All Signs

Sunday, February 18 is both the Chinese New Year and the Tibetan New Year, which means we're now in the Year of the Fire Pig. (Previous Pig years being 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983 and 1995.) Because the Pig is the last animal in the Chinese zodiac, it's considered to be well fed i.e. prosperous. Therefore, a Pig year represents the bounty we've built up over the previous years. Not only should this be a year of prosperity -- medicine, money and academic matters are specifically favoured. (Sounds good to me.) And of course, Oscar Wilde was right, "It's better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Because your birthday is approaching, the next few weeks are the perfect time to take time to ponder last year. What kind of report card would you give it? Since you have a few weeks before your own new year begins, you can use this time to think about how you want your new year to be different. One thing is certain: your increased opportunities in 2007 are related to travel, exploring new places and new ideas, getting further education, publishing, the media and anything to do with medicine and the law. The way I see it is you can either steer your course or just let life happen to you. What's it going to be?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For several reasons (and one is because old friends are back in your life) your popularity rating will increase in the next 4-6 weeks. Just accept this and go with the flow. Enjoy the company of others. Get out and talk to people. Catch up on past histories. Tell others about your hopes and dreams for the future. Whatever you decide to share might benefit you because their feedback will be helpful. You might want to revise or change your goals. Since this is going to be a good year to get loans, mortgages or assistance from others, you might want to attack a project that requires cooperation from the universe. (Money's useful if you want to buy things.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Both the Sun and retrograde Mercury are at high noon in your chart now. This acts like a spotlight on you. Others notice you more. People think about you and go out of their way to contact you. Bosses, parents and VIPs are easily impressed with you. This is all good. (When life gives you butter -- make popcorn.) Not only are your professional contacts favoured, time spent with friends and groups will be warm and rewarding. In a word, you have a people schmoozing month ahead! Since 'good fortune' is being ready to take advantage of what comes to you -- get active! Will Rogers said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You have a strong urge to spread your wings in the next two weeks. (Even if you didn't see X-Men -The Last Stand.) This is because you have an increasing desire to know more about the world. If you can travel -- get out of town. Go someplace different. Sign up for a course; go to a lecture; visit museums, art galleries and libraries. Talk to people from other countries and different cultures. In other words, do something to get out of your velvet rut. You have a desire for adventure and learning. Act on it! (If you want something you never had -- you gotta do something you've never done.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Many books have been written about procrastination but I always put off reading them. Leos hate to deal with forms, taxes, wills, insurance matters and all that red tape stuff. No fun! However, just as it is easier to row with the tide, it's also easier to attack certain tasks when the stars help you. The next few weeks are the perfect time to address these red tape items. ("Hi, let's be friends.") Don't let "one of these days" become none of these days. Just do it. Meanwhile, things are get saucy in the bedroom because these same stars now amp your sex drive! (Would I kid you?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Many of you are involved with ex partners and old friends. That's because both the Sun and retrograde Mercury are opposite your sign. Therefore, this is one of the best chances in a long time to learn more about your style of relating to others. No man is an island, not even a peninsula. You have to learn how to get along with others. A large part of that is understanding how others perceive you. Now is your chance to find out how you can improve your closest relationships, and possibly put a healthy closure to old ones. (I've heard that the reason people get divorced is they run out of gift ideas. Somehow I doubt that.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

More than any other sign, you need harmony in your surroundings. You want everybody to get along, and you want matching towels in the bathroom. Now, you're ready to roll up your sleeves and restore order to your life. ("I'm back!") Start making lists because the heavens now urge you to reorganize your life at work and at home. Buy filing cabinets, shelving, file folders, cleaning equipment, snow shovels, rakes or whatever it takes to do the job. Reclaim your turf with pride. Do home repairs and redecorating. Buy linens or pillows. And remember: if you put out fresh flowers you don't have to dust.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Old flames are back on the scene. In fact, you might be surprised whom you'll encounter. ("Oh no!") Look your best at all times because living well is the best revenge. Aside from these reminders of your past, the next few weeks are all about fun, parties, the theatre, movies, sports, games and delightful play times with children. Not only that, your focus also turns to love and romance. Whoopee! Out with the old, in with the new. (You never were one to sit around getting dusty.) Three planets now urge you to have fun! If you work hard, you've got to play hard too.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Time to stock the fridge. Relatives you didn't even know you had might be camped on your doorstep. All kinds of people will come out of the woodwork. Family discussions about old business will take place in the next few weeks. Since you probably have home repairs to take care of as well, maybe you can put these guys to work? (Sing for their supper?) Some of you will deal with old issues with parents as well. Consider this an opportunity to wrap up old stuff. Those of you involved in genealogy can make great strides. Midst all this, fun, games and romance will flourish.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a busy time! Some of you are taking short trips; others are spending more time with siblings and relatives. And some are studying, reading and writing more than usual. This is not the time to stay at home. Get out and hustle thy buns! It's a busy pace, and on top of that you're dogged by many silly little errors and delays. Therefore, keep your wits about you. Allow extra time for everything. If something can get snarled up now -- it will! (It's a Mercury retrograde thang.) Fortunately, with Mars in your sign right now you've got a lot of energy! In fact, increased physical exercise will benefit you and help blow off excess steam that might build up. Pssssss.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your focus is definitely on cash flow, earnings and spending money in a major way now. Money, money, money. (It doesn't grow on trees, you've got to beat the bushes for it!) Sure it doesn't bring happiness, but it makes misery easier. If you're looking for a job now, go back to previous places you've applied or try old ideas that fell through before. However, in a subtle way, this is the perfect time to think about your values in life. They say happiness is wanting what you have. Abundance is a tricky thing to understand. But one thing is certain: as generous as we are is the world we live in.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Sun is now in your sign: Happy Birthday! This means it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Once a year when the Sun is in your sign, inextricably, you will attract people and opportunities to you. Keep your eyes peeled for this. Things can quite easily go your way now. (You should milk this for all its worth.) Group sports and physical activities with friends are likely (although tension with one particular friend is a possibility.) Purchases of lovely things for yourself and others will please you. Some of you have a chance to earn more money now as well. This is not surprising because your career is going to really take off this year!