Here's the grocery list for the week: Pluto has gone direct. (Ah yes, Pluto is alive and well.) Mercury moves into Libra; Venus opposes Uranus and by the weekend, it's time to circle the wagons. People are pushy, obsessed and insistent on getting their own way. (Not you of course, we're talking about those other people.) These planetary aspects test our maturity. The secret of survival is not to get caught in the Bozone. (According to the Washington Post, that's the substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.)
It's time to sit up and be a person. Your work scene could be a source of stress. Something unexpected will occur. It could be technology (now you understand it -- now you don't. Wow -- that was brief!) Something could break down or something high-tech might be introduced. Alternatively, something bizarre with coworkers might occur. (Who does the hiring around here?) You might feel strongly about something. But don't get your belly in a rash. Don't see this is a situation where you have to win, or convince others to agree with you. Mellow out! What counts is not about who wins or loses -- it's how good you look on the field.
Issues related to romance, love affairs, creative projects and children -- possibly even friends -- could throw you for a loop. First, something unexpected occurs. (Like wow.) Then you're confused about your priorities. (You like a predictable outcome.) Eventually, you dig in your heels and get stubborn about something. You're convinced you're right, and you just won't let go. (Like a dog with a bone.) Far better to step back and let in a little air. Give yourself breathing space. Don't overreact and then make a quick judgment. Fortunately, even though you're a stubborn sign, you also value the wisdom of giving matters a sober, second thought.
You can handle this week better than most. Why? You thrive on change! (You don't do boring.) The planets are giving you a heads-up about your home scene. Parents might surprise you. You might rebel against authority. Something different creates a sudden change to your living scene. It might test your loyalties: who do I put first, home and family or my career? Equipment might breakdown. Similarly, communications with lovers or children could be testy. This doesn't have to happen if you don't insist on getting your way. You have a choice: you can argue (you're good with words) or you could use this same penetrating energy to bring about new, valuable insights. (Hey -- no-brainer.)
This is a mildly accident prone week. Be careful in everything you do and in everything you say. Chew your food. Speak before you think. Unexpected news about siblings, travel, publishing, or transportation might catch you dead in the water. Communications could be interrupted. Charge your cell phone. (What are you doing in the deep end without your water wings?) You're a sensitive, emotional person. When something happens, you feel it -- often in your stomach. This in turn, makes you react in an emotional way. You might feel hurt. You might lash out or insist on getting your way or making your point. Don't bother. It's not going to cut it. Runaway -- so you can live to fight another day.
Something to do with money, earnings, debt, shared property or possibly a recent purchase could bring a frown to your lovely brow. (Not again!) This could relate to financial negotiations. It might also relate to how you handle your responsibilities for others. Perhaps you feel your obligations to others are too much? You might be unsure how to spend an allotted amount of money. (Like your paycheque.) Out of pride or fear or obstinacy, you might insist on getting your own way. Don't do this. This is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. You're a classy sign. It's time to demonstrate grace under pressure. (Oh yeah.)
Let's call this week When Charts Collide. Don't worry about whether or not you saw the movie -- you're in it! (That's the problem with life -- we never get a chance for a dress rehearsal.) You're feeling rebellious. It's hard to know who to put first -- your own interests or the interest of someone else. Actually, with the Sun and Venus in your sign, it's okay to put yourself first now. In fact, it's totally appropriate. Nevertheless, resist the urge to demand getting your own way around Friday/Saturday. This is so uncool. And not your style. (You're the sign of service!) Remember: Patience is the antidote to anger. The Bible says, "Let not the Sun go down upon your wrath." Or as Phyllis Diller puts it: "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
Something behind the scenes, or deep within your own consciousness might make you feel uneasy, restless and perhaps rebellious. It is that which you cannot name. ("Oh no! The Unnamed!") Something unexpected that is work-related creates glitches in your productivity. It makes you anxious. In turn, this makes you hit the ground running determined to put out fires. However, your efforts could spiral, and somehow make you obsessed about things. Try to detach yourself from all this. When this happens, stop and count your breath for 11 breaths. (In and out is one breath.) This creates a space between what went before and what is about to happen. Try it.
Difficulties or unexpected events related to children, romance, the arts and friends might develop at the beginning of the week. Parents should be extra vigilant: this is an accident prone time for children. It's hard to know where to put your priorities. By Sunday, you will feel you survived something. (And you have!) However, although you might have a straighter spine about something, don't be rigid. Don't get fixated. The temptation to coerce others to your way of thinking, is actually a planetary energy. You can turn this energy inwards. It will give you an opportunity for introspection and deeper self-understanding. You might discover where all the lost socks from the dryer go.
Relations with bosses, parents and VIPs are crunchy. Something is the last straw. You've had enough. You know freedom is a survival issue for you. You'll sell out for so long -- then it's game over. Hey - you don't have to explain or defend your position. You're allowed your take on things. Your stance is as valid as anybody else's. Don't become so obsessed with one idea that it consumes you. Your sign not only needs freedom -- it needs an optimistic environment to survive. Therefore, don't box yourself in; and don't let anybody else do it to you either. Maybe you need to take a trip. (Did you know "como frijoles" means "how have you bean?")
Conflict about political, religious or philosophical matters could erupt. Perhaps travel plans are canceled? Surprises connected with education, publishing, the media might also catch you off guard. It could be an event or delay or could relate to your belief structure about something. Whatever it is -- it will stop you in your tracks. In your attempt to gain control of things (you're a perfectionist) you might doggedly insist on something. (Forget the facts, my mind's made up.) Don't let others try to convince you about something. It's easy to be insistent about your beliefs or a particular stance on education, publishing and the media. Just live and let live. (Despite the cost-of-living, it's still going strong.)
This week you might be in a quandary or questioning something about shared possessions, inheritances, debt and taxes, or your own earnings and your possessions. Something is definitely afoot. Perhaps you don't want to be responsible for someone else anymore? It's hard to know who to put first. When you start to get a handle on this, remember to keep an open mind. (But not so open that everything falls out.) I say this because by the end of the week, you might be so obsessed with an idea or thought, you want force your point of view on others. Possibly, you'll attract someone who wants to do this to you. Either way -- chill out. Keep the friendship.
This is a difficult week for partnerships and relationships. All I can say is -- expect the unexpected. A growing need for freedom and independence will prompt you to speak up about something. You can no longer ignore things or sweep them under the rug. Later in the week, discussions will be intense. Be aware having a rigid frame of mind (which is not your style.) Don't let others overrule you; similarly, don't force others to agree with you. Life is a dance. You step forward, the other person steps backwards. He or she steps forward, and then you step backwards. Allow room for an easy give-and-take. Che Guevara said, "Silence is an argument carried on by other means." Don't resort to this. (Bummer and bad for the soul.)