All Signs

By the end of this week, the Sun moves into Leo, giving all of us a change of focus. This will help us to recover from this last Mercury retrograde. (Sort of like a change is as good as a rest.) However, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are all still retrograde -and Venus joins this retrograde group on the 27th. Oy! This can continue to give us a feeling that things are sort of on hold. It's a good time to clean house as it were, before moving on to other things. Of course, deadlines can help. (If it weren't for the last minute - nothing would get done.) The bottom line is don't beat yourself up if you accomplish things later than sooner. And hey - some people are always late - like the late King George VI.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The next six weeks might be one of the most fun times of the year for you. That's because the Sun is moving into the part of your chart that rules parties, vacations, love affairs, romance, sports, gambling, and playful activities with children. This means all these areas will get an increased boost of energy in your life! Yipee! Exciting flirtations might lead to sex which, if you're not careful, can lead to slow dancing. This is certainly an excellent time to get away for fun and pleasure. Since you're the artisan of the zodiac, you should also know this is one of the best times of the year to express your creativity. You like to try anything once. (Just remember to practice safe eating by using condiments.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your attention is starting to shift to your private life and your relations with family members, especially parents. In the next six weeks, you'll focus on home and domestic issues more than usual. But you'll also have a greater need to be by yourself in order to think about things, especially from the bad ole' days. This is the classic time to experience moments of psychological self-evaluation. ("Did I do that? What was I thinking?") You might see where your past has caused you to act in a certain way that is the longer appropriate. ("I want my bottle!") Many of you are still working to solidify your home base to give yourself the kind of home you really want.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Lower the drawbridge. You're going to town. As the Sun changes signs at the end of the week, you're getting busier and busier! The daily pace of your days will accelerate as you cruise the scene talking to everyone, especially siblings. Short trips are likely. You'll also be wheeling and dealing about money and work. Expect to do increased shopping as well, especially since you want to fix up your digs and make where you live look more attractive. It's also a great month to entertain at home. You feel warm and loving to family. Even though you're running around everywhere, you want to create a happy home. Who wants this last piece of cake?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Have you ever noticed that about a month after your birthday, you start thinking about money, your possessions, and how you want to earn money and how you want to spend it? So what's up with all this? We both know you have a hard time throwing things out. (You hold on to stuff because you think, "I might use this one day.") But who's in charge? Do you own your stuff or does it own you? You're also thinking about your values, and what really matters in life. If you don't know what matters, how do you know what to shoot for? Or what to hold on to? It's easier to make decisions when you know what you really want.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

At the end of this week, the Sun enters your sign boosting your energy for the following four weeks. Since the entire world is having a Leo hit, others will suddenly think of you and try to make contact - and favourable circumstances will also come your way. Now is the time to let go of what is no longer relevant. Your responsibilities are increasing, but so is your potential for great accomplishment. You've been more withdrawn in the last few years. When Saturn leaves your sign in Sept., you'll start thinking about what is really important to you. It's strange not to immediately know this. One would think it would be obvious -- but it isn't.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is the best time of year for navel gazing. One year is ending, and the other year is about to begin. It's time to sit up and be a person! Look around you. What's working and what's not working? What went well last year and what didn't? Don't let the months slide by without any plan or focus. You can either let life happen to you or you can steer your course. Continue to give up people, places and possessions that are no longer useful to you. You have to streamline your life. Fortunately, Mars is high in your chart arousing your ambition. (The trouble with ambition is it can sure get you into a lot of hard work.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You need others in your life: you like companionship. That's why you'll be happy to know your popularity rating is up in the next six weeks. Everyone wants to see your face! Mercury high in your chart highlights conversations with parents and bosses; and back in the bedroom, Mars is boosting your sex drive. (Gotta love it.) In other words, planetary aspects are pushing you into contact with others be it casual or intimate. It's also time to think about your long-term goals for the future. If you're around 40, you might have only 40-45 summers left. Maybe about 2200 weekends. Shee! (Time flies when you're unconscious.) One thing is certain: you'll never again be as young as you are today.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In the next six weeks, others will notice you, especially VIPs, bosses, parents and yes, the police. (Don't speed. Don't drink and drive.) Aside from that cautionary advice, what can you do to take advantage of this phenomenon? After all, you're out front, centre stage! Fair Venus promotes contact with friends and groups. It's all very warm and schmoozy, except for one thing: Mars is opposite your sign stirring up conflict and tension with partners and close friends. You're easily irritated! But if you react, their opposition will only increase. Oy vey! Wait until August to do business with partners. It will all be much easier then. (Oh yeah.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

During the next six weeks, you want outta your cage. You want to make a break for freedom. (When the going gets tough - the smart get lost.) If you can travel somewhere -- do so. Go anywhere. You'll love learning something new, so sign up for a course or go back to school. During this time, you'll have increased interest and involvement with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law. Fiery Mars is giving you lots of energy to tackle all kinds of work projects. Venus at the top of your chart attracts favourable people to you, and creative, artistic projects. It's time to show the world you can colour inside the lines.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're a lusty Earth sign, and both Mars and the Sun now rev up your sex drive and increase your interest in recreational intimacy, as well as mundane matters like insurance issues, inheritances, wills, taxes and shared property. Travel for pleasure is likely. Opportunities to party or go on vacations are here. Even though you're taking care of business, and dealing with other people's values you don't agree with - you're hot to party and have fun! Mercury opposite your sign promotes conversations with people. (And others are listening since you have juicy secrets to divulge!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Partnerships and close friendships are your primary focus this summer. You might feel others are opposing you even if they aren't. But hey - they just might be. (Even paranoids have enemies.) Traditionally, this is considered to be one of the best times all year for you to observe your style of relating to others. (Remember: for a relationship to be successful, you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. If there's an imbalance, somebody's going to feel they're getting the short end of the stick.) Increased activity and tension at home will increase; but it will diminish by mid-August. Until then, be a beacon of sanity midst chaos.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Even though this is mid summer, you're busting your buns. (You must have a lot on your plate!) In part however, your standards are very high. You want to do things efficiently and effectively. Fortunately, the gods are with you. Because Mars makes your communications with others decisive and assertive, you can stand your ground with anyone. (Nice words for being a big mouth.). Meanwhile, fair Venus sweetens interactions with partners and close friends. And lucky Jupiter is still at the top of your chart bringing you good fortune and divine blessings in your career. (Not too shabby.)