If you're reading this column, you survived the insane Neptunian influence of the last two weeks when life went sideways for most of us. But a shift has occurred. A glitch in the matrix -- and definitely for the better. There's more hope in the world! It's okay to wish for better. Thoreau said, "In the long run you hit only what you aim at. Therefore, though you should fail immediately, you had better aim at something high." Kinda like the sign above a toilet: "We aim to please. You aim too, please."
This week is going to be so much better than last week. (Thank gawd.) Your sense of adventure is really revving up. You have a growing feeling within you that you want to get more out of life. You want to travel. You want to see new places. You want to meet new people. You want to learn new things. You want it all! Therefore, stay tuned for opportunities to travel or get more education or further training in any area. Sign up for a language course. Publishing, the media, medicine and the law are beautifully favoured. Mercury retrograde is over. It's a whole new world and you're going to love it!
You're never casual about money, owning land, or your possessions (especially your collectibles and antiques.) Starting this week, your attention definitely shifts now to anything that you share with someone else. This includes your mortgage, your debt structure, your taxes and all shared property or jointly held possessions. It even goes so far as to cover inheritances, insurance matters and estates. These areas will be a primary concern for you in the immediate future. You'll also give a lot of thought to the responsibilities you have for others. But don't worry. It's all good. You're going to be very nicely on top of your scene. (Feel free to have seconds on dessert.)
The Chinese saying "May you live in interesting times" was actually a curse. But not for Geminis -- you love interesting! Right now three planets are directly opposite your sign. This is an intriguing dichotomy. Certain aspects of your life are ripening. However, when planets oppose you, you can easily provoke opposition with authority figures. Tread carefully! Now you see clearly what is working and what is not. In the recent past, you worked to create certain structures; and now you see the consequences and influence of these past actions. It's report card time. Let go of what no longer serves your best interests. You might feel tired because the Sun is far away from you. Have another latte.
You still have a lot of energy left to party and explore romantic possibilities; however, you're starting to chafe at the bit. You want to make things happen! In particular, your energy is growing and your motivation is becoming focused. You want to be more efficient and more effective. Suddenly, you want to clean up your act. Bravo! Move while this feeling is still with you. (It will last about 4-5 weeks.) Buy the support materials you need to give yourself a chance to do a good job. Paint, clean, file, sort and categorize everything (and believe me you have a lot of stuff) so that you feel quite smug about everything when it's done. (You'll love yourself for all this work afterwards.)
You're the sign of romance, theatre, and high drama. (You know how to work a room.) Once a year, your ruler the Sun takes about a month to move through the area of your chart that one might call your 'home'. Naturally, it governs romance, love affairs, theatre, the arts, vacations, gambling, professional sports and working with children. That's what's happening right now. Therefore, expect invitations to social events, mini-vacations, increased romance and a greater focus on gambling, children and sports. Just relax and do your thing -- not out of indulgence, but rather because that's how you will be most successful. And nothing succeeds like the appearance of success! (How sweet it is.)
It's a relief that Mercury retrograde is finally over. Your life can return to its normal insanity. Now you're focused on home, family and real estate matters. In particular, you want to make where you live look more attractive. Renovations, redecorating and shopping for your home will occupy your time. Family relationships will also be more demanding. However, fair Venus ensures that they will be loving and supportive as well. The next month, and for that matter the next year, are excellent times to explore real estate speculation or buying a new home. Relations with parents will improve. You're going to create a nice cozy nest for yourself. (Cheep cheep.)
Fasten your seat belt because your life is getting busier! (You can run but you can't hide.) Increased reading, writing, studying and talking to practically everyone -- especially siblings- will take up more of your time. Short trips, buying and selling, and swinging some negotiations are all on the table as well. Don't sit around at home. Get more sleep. Get up earlier in the morning. Start making lists. "I owe, I owe, off to work I go." You're at the budding stage of generating the most positive outlook you've had in over a decade. You're going to love what you do until you're doing what you love.
Mercury retrograde in your sign was pretty hairy in the last two months. Breathe a sigh of relief because that's now history! (Whew.) Both Mercury and Mars are still in Scorpio giving you abundant energy, and a desire to communicate to others. Meanwhile, the King is in the counting house counting all his money. Oh yeah! You're going to get serious about earning money as well is spending it. But at a deeper level, in the next two weeks, you'll reflect upon what it is you really value in life (besides sex -- your favourite hobby.) In other words, what really matters? You have to know what matters so that you know what to protect, and what to go after, in order to be happy.
Happy birthday. It's all about you now, dear Sagittarius. (Tra la, tra la, it is to laugh.) Things are really starting to go your way. Because of this, your belief in your own future is getting more positive. This is super empowering to you because optimism and activity are survival issues for your sign. (If you don't believe there's a possibility of a better tomorrow -- you fold like a cheap suit.) Know this oh Wise One: you are starting to attract people and opportunities to you like never before. You're in the zone. Life is going to unfold in a far better way than you even dreamed. (And that's saying something because you dream big!)
Each year, just before your birthday, you have the perfect opportunity to look back at the past year and see how well you're doing at the art of living. Now is the time to do this reality check so that you'll have a better idea of how you want your next year to unfold. Louisa May Alcott said, "Far away, there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." You are a sign of destiny. You have a strong sense of wanting to be someone. The word casual is not even in your vocabulary. Make a list for your new birthday year.
What a great month ahead! It's all about schmoozing with friends, groups, clubs and associations. You're out there flashing your dazzle. This is what you do best. After all, you invented networking. (You start petitions the way other people order a decaf, triple grande, non-fat, no whip mocha.) Because friendships are more important to you now -- examine the role they play in your life. Would you want to have you for a friend? Nobody lives in a vacuum. In fact, what is true of your friends is probably true of you. This is a time for team effort. Strive to establish who you are with others. Figure out how to fit in without violating your own integrity (or having to pick up the tab.)
"Look Ma! No hands!" This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart. When this happens, it acts like a spotlight on you. Others notice you more than usual, especially bosses, VIPs and parents. Furthermore, they admire you! (It's the Sun.) You don't even have to do anything special to earn their increased respect. You'd be nuts not to make the most of this. If others approach you to take on extra responsibilities, say yes. Piece of cake! Relations with parents are important. But in the bigger picture, examine your life direction in general. Do you have your turn signals on?