All Signs

Mars takes 23 months to orbit the Sun, staying about six weeks in each sign. Mars represents your ego, your drive, your sexual energy, your sense of competitiveness, and how you maintain your cool when you face the pressures of life. (Aaagggh! Splat!) Once a year, it's at odds with fuzzy, idealistic, now-you-see-me-now-you-don't Neptune. Now these guys have no respect for each other. ("No capes!") So think what happens when they're forced to be dancing partners! This occurs on Tuesday this week. (With a shadow effect on Monday and Wednesday.) When this happens, we're not sure how to go after what we want or even who we are! (Actually, it's clear who we are. There are three classes in life: the haves, the have-nots and the charge-its.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Mars is your ruler, which is why you're a courageous hero. But this week, especially Tuesday, when it faces off with Neptune, you're like a deer caught in the headlights. All your big plans and all your big ideas will be temporarily paralyzed because of doubt. Most likely this will relate to finances, cash, purchases or something to do with what you already own. Maybe you're hot to buy something, and suddenly filled with second thoughts? Or it relates to giving something away, or asking for a raise? Don't let this get you down. By Thursday, you're laughing because of romance, vacations, travel or just plain old-fashioned fun! (Ha! Neptune-Shmeptune.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Right now fiery Mars is in your sign which is a good thing. It gives you energy, drive and enthusiasm for life. (It helps with your sex life as well.) Just be aware that at the beginning of the week, you might be assailed by all kinds of self-doubt, or even feelings of inadequacy. You might question your ability to do something. ("I don't have the strength." "I'll never pull it off." "I can't do this - what was I thinking?" "I'm out of my league" - something like this.) For a brief time, your energy could be so low you don't even want to get out of bed (especially if the sex thing is working.) Just remind yourself this is temporary. By Thursday, you'll be thrilled with life.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

To be brutally frank, of all the signs, you'll have the toughest attack of feeling inadequate or full of self-doubt at the beginning of the week. "I'm navel lint!" It's extraordinary because this is a peppy, busy, upbeat time for you. But fear not. By Thursday, you're back in fine form. What might particularly discourage you in the early part of the week is getting busted over any kind of secret activity, or a secret love affair. (You know who you are.) Forewarned is forearmed! Past actions which you hoped would fade away into the sunset could now have unpleasant consequences. Hey - this is a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. Gone by Thursday.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A friend or a group might do something that hurts your feelings or makes you feel betrayed or let down in some way. ("After all I did for them!") Neptune is in the picture, so we're dealing with secret hopes and expectations. Too often, we think people know what we want or expect. But the truth is - they don't. Always remember: unexpressed expectations are a sure guarantee for disappointment. Never assume someone sees you have one leg in a cast and you're walking on crutches. People are wrapped up in their own test tubes of worry and wants. Matters about money, purchases and earnings look fabulous by Thursday. Go for the gold!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You might feel let down by bosses, teachers, parents or authority figures this week. (It's disappointing because we tend to expect more from those we hold in esteem.) But hey -- they put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do. Don't get your belly in a rash. If someone you respect criticizes you or lays a guilt trip on you, refuse to lie down and roll over. Don't give anyone that much power. Resist the temptation to do something deceitful to avoid a confrontation. However, avoiding a confrontation is not a bad idea because it would only demoralize you. Just walk away with style. Hey - aren't you're the sign that invented style?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Publishing, the media, travel, dealing with foreign countries, medicine or the law (this also includes religion, politics and racial issues) -- something related to one of these areas could bring you down earlier this week. Your faith in someone or something might be completely shaken. (Not stirred.) Or is it stirred, not shaken? (Where is 007 when you really need him?) Ironically, the upshot of all this is that your faith is actually strengthened in something, especially in yourself! But this happens a day or two later. Until then, I think you should stay home and clip your topiary. (Which is no mean feat for a perfectionist.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's a social week. You're out there flying your colours. But suddenly, you might become paranoid about how something is shared, or what is due you, or how jointly held property is being handled. You might even have doubts about your sex appeal. (Moi?) Now hear this. Now hear this. This is all smoke and mirrors. Neptune fogs your mind, your will, and your self-confidence. You're the same wonderful person you were last week. And everything you're counting on from others is still there as secure as ever. It just looks shaky now. That's the smoke and mirrors thing!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A partner or close friend has either deceived you, or betrayed you, or confused and discouraged you; or you suspect them of putting empty pistachio shells back into the bag to disguise their gluttony (the lowest!). Hopefully, this is a temporary aberration. For that matter, let's hope it's an aberration and not the real thing. (And hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.) Try not to react to anything early in the week. You won't have objectivity, perspective or a healthy defense mechanism. It will all go sideways. Instead, wait until Thursday to respond. Then you can come clean with whatever punishment fits the crime, if indeed there even was a crime after the smoke has cleared.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Something or someone might discourage you at work or sabotage your efforts to be efficient and accomplish things. Things were going along so well and now this! You definitely have the energy to work. No question. And this energy will return to you again. But at the beginning of the week, a kind of malaise or ennui sets in (only the French have cute words for lazy) and you can't get anything done! And worse yet - you don't care! The feeling that you can't do something or you're not up to the task is actually a form of mental laziness. And it has you in its grips because Neptune is masking the energy of your hard working Mars. But by Thursday, this is history. Courage!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might feel demoralized in your approach to taking care of children or your approach to a romantic involvement at the beginning of this week. Perhaps you feel unattractive or undeserving of affection? Or do you feel guilty for taking it easy? (Your sign has a hard work ethic - no pain no gain.) You might fear you've spent too much money on pleasure. ("Hey, what's going on here? Are you having fun again?") Or you might suddenly feel old and youthless. (Especially when you know you're as young as you feel.) Just be aware that the insecurities that trip you up in the beginning of the week are a flash in the pan thing. Gone quickly!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Family members or something going on at home might really get your goat. Perhaps something you avoided in the past has come back now to bite you in the ass. Perhaps you're in the middle of a job that is suddenly all too overwhelming. Maybe you've run out of materials or supplies or there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Be patient with conflict that arises at the beginning of the week. This tension is rooted in misunderstandings, deceit or sheer fatigue. When this fuzzy influence passes, you'll see your way out of the morass. But dropping bread crumbs behind you won't work - just ask Hansel.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your efforts to be assertive, decisive and clear about what you want suddenly seem to go sideways at the beginning of the week. You thought you were strong - now you know you're mush. But of course, you're not really mush. Not at all. Einstein was a Pisces. He wasn't mush. He wasn't that cute - but he wasn't mush. And he sure could do long division. Be aware that someone could be lying or misrepresenting something to you. And if you're tempted to do the same (even if it's just to avoid confrontation) don't do it. Take the high road. Being dishonest is not worth the loss of your dignity and self-respect.