Neptune is tricky. It creates a fog of confusion, and under its influence people often believe what is not true. Neptune makes you doubt yourself; you feel undeserving and unworthy. The confusion could be self-induced, or arise out of misinformation, or it could be due to deceit. (Ouch.) Meanwhile, back in the steamy bathroom, retrograde Mercury is creating errors, delays and goof-ups. Therefore, go gently this week as three planets cross paths with Neptune. Dreams might be unusually vivid. (The funny thing about dreams is that to make them come true you have to be awake. Go figure.)
Be careful with all matters related to shared property, possessions that are jointly held, insurance matters, taxes, and debt. Someone might try to deceive you. You might have incorrect information about your finances or your debt. Don't give away the farm. If someone tries to talk you out of something and you don't feel good about it -- stand your ground. Another area that could be equally confusing is sex. (Remember sex? It comes after five and before seven.) The main thing to remember is wherever you feel doubt or hesitancy, don't beat yourself up. Just do nothing. Don't act out of confusion.
All this heavy-duty confusion and disappointment - see All Signs above -- (oh yes, Neptune is all about disappointment because it is strongly related to unrealistic expectations) is related to do partnerships and close friendships. This confusion or deceit can also include customers and clients. This is an extremely tricky area! You don't know who to trust. You're not even sure you can trust yourself because Neptune is as much about fooling yourself as it is about fooling others. In fact, this is the more likely scenario! Remember: unexpressed expectations always create disappointment. Strive to be clear with partners and friends. Assume nothing. Don't second-guess anyone else. If you're not sure about something -- ask point blank what the other person wants.
In All Signs above, I mention the potentially confusing influence of Neptune this week. For your sign, Neptune could create havoc at work with communications related to your job, your employment scene and even your health. You might misinterpret data. You might think people want something other than what they really want. You might have incorrect information. You might even be working with someone who is jerking your chain. Intentional deceit and misrepresentation of the truth are highly likely. You're Gary Cooper in High Noon. Are the townspeople with you or not? Is that a snake on the ground or just some coiled rope? If you're not sure about something -- don't act. Double-check the facts. And remember: the one who confuses you the most might be you!
Confusion and disappointment related to romance, love affairs, vacations, the arts and matters related to children are likely this week. Romance is a classic feeding ground for confusion. It embraces idealistic expectations, most of which are never clearly expressed. Furthermore, often these expectations are closer to Hollywood than any kitchen sink reality. If you feel let down in any of these areas, try to delay having a major dramatic reaction. You might just end up with egg on your face. Make your words sweet in case you have to eat them later. (Whipped cream helps.) Do not jump to conclusions. Remind yourself that things might look completely different in a week. (They could look totally bleak!)
For the most part, Leos will be confused about family matters and something related to home, your domestic scene, and real estate issues. If you feel disappointed or hurt by a family member, try to be cool. This is probably based on misunderstandings, unexpressed expectations, and something you actually have no idea about. Of course, you'll have a reaction. You care about family! We react the most to issues and people we care about. (Who gets in a snit about a stranger?) If you're hesitant to act, then do nothing. Your hesitancy is a sure sign you don't know what you're doing. Do not lash out at loved ones. And don't pout. If you feel hurt, tell someone why. Just talk about it. Others might be just as confused as you! Confusion is contagious.
This is an accident prone week. Take extra precautions driving, walking, jogging and especially talking. You can count on others misinterpreting or misunderstanding what you say and do. "Whaat? Whaat?" Naturally, this goes both ways. You'll likely jump to conclusions, especially in conversations with siblings and relatives, that are incorrect or off base. It's also possible that someone will directly deceive you. The crippling part about Neptune is that you cannot really trust your gut. That's why the confusion is so convincing! And we all know that the greatest lie is half a truth. This is not a good week to sign contracts or enter into partnerships.
Be very, very careful this week because Neptune can confuse your finances. You might think you have more money in the bank than you have. Assumptions related to earnings, your job, what you expect to get paid, or when you expect to get money are just some areas that can go sideways. The confusion could be because of incorrect data, delays, wrong assumptions, or confused communications. It's also possible that someone is stealing from you. Count your change. Make friends with your bank account. Do your best to stay on top of your scene. Guard against losing money or possessions. And definitely guard against scams!
Five planets are in your sign. (!) The tricky part about this week is that three of the planets will be at odds with fuzzy Neptune. Expect confused communications with parents and partners and practically everyone. Sometimes you just won't know what's going on. You might have that jilted at the altar feeling. Quite likely, you'll feel tired and drained. Because you expect others (especially romantic connections) to live up to your wonderful ideals, you might be so disappointed you want to break off a relationship. You might also be tempted to be deceitful and sneaky. Be careful. Neptune has a way of exposing secrets and leaving you hanging out to dry. Aagghh!
Optimism is a survival issue for you. It's what makes you tick. Be careful this week because you could lose your emotional footing. Something might happen that makes you have a lot of self-doubt. You might even feel that what others say confirms your worst fears about yourself. There's a strong possibility for self-deception and doing a mental number on yourself. Naturally, you need this like a fish needs a bicycle. If this occurs, reassure yourself with the knowledge that it will be gone in a week at the most. This is all just smoke and mirrors. Give this little credence. You're as fabulous as you were a week ago.
Deception and confusion between you and friends or members of groups is highly likely this week. It's hard to know what to make of this. Are people sending you mixed signals on purpose? Are you losing it? It is possible that someone is trying to deceive you. But it's also possible that mixed up communications make you think this. Nevertheless, if you think someone is trying to sell you a bill of goods, you might be right. Be as aboveboard and clear in all your communications as you can. Resist the temptation to be sly or sneaky. (You'll get busted.) Don't over idealize someone. Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time just like you.
It's important to be extra clear in all your communications with parents, bosses, VIPs and authority figures in your life. (This includes the police.) It's very easy to have misunderstandings now. If someone gives you weird instructions, double-check to make sure you have them right. On the other hand, if you think someone is lying to you, you might also be right. To avoid a nasty confrontation, you might side-step something or hide. Ironically, this will probably worsen the situation! Be as clear and openhanded as you can. If you're disappointed in someone, remind yourself that you might not have all the facts, and you also might have unrealistic expectations. (Or you have their number!)
Neptune is your ruler. More than any other sign, you're well aware of how easy it is to fool yourself. However, understanding this doesn't mean that you're immune to it. Au contraire! You can fall victim to your over idealizations, unrealistic expectations, romantic fantasies and hopes for the future just like anyone else. Publishing, the media, educational matters, medicine and the law are the areas where you will most likely be confused. People from other cultures might send you mixed signals or vice versa. You can easily misinterpret things related to religion, politics and philosophy. Travel plans in particular, are subject to cancellations, delays and confusion. Take a deep breath. Look in the mirror and repeat your name over and over.