The Sun is in Taurus until May 21. There are many Taurus archetypes: banker, country squire, collector of antiques, gourmet of food, wine and cigars, and last but not least, a beautiful, sensuous, individual. All of us will be drawn to these qualities while the Sun is in Taurus. We'll give more attention to banking. We'll pay bills and try to get finances in better order. We might enjoy time in the country, or think about real estate. We'll enjoy good wine, and search for the best bread, coffee, or fish. (Taurus has a discerning palette.) Sex will be juicy and sumptuous. It's time for creature comforts. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we must diet!
You're definitely focused on finances and your money scene. You'll be shopping more now as well. Right now, you tend to identify strongly with your possessions. Plans to travel with friends look promising. Ditto for plans related to education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Venus makes you particularly charming in all your daily dealings. You're in a good mood chatting to people, especially siblings. For some reason, some of you are making private plans or doing something in secret. (You know who you are.) New opportunities can open up now because something is going to make you very busy for the next few years! (Oh yeah.)
Things are going swimmingly for you. God's in Her heaven and all's right with the world. Enjoy sports with groups. In fact, all group activities appeal now. (One friend could be on your case - pay it no matter.) Research (possibly government related) could reveal ways to use the wealth or resources of others to your advantage. If you're shopping this week, you'll buy practical, long lasting items. However, something might surprise you with finances. You might suddenly make money - or lose it. You might also want to buy high tech stuff or computers. You feel very much in the zone and cutting edge. On top of that - people are generous to you!
Mars is now arousing your ambition. You're on a roll! And fair Venus in your sign, makes you even more charming and diplomatic. This bodes well for all negotiations and dealings with others. Even planet Mercury is in a chatty Cathy mode promoting relations with groups, clubs and organizations. Nevertheless, despite the above, you still need solitude and downtime during the next few weeks. Give yourself some getaway moments to contemplate your navel. Quit trying to be all things to all people. After all, there are only two of you. After the 21st of May, when the Sun enters your sign, you'll strut your stuff with pride.
You're friendly and convivial. In the next few weeks, as my mother would say, "you'll be gallivanting around." Make an effort to contact friends and groups. Talk to people about future plans and long-term goals. Examine the role these people play in your life. Let others know what kind of person you are so you can fit in without violating your integrity. This is a time for teamwork and working with others. You feel strongly about your beliefs; but instead of forcing others to agree with you -- look for new dimensions of reality to enlarge your beliefs. You want to learn and grow! Travel will please you. Talk to people from other cultures. (They might invite you home for dinner.)
You're in the limelight attracting people and opportunities. However, this next month is very future oriented. You're thinking a lot about what you want to achieve in the next few years. Although you might be involved with parents more than usual, in the main, you're thinking about your role in society, your reputation and your career. You're very people oriented as well! You want to schmooze, especially with artistic types. And - ta da! -- Mars is revving up your sex drive (something no Leo takes lightly.) Give yourself permission to have fun. Despite your personal ambitions, this is your year for rest and relaxation. Take a vacation!
With Mars opposing your sign, partners and close friends seem touchy. It feels like they're looking for a fight. Just hang in there because this potential tension will be present until mid-May. Patience is the antidote to anger. It helps you avoid arguments and unpleasant situations. Fortunately, you're out of the house more. Travel appeals because you have a strong urge to explore new and unfamiliar experiences. New studies will also satisfy this yearning. Some might develop a crush on your boss. (A mixed blessing.) Office sex is frowned upon, especially during working hours. It's also tough to buy gifts. What do you get for the person who has everything - penicillin?
You're unusually self aware now. You're becoming conscious of urges and compulsions you normally ignore. ("What does this mean, Siggy?") You're hot and passionate because you want to experience everything at a gut level. (Talking doesn't cut it anymore.) Because you're keen to understand yourself better, you might meet a teacher or a powerful person who provokes self inquiry. All this naturally makes you question your values. The more we grow and learn, the more we change our values. (I've grown so much lately, I had to let another pleat out of my shower curtain. Sure enough, I don't value it as much.) Romance with someone from a different background is kinky different.
This is certainly a powerful time for you because it's the only time all year when the Sun directly opposes you. Time to buy new underwear. If you're going to have a Mexican standoff, you should feel good from the inside out. (Did you know that Scorpio rules underwear? Never hesitate to splurge on the best undies for yourself.) Many things in your life are reaching a culmination right now. However, there will be opposition from others! Don't provoke bosses, superiors or VIPs. Consider what doesn't work a life experiment, and be pleased with what does work. Some things feel like failures now; but you have learned lessons that will be helpful with your new ventures. You still have the creative power to determine where you're headed.
Relations with partners are smooth now. (Venus guarantees this.) Mars continues to create increased activity and chaos where you live. Just get as much done as you can, and be patient with family members. What you're most concerned with is pulling your act together and getting your ducks all in a row. There's so much to do! Strive to be as efficient and effective as you can. Begin each day with a new To Do list. You're also willing to perform services for others now. (You're busy!) That's fine. It's a joy to labour for those you love. Since your standards are high now and your urge to get organized very strong - you're probably adopting some new health regimes as well. This sounds like a serious makeover!
You're a hard-working sign; nevertheless, now is the time to play and be creative. Love and romance will start to trigger exciting moments for many of you. New love can begin; existing relationships will blossom. Vacations and fun, social diversions will promote this. Sports and playful activities with children are also featured for your sign this month. You love all this because Mars is giving you the determination, drive and energy you need. Relations with coworkers are smooth. (Romance connected with work could ignite.) Job opportunities or chances to improve the appearance of where you work are likely. (You might as well enjoy where you have to be all day.)
Your life continues to focus on home, family, domestic matters and possibly real estate deals at this time. Interactions with a parent are stronger. Your focus on family could be why you're spending more money now. Fortunately, you're putting just as much energy to earn it as well. This is one of the best six week periods in the year for you to clean up your act about your domestic scene. Make your home work for you. Make it attractive and welcoming to you and others. You like to entertain; therefore, give yourself digs you can be proud of. Others benefit you this year so you might as well have them over more for some good food and drink. Robert Louis Stevenson said, "A friend is a gift you give yourself."
Mars is in your sign giving you enormous energy; and the Sun insists you get out there and talk to everyone. When it comes to negotiations, buying and selling or wheeling and dealing - you're hot! Make clear communications one of your goals this month. Listen to how you speak. Remember: you can't hear what others are saying if you're talking. Since you're so dialed in, this is a good time to mend broken fences with others. Tell someone (politely but clearly) exactly how you feel about something. Home decorating projects please you. Since your reputation in the world is getting a boost, make your private realm attractive too. Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.