It's a Blue Moon on Thursday. (The second Full Moon occurring in one month.) However, Farmer's Almanacs use to say a Blue Moon was the 3rd Moon in a quarter that has four Full Moons instead of three. Meanwhile, Buddhists believe this Full Moon has magnified karma. I say, be like Sidney Poitier in Lilies of the Field and play it safe. ("Insurance.") Look for opportunities to be generous and kind; refrain from anger and negativity. Floss. Wear deodorant. Smile at children. No one ever ruined their eyes by looking on the bright side of things.
Be aware of your behavior this week. It's easy to become obsessed with an idea. (Think Edna, "No capes!") You're competitive and aggressive by nature. Once you're hot on an idea, you're like a dog with a bone. You want to convince others to see things your way. But this creates static and wasted energy in your communications with others, especially siblings and relatives. The question to ask yourself is this: who is controlling your mind? Are you a victim of your thoughts or are you in charge of them? Take a breath and step back. Create some space. Instead, use this fanatical mental energy for research into something. Like capes.
You're never casual about money, land, bank accounts, possessions and wealth. But maybe you're hung about something this week that relates to something you own. Perhaps someone borrowed something and didn't bring it back or broke it. (A bummer for both parties.) Or you might be worried about finances or cash flow. Whatever it is, you can't shake it. However, if you can't shake it, this means it has a hold over you. Oh, oh: do you own your possessions or do they own you? Don't become fixated on something that is ultimately temporary. (You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul.)
The lineup of the planets on May 27th is classic for power struggles with a close friends and partners. But when the annals of history are written, does any of this really matter? Mercury, the planet of communication, is directly opposite Pluto. This means each person thinks they know what's best for someone else. Pluto has a strong desire to reform or improve or remake someone or something. It can be insistent and pushy! Plus the Sun is in your sign making you more powerful than ever. And Mars adds extra aggression to your dealings with friends and groups. Oy! Just remember: you want everyone to still love you a month from now.
The Mercury/Pluto opposition on the 27th puts people at odds with each other. However, for your sign, this could be a useful, planetary phenomena. It gives you the inclination, the means and the know how to research something up the yin-yang. (That's the best way to use this energy.) Back away from power struggles. What's the point? Instead, search for lost answers or solutions you need to find. Look under every rock. You can discover ideas or even tangible items that can improve your life or help you to do things better. ("Look, a bright shiny object!") It's possible you can adopt a new regime or some little rule to improve your health.
You're enjoying friendships with others and schmoozing with groups. You're also very goal oriented. (This is good. It's wise to think about the future since you're going to have to spend the rest of your life there.) However, a Mercury/Pluto opposition puts you at odds with someone. You might talk to someone, perhaps even an old friend, and discover ideas that are tough to get your head around. Don't worry if you don't agree with this person. Enjoy what you have in common and try to learn from the rest. Hey --we're all different, even though we are all more alike than not. Everyone wants to be happy. Nobody wants to suffer. (Who doesn't like Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia?)
Whoa Nellie! some of you are having a showdown at High Noon with a parent, boss, teacher or other authority figure. (Don't expect the townspeople to show up. They're going to let you down. They always do.) The irony is that your standoff with someone else might not even be about something important. Shee! Maybe one of you is simply trying to pull off a naked power play. I say - get dressed. If either party continues to try to dominate or persuade the other one, the result will likely be resentment or a smoldering conflict that underlies everything. It's like burning vegetables in a pot on the stove. They look OK on top, but they taste terrible. The burnt part at the bottom affects everything else. (Same with people.)
You're vey clever with words and debating, which is why many of you are in law. That and the fact that you wanna make enough money to dress nice. (Love the suspenders!) Right now, especially the 27th, you might be tempted to indoctrinate or propagandize or proselytize a religious, political or metaphysical idea. ("But why not? I'm right!") I suggest you lighten up. Let others stumble along and find the error of their own ways. They can go to hell in their proverbial hand basket. And the reverse is true as well: don't let anyone else try to talk you into anything. It all comes down to is this: nobody really knows. We all just think we know. What's really important is looking good at a distance.
Avoid difficult discussions about your partner's earnings or wealth or shared property or anything you hold jointly with someone else. These kinds of discussions will not only be anti-productive and a waste of time, they will create distrust and some kind of a chasm between you and someone else. What's the point of that? It's true that you're very focused on this kind of thing right now. You're worried about something. However, this is the very reason you shouldn't become a victim of your own worries. Just let it go for now because discussions will only become nasty power plays. Instead, continue to work hard. Enjoy exploring new places and new ideas.
Yikes! This could be Bad Day at Black Rock. A conflict of wills, especially with partners and close friends is likely. That's because one or both of you are obsessed about an idea. (You know who you are.) Shouting doesn't help somebody else to hear better. (There are none so deaf as those who are wearing head phones.) The irony is you might be obsessed about something that doesn't really matter that much. Perhaps it has no relevance to anything. You're just caught up and possessed with this notion. Since this is a time where you can observe how you really relate to those who are closest to you, this could be something to take a look at. Ya think?
You're a perfectionist. You have high standards for yourself and others. You certainly have goals; and above all, you care about your reputation and what other people think about you. (Love the Armanis.) This could be one of the reasons you're so obsessed about something at work right now. You want to do things your way. You think it's the better way to get better results. But is it really worth making such a big fuss over? How many brownie points are you going to lose over this? After all - if you think about it, when you try to make an impression, chances are that's the impression you'll make. So what kind of impression is it that you really want to make?
Parents should lighten up with children at this time. During the weekend of the 27th, practically everyone is tempted to jockey for power positions with someone else. People are very wrapped up in whatever they're doing. They think they're right. They don't want any interferences or interruptions. Does this sound anything like a moment in a day of the life of a parent? (Does to me.) Therefore, be patient with children. Similarly, lovers must be patient with each other. (That's another disaster waiting to happen.) The only way you can cultivate patience is to apply it at a moment when you are actually feeling impatient. Therefore, these are rare opportunities. And those who make you feel impatient - are your greatest treasures! (Sort of.)
You're super focused on domestic matters, home, family and real estate issues at this time. That can be one of the reasons you're so hung up on a particular idea that's related to family or where you live. After all, you've been giving it some thought for a long time now. Take a moment and look in the mirror. You know how you can swing from euphoric happiness to utter despair all before lunch. And if you think about it, how valid were any of those emotions? Sure they were real - but now they're gone. History. Emotional data spills. Don't get your belly in a rash about something that won't be that important next month.