There's a lot of talk about Pluto, and lemme tell ya - Pluto isn't happy. (Pluto is not a planet to mess with -- and to call it a dwarf? I don't think so!) Scorpios -- please relax. From my POV, Pluto is alive and well and still doing its thing. Obviously, alien revolutionary forces are at work. (It's Uranus.) The thing to know about Uranus is it wants to reform things. But it has a questionable style! It likes to agitate and stir the pot. How do we deal with this? Hot tip: when restless, nervous energy arises, ask yourself what it is you really want? (Deal with whether or not it's attainable later.) Ever notice that the more you have the more you want? (I hate that part.)
It's time to figure what you really want from your job, your employment scene, and your daily activities. You're feeling a tad touchy. You're not going to take any caca from anyone at work. In fact, you feel rebellious about something. So - what do you really want? What's the perfect world at work if you had the power to make it so? Be clear about your expectations. It's entirely possible that the support (resources, funding or assistance) you need will come through for you. This same influence could apply to health issues as well. (When it comes to work, there are many who will stop at nothing.)
You feel anxious about a romantic relationship, children, vacation plans, or a creative project. You might feel powerless to do anything about this. (Blecht!) The best way to approach this is to figure what your real objective is. What is it you want? Don't get hung up on whether or not you can make it happen. Just get clear in your mind what it is that you want to be a reality. Quite likely a partner or close friend will help you this week. In the meantime, clarity in your mind about your objectives will actually help make them a reality. (I think it has something to do with squirrels running along the power lines.)
Something about your family dynamic or your home scene is agitating you. Since you have the inner constitution of a hummingbird (no matter how big a guy you are) -- this extra tension is tough to take. You'd better start to put weights in your pocket to keep from levitating. (Gemini rules the lungs. No matter what your outer appearance is, inside you're very airy and fluttery.) Plus your home scene is unpredictable with sudden changes. Family members are full of surprises as well. (Gulp.) Down deep you want to liberate yourself from some oppressive situation. ("There's gotta be a way outta here. Didn't I come in that door?")
Be careful walking, driving, jogging -- and for that matter -- talking. The influence of Uranus has arrived! Surprise news and unexpected ideas are popping out of the woodwork. This makes you jittery. Unfortunately, jittery can promote accident prone situations. So be extra careful with your actions, and be careful about what suddenly blurts out of your mouth. The good news is unexpected romance, vacations, and news relating to children and creative projects are a bonus. Not for nothing do you undergo all this instability! Stimulating ideas are refreshing. Surprising news is a perk. Can you work with this?
Your financial scene is a crapshoot. The squeeze play is coming from stern Saturn. Learn to live with it. (You have no choice.) Nevertheless, home, real estate and family businesses might suddenly generate a profit, Thank gawd! Down deep, this is the time in your life when you have to figure what it is you really want. What really matters? Go one step further: what can you do now to start to make this a reality? (Forget whether you can do it or not -- let's think positive.) Uranus wants to remove all the self-limiting beliefs and restrictions you place on yourself. (Get rid of them. If you're attached to them, you can put them in your freezer, in case you want to beat yourself up later.)
Relationships are all over the map. You're in the wobble zone. (Could go this way, could go that way.) You might feel stifled in a relationship right now. You need space! You want something different. (Something sexy and kinda thrilling.) On the other hand (you have different rings) maybe you just want to take off on a road trip? See the world! Don't get hung up on what is practical or not or what is feasible. Uranus wants to show you what you're missing. But hey - if you're missing it, how can you know what it is? Keep an open mind. (But not so open that everything falls out.) You feel this influence more than anybody because Uranus is directly opposite your sign. (Would I kid you?)
This Uranus influence is a bit tricky for your sign because it hits you in your subconscious. You're restless, agitated but you don't know why. And if you do know why -- you're not sure that's the real reason. But what you do know is you're not satisfied with the way things are. Something's gotta give. This could affect your work. (Or not.) More likely you have to let go of self-defeating behavior patterns and systems of thought. (You're your worst enemy.) What's wrong with saying 'no'? It's just one syllable. Go to your bathroom mirror and practice saying no. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. You can do it. After all, if you don't take care of yourself -- you can't take care of anyone.
Friends, romantic partners, theatre, the arts and children are all extremely unpredictable areas right now, and definitely the source of a few surprises. (You hate to blow your inscrutable cool.) Just go with the flow. At a deeper level, what's happening is your hopes and dreams for the future are changing. You're actually getting closer to what they really are. But dare you? Dare you follow your deepest, heartfelt dreams? You dare! No sign is more fearless than you. Friends and groups are supportive to you now. You feel comforted and reassured knowing that someone is watching your back. (They might even massage it too.)
Surprise or upsetting news with parents, VIPs and bosses might catch you off guard. For starters, you've been a bit prickly with authority lately. You're just not going to roll over and take it. (Remember: freedom is a survival issue for your sign.) But just when you thought you were going to grab your walking papers -- the cavalry arrives! Friends and groups benefit you now. (That's not a bugle call - it's applause!) With the support of others, you might shift your whole life direction now. This is pretty heady stuff. In some way, your future will be more liberated. You're singing " Freedom's just another name for nothing left to lose." Yup - the sign on the door of opportunity reads "Push."
It's mind blowing because the ideas that you've nursed -- religious, political or philosophical -- might be blown out of the water. You feel disillusioned. But this just means your illusion is ripped away from your eyes -- and you're free to see what is. (Scary, I know.) Interruptions to travel plans, higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law are likely now. Don't be freaked out. This is an opportunity for you to have a reality check on what your true beliefs are. You're the truth seeker of the zodiac. (You're also the con artist extraordinaire.) You don't want the wool pulled over your eyes. Oh no! You want to know what's really going down.
Unexpected news about inheritances, shared property, and the responsibilities you have for somebody else might catch you off guard. Don't worry about this. The powers that be from on high (parents, VIPs and bosses) are ready to bestow glad tidings on you. Yay! You're the lucky winner! Now you can see how to use the resources of others to gain more freedom in your own world. You're not exploiting anyone. You're simply turning the situation to your own advantage. This is skillful means. People think very highly of you now.
Relationships are rocky. In large measure, this is because you feel a strong need to make a break for freedom. You can no longer tolerate feeling stifled, squelched or opposed by anyone. (Enough weeping.) What's delightful to know is that as you make your stand for some kind of liberation -- situations related to publishing, the media, higher education, travel and dealing with foreign countries suddenly present a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. (Rainbows are nice.) Before you pack your shoes and hit the road, keep in mind this need for freedom might be an inner situation and not have to be expressed externally at all. Ya think?