All Signs

There's a New Moon in Aries on Tuesday, the 17th at 7:36 a.m. EDT. (That's the mathematical apex. The New Moon --like the Full Moon-essentially lasts 24-48 hours.) Do we care? Yes, we do! Each New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions or set intentions in different areas of our lives (according to that particular New Moon.) It's worthwhile to take a moment and try doing this. (Read your sign below.) Meanwhile, the Sun shifts from Aries to Taurus on Friday the 20th. Each time the Sun changes signs, it lights up different parts of our lives. (I just hope it doesn't light up the back of my thighs.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is one of the best times all year to look in the mirror and give yourself an appraisal. The New Moon occurs in your sign, and one of the opportunities it offers you is a chance to improve your self-image. Hey -- you never get a second chance to create a first impression. What kind of first impression do you create? Similarly, this New Moon also offers you a chance to think about how you can improve partnerships and close friendships. Meanwhile, back in the vault, you're focused on money issues, possessions and increased shopping in the next six weeks. Do make friends with your bank account. Keep track of your cash flow. (Or would hemorrhage be the word?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon on Tuesday falls in the area ruled by your subconscious. Since each New Moon offers you a chance to make resolutions - why not ask for greater awareness about how your subconscious steers your conscious world? (Because of course - it does.) Think about how your thoughts and feelings govern your choices; and subsequently affect what you (subconsciously) attract to you and your world. I admit this sounds a bit touchy-feely; but life is never a straight-line. If you change the way you see things - the world that you see will change. During the next four weeks, opportunities and people will be attracted to you. It's your turn to carry the baton! (Use two hands, and what's with the pinky?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're more introspective than usual during the next few weeks. You've got lots to think about. Since your birthday is approaching, this means your personal year is ending. Look back over your shoulder. How are you doing at the art of living? Do you want your next year to be different? What are the changes you want to make happen? On Tuesday, you have a lovely opportunity to reassess relationships with friends and groups. What's happening here? If you want more friends in your life - be friendly! Think about who you hang out with because your friends affect your mind and your choices - hence your life. Big time! (Oh yeah.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The New Moon on Tuesday is at the top of your chart. This makes has a lot to do with your status in the world, how other people see you, and how you relate to authority figures in your life - Mom, Dad, your boss, the police, the works. How do you want these people to see you? What do you project - rebellion, independence, compliance, cooperation? Do you want respect, and if so, what do you have to do to earn it? Think about what you want and make a resolution to go for it. The next six weeks are popular. Everyone wants to see your face. Accept all invitations. Enjoy schmoozing with friends.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you have any pipe dreams about travel, education, publishing, working with the media, or perhaps something related to medicine and the law -make a resolution on Tuesday to move toward your dreams. The New Moon is the perfect time to begin things or initiate new attitudes and intentions. This is a powerful month for you because the Sun is at high noon, acting like a spotlight on you. You're high viz! And bosses, parents and others think you're hot stuff. (Which of course, you are; but it's nice to be appreciated.) Things are good. You feel passionate, sexy, friendly and charming! (What a winning combo.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

When it comes to insurance matters, taxes, debt, wills and inheritances - we all want to clean up our act; but gawd, this stuff spawns procrastination! Fortunately, the New Moon on Tuesday is a wonderful opportunity to resolve to settle this stuff. Take the pledge. You can do it. You don't have to actually do the deed on Tuesday, you just have to set the intention or make a goal for the future. Travel opportunities and chances to increase your learning or expand your world in some way exist in the next six weeks. Schmooze with people from other cultures. Sign up for a course. Visit museums, bookstores, galleries and college campuses. Grab more of life!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Tuesday's New Moon is the perfect day to think how you can improve your closest friendships and partnerships. Don't be wishy-washy general; be specific. Think of one thing you could do to enhance these relationships. On Tuesday, make a resolution to do them. This exercise helps you to be more aware of the kind of friend or partner you are to others. During the next 4-6 weeks, you're keen to improve yourself. (Diet, exercise, meditation, or quitting harmful habits.) You'll also be involved with the wealth and possessions of others, as well debt, taxes, insurance and estates. Yup - gotta be done. (Check out the simplified tax form: "How much money did you make last year? Mail it in.")

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You have many responsibilities right now. You see what's working in your life and what's not. Nothing is casual. That's why Tuesday's New Moon can be put to good use because it offers you a chance to think about how you can improve your job and your health. What's one thing you could start to do that would bring this about? Make a resolution on Tuesday to do it. You might follow through and voila! Things are better at work and with you. How easy was that? In the bigger picture, you'll be super focused on partnerships and close friendships in the next six weeks. No two ways about it. Actually, you can learn something important about yourself by watching how you relate. (Do I do that?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Busy you! You've got an urge to get organized! You want your closet colour-coded; and your CDs alphabetized, and all your bill payments in coloured file folders. You want to be in charge of your life! ("I'm the King in the castle!") This gung ho spirit can extend your health. You might start exercising and eating differently so you can be perfect! (Sort of.) It's a major spring cleaning. And if you want to really fine-tune things, on Tuesday, you can make a resolution to either enjoy time with children, or value your creative talents. Perhaps you'll resolve to go on a vacation. Or you might improve your balance between play and work. (Hard work never killed anybody - but why take a chance?)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Read All Signs above to learn how to make the most of Tuesday's New Moon. That's the day you should coolly appraise where you live and make a list about how you can improve your digs to make you happier. You can make a similar list by thinking about your relations with family members. What can you do to improve things here? Of course, you can't do it all, but you can make a step in the right direction. (I prefer the Southeast.) In the bigger picture, the next six weeks beautifully promote romance, love affairs, pleasurable social occasions, vacations, sporting events, the arts and activities with children. It's time to have fun! Yay! (You've earned it. You deserve it.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Home, family and real estate matters will be your primary concern for the next six weeks. You're trying to sort out a lot of different things here. You want to get better organized. You might also be entertaining more, or talking to family members (especially a parent) more than usual. You'll appreciate some downtime at home. For some reason, childhood memories or past family business comes to mind now. Seek out some private time to relax. (You need it.) The New Moon on Tuesday is a good time to make resolutions about relating to siblings, and communicating to the world in general. ("Greetings. Take me to your leader.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Fasten your seat belts! In the next six weeks, the pace of your lifestyle will accelerate. You've got places to go, things to do, people to see! Short trips are likely; as are increased visits and time spent with siblings and relatives. Some of you are busy reading, writing and studying more than usual. It's an active but pleasantly charged time. Mars in your sign gives you all the energy you need to bomb around getting all this stuff done. Decorating projects at home appeal now. You might be entertaining more. Family is quite cozy this month. Of course, George Burns was right: Happiness is having a warm, loving, caring family in another city.