We have a Full Moon on Sunday the 29th. Naturally, some things will go sideways. But the real biggie this week is when fiery Mars meets stern Saturn. Mars rules our ego and our sense of who we are. Saturn is that prairie grandfather who makes you get up before 6 a.m. to pile wood. Oy vey! Duties and obligations. (Sigh.) This combo shoots down your inner confidence. You feel discouraged. ("I'm navel lint!") In addition, because you feel held back or squished down -- you feel angry --but you can't say anything. (The worst!) The trick is to learn how to feel compassion for the person who makes you angry. Think how tough it is for them to live in this world being such a jerk.
Tension with friends and lovers is likely on Sunday. (It's a Full Moon thang.) Don't get your belly in a rash. Lighten up. Full Moon tension only lasts for a couple of days at the most. The thing to prepare for is some financial tension you might feel at the beginning of the week. Perhaps you don't have enough money for a vacation or some fun, entertaining plans? Partying and having a good time are tops on your list right now. Perhaps the cost of taking care of children is wringing you dry? Something inhibits you financially. By the end of the week, this squeeze play is over, and travel plans look delightfully promising! Yay!
You'll have to work hard to keep peace in the family this week. It seems no matter what you do, others will thwart your intentions. This particular Full Moon highlights the difficulties you're having juggling the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your public life. It ain't easy. Don't worry because tat tat da da! -- the cavalry is coming. Inheritances, reduced debt, bonuses through partnerships, and even gifts and goodies from others will alleviate domestic tension. You gotta love it when you hear that bugle! Sales, marketing, writing, and your ability to negotiate are excellent late in the week. Yada yada yada.
Your sense of yourself or what you can do will be tested this week. Certain circumstances have made you feel inadequate. If you scratch the surface of these self doubts, you'll probably discover fear. A fear of failure or loss could be what's holding you back. Someone might say something that confirms your worst suspicions about yourself. This is the paralysis of the negative! You can't marry because you're afraid of divorce. You can't take a job because you're afraid to get fired. We all have fears. But actually, fear can create courage and determination. Start by overcoming tiny fears. Small successes lead to bigger ones. And hey --- Late in the week your confidence returns. (Where've you been?)
Sunday's Full Moon triggers difficulties with finances, cash flow, and shared possessions. As the week progresses, difficulties with friends or groups about money and possessions gets even worse. Perhaps others are critical of what you're doing? (What do they know?) Or perhaps your relationship to a group costs you too much money? Don't let this get to you. You're thrifty, frugal and normally excellent with money. You're one of the financial wizards of the zodiac. Fortunately, by Thursday things are looking great at work. Opportunities to get a job, improve your job, get a raise, travel or get further training will pop up. Finally!
If you were born after the 15th of Aug., you're starting to feel Saturn sitting right on you. Situations will occur that make things difficult for you. You feel tired and discouraged. All Leos will come up against authority figures this week. This particular Full Moon on the 29th is also a challenge! Be patient with partners and friends. Be patient with parents and bosses. Be patient! Fortunately, there's a silver lining to all this because by Thursday, opportunities for fun, romance, vacations, sports and creative activities are at hand. Life is good. God's in Her heaven and all's right with the world. Note: research will boost your career this week.
The beginning of this week, starting with Sunday, definitely has its challenges. For a number of reasons, you're keeping a low profile and working behind the scenes. Sunday's Full Moon creates a bit of angst related to work and perhaps even your health. Because this is a time when you are giving up people, places and possessions, you could have increased stress which in turn, takes its toll on your body and mind. Now hear this: never underestimate the power of smiling. (We all know it takes more facial muscles to frown than to smile.) But just as our mind can change our body -- our body can change our mind. Thich Nhat Hanh suggests smiling five times a day for no reason. Believe me -- it works! Just grin your way into next week.
Sunday's Full Moon might create stress in you because you're trying to please friends and groups as well as lovers and children plus yourself. Shee! The whole fam damily! By Tuesday, you're doing a slow burn about something related to insurance, shared property, shared responsibility, and your partner's wealth or contribution to things. You like to keep the peace. You're loathe to tell others what they don't want to hear. Therefore, when you have to complain or defend yourself against someone insensitivity or selfishness, you get yourself all twisted up into knots about how to approach the subject. But you count, too! Your self-respect and sense of personal dignity will save you. Wait until Thursday to open a dialogue.
Sunday's Full Moon activates the classic tug-of-war between job and career versus home and family. If you pay attention to one, the other suffers. You're caught between a rock and a hard place. Actually, this is peanuts. As Tuesday approaches, and Mars squares Saturn, difficulties with partners and friends will heat up. You might feel like you're caught in a serious squeeze play. You're unhappy with something but you can't express it. (And there's no question you're unhappy with someone!) Fiery Mars is opposite your sign until the second week of August. Until then, you're ready for bear. Therefore, if possible, wait until mid August to discuss contentious issues. Until then, "Talk to the hand."
Sunday's Full Moon is highly distracting for you which is why it creates a mildly accident prone time. Issues related to publishing, the media, travel, politics, religion, racial tension (and much more!) fill your thoughts. At the beginning of the week, you seem to have to struggle at work. Even though you're willing to put out a lot of effort, something or someone is blocking you or making things tough for you. Sisphyus pushing that boulder had it easier than you this week! But lo! By Thursday, the clouds part, and the very things that created stress in your life suddenly bring you good fortune and opportunities. Go figure. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
You're absorbed with red tape about insurance, inheritances, wills, estates, debt, taxes and shared property. Just deal with this stuff. However, something to do with romantic involvements, children, vacations, the arts or your desire to entertain, socialize and have a good time seems to create obstacles for you. You just can't do what you want to do! Be patient at the beginning of the week because by Thursday, discussions with partners and friends will suddenly show you the way. Voila! You'll be able to turn things around to your own advantage. (Of course, the best laborsaving device is a partner with money.)
Things are sticky with partners and close friends right now. Sunday's Full Moon brings its fair share of conflict with others. (There's just no pleasing someone!) And right on the heels of this tension, renovations, moves or some kind of chaos at home (or tension within the family) makes you grit your teeth because you can't really speak up. In fact, it's so overwhelming, you feel discouraged. Enuff awreddy! This insane pressure on your home front will continue into mid-August. Just get used to it. In the meantime, friends and groups will come to the rescue by Thursday. This will be heartening! In fact, an increased optimism makes you shift your goals. You'll be the little engine that could.
It's not fair. You've been working so hard for so long -- and now the Full Moon brings added stress to your relations with coworkers and your job. To make matters worse, on Monday and Tuesday, you're doing a slow boil because someone or something blocks your ability to express yourself or negotiate what you want. You feel almost paralyzed because you can't speak up. Don't worry about this. By Thursday, you have the smarts, the energy and the initiative to convince others to do things your way. By that time, you're so positive and energetic, you can win any argument. Actually, it's just that your inner your confidence has returned!