in practical terms. Yup, I agree. Keep your head down and your powder dry.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're going through an incredibly high learning curve with relationships and close friendships. For the last 15 years, you worked to figure out who you were, what your values were, where to live, how to deal with kids (or not) and how to support yourself. You settled a lot of these questions by redefining yourself in your own terms. But now you have to really deal with others! Just how involved do you want to be with someone? Coworkers and partners are making big demands on you. That's why many of you are ending some relationships. You're taking your powah!. You won't let anyone else strangle you anymore - but -- you're ready for an equal partnership.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You've been busting your buns for a long time now. It ain't been easy. However, this particular Saturn/Pluto combination really revs your engines. It gives you the motivation, impetus and energy to work harder than ever before! You're PowerPoint on steroids. Your burn rate is phenomenal. But you're not a machine. You want to know what you're working for and why you're working so hard. You know you're being tested -- but is it worth it? Frankly, it's a numbers game. Rich, poor, young, old -- what puts us all on a level playing field is each of us has only 24 hours a day. Factoid. Are you happy with how you're using your 24 hours?