All Signs

Every week there are numerous planetary aspects that indicate different and often contradictory influences. In this weekly column, I try to highlight the theme of the week (if there is one.) Once again, it appears that hard work and accomplishing tasks get top billing. The difference this week is that we will take existing situations or items and improve them. Furthermore, because Pluto is involved, if these improvements benefit others as well as ourselves -- our own long-term benefit is hugely increased. This week is also sweet for love and great for sex. [Glenda Jackson says she uses real-life experiences to help her act. "If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. If I have to laugh, I think of my sex life."]

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Conversations with partners and close friends are productive this week. For one thing, your intention is to improve things. Perhaps you want to get things out in the open. You want to lay your cards on the table, and tell it like it is. In part, you feel that others will be receptive to your honesty. You feel a warm and trusting give-and-take with someone. Great! What more do you need? Do your best to remove any element of confusion or distrust. Tell someone just how much you care. Be risk-taking! After all, the only thing you have to lose is your pride, your self-respect and your sense of dignity and decorum. Phfft!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You'll make marvelous changes to your work or your job this week. Start by getting rid of whatever you no longer use or need. (No, this does not include your boss -- too bad.) No doubt you'll see better ways of doing things. You'll discover improved methods that are cost-effective; you'll also see ways of getting a better product. Similarly, many of you can improve your health this week, especially by stopping something that is unhealthy or not good for you. Removing that which is harmful, and encouraging that which is beneficial is a double whammy and certainly the way to go. Ya think? (More fruit and veggies; less coffee and smokes.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Three planets continue to urge you to have a good time. We're talking sex, drugs and rock n' roll! (Booze is legal; oregano is optional.) Romantic relationships are intense and memorable. (Oh yeah.) New romance feels like destiny in the making. "This is bigger than both of us! It was meant to be! Let's run away to Cache Creek!" Sex is transcendent and extraordinarily mind-blowing -- just how it should be. On a more serious note, (G sharp) parents and those who work with children can make great strides to introduce improvements or achieve sought-after goals. You can also clean up messy areas with show business, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and professional sports. Ta da!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a beneficial week for you. Most Cancer people have too much stuff. Well, let's just say you have a lot. That's because you can't throw anything away because you might need it some day. Result? Full closets, stuffed drawers and bulging cupboards. Oy! Fortunately, this week you'll find it easy to go through things to downsize, streamline and get rid of what you're not using. Give stuff away or sell it. Recycle. Turf the rest. You'll also find new uses for old items. You might even transform a room or part of where you live so that it has a new and more practical use. You're a practical, mechanically inclined sign. Introduce improvements to your home and family scene. It's all good.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your ability to communicate (especially to siblings) is extremely strong this week. If you have deadlines with reading, writing and studying -- you're laughing. You'll have no trouble buckling down to meet those demands. Furthermore, your communications with others are concise, to the point and -- dare we say? -- bordering on profundity. In conversation with others, you're concerned with getting at the truth of something. You don't want to sugarcoat anything. You want to tell others how you feel; and you want to know where they're coming from as well. Conversations are intense, penetrating and to the point. "Hi! Long time no see! Where do you live now? How's your sex life?"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Many of you will think of new ways of earning money this week. This could result in an entirely new and different job; or it might simply mean that you discover a sideline that brings you extra cash. This particularly applies to family businesses and anything to do with real estate. In the same vein (but closer to the heart), you will also discover new ways of using certain possessions you already have. You suddenly see new applications for things. You might also make improvements or repairs to something you own. And like Cancer, you'll sort through your possessions to get rid of what you no longer need. Reduce the clutter! Put your CDs back into their cases. (Whew! That looks better.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Several major planetary aspects occur this week, and they all have the potential to improve your appearance, your health, your body, and your closest relationships. Pop some vitamins, buy some new clothes, and jump into the sack with your honey. "Whee! Isn't this fun?" Your closest relationships will be profoundly intense and intimate. Many of you will feel soooo in love. You'll confess your deepest, darkest fantasies. ("Then we all go up to the teacher's desk and grab Magic Markers and write Celtic sayings on our bodies!") Actually, you can improve your closest friendships and partnerships now by demanding a more honest level of sharing. ("I finished the pie.") Enjoy!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

By nature, you have the mind of a detective. You're a sleuth. You always see the subtext of things; and you're never fooled by a phony. This week all these particular talents come into play. Your ability to research hidden information and discover solutions to sought-after answers is quite astounding. You'll find whatever you're digging for. Your research skills are fantastic this week. If you work alone or behind the scenes, you'll be quite successful. You'll easily make improvements or introduce reforms to how you earn money. Similarly, you might repair or improve something you already own. This includes your good name, your reputation and your health.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a wonderful week to schmooze with friends and groups. You'll make great headway in all your connections with others. For starters, your conversations with others will be surprisingly frank and candid. (This suits you perfectly because you're so honest -- at times, it's brutal!) Others might help you or encourage you to make changes in your immediate environment. You want to improve something. Remember: if the improvements you make benefit others as well as yourself -- you win big-time! This is a good time to realign your own intentions with the goals or intentions of a group. You won't overlook anything. You've got the mind of a hawk this week.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Conversations with bosses, VIPs and parents are unusually intense and profound this week. Someone intends to get down to brass tacks -- the real nitty-gritty. ("He said... then she said... then he said... and I knew right then it was game over.") All this matters to you because you're very ambitious right now. You want results! Some of you might fall in love with your boss or someone older or more established. ("He's too short? So stand on his wallet!") Conversations will clear up previously messy areas or areas that encouraged confusion or suspicion. Secrets are only secrets if they're hidden. Once they're exposed to the light of day, they're often almost boring.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Some of you will talk to God this week. (Or at least leave a message.) Conversations and your own personal dance with political, religious and philosophical matters could be quite mind blowing. Some of you could even tap into a new belief system. ("I've always been a 12, but I believe I'm now a 14.") You might meet a teacher or someone from another culture who introduces you to some very profound and life-changing ideas. Opportunities for travel or further education or training might turn out to be terribly important for your future. You have a chance to improve yourself in some way. Why not grab it?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You can definitely benefit from the wealth of others this week. Everything is coming your way -- and it's coming up roses. Someone might help you to sort through shared possessions and things that are jointly held with someone else. You can make great strides here. You might also improve certain items or something that is shared. You might also come up with a new system of sharing. Privately, your gonads are in overdrive. Intimate relations will be transcendent and over-the-top. Love will be everything you hoped it could be and more. Gasp. (Which is saying a lot considering your ability to imagine and fantasize.) It's a sexy week!