This weekend fiery Mars opposes explosive Uranus making this an accident-prone time! Be careful driving, walking, and jogging. Ditto for talking. People are easily angered, and tempted to suddenly lash out at each other. Unexpected events disrupt your life sending everything sideways. Fortunately, like most things -- there's two sides. The upside is you might suddenly free yourself from inhibiting restrictions. ("I'm outta here!") Nevertheless, take precautions to prevent household accidents, machinery breakdowns, and upsets with any task. Take your time. Go slowly. (And if you don't know what you're doing -- at least do it neatly.)
Surprise news that's health-related might occur. More likely, unexpected events related to your employment scene will take place. Angry words, criticisms, and frustrations with new technology or equipment breakdowns are likely. Let us not forget you occasionally have a short fuse. (Ya think?) You blow up easily but you don't hold a grudge. Now is the time to remind yourself that patience is the antidote to anger. After all, we know anger serves no purpose other than to make everyone miserable (including you.) Therefore, why even go there? Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. But who is the one who is getting burned? You! (I rest my handbag.)
Parents must be extra vigilant. This is definitely an accident-prone time for your children. Be patient and observant. In addition, you might suddenly want to yell at them or tear your hair out. Did you know that astrology texts all claim your sign makes the best parent? That's because you cover the basics: three squares a day and a place to sleep. However, you also know if you lose your temper -- it's game over. (People are slack-jawed and horror-struck.) Meanwhile, back at the love shack, things might be heating up in the wrong way. Lovers feel hemmed in. You want more space, more freedom. You might also be shocked to discover something that upsets you. "Luke, I am your father."
Increased activity and chaos where you live are likely. This could be due to family tension, renovations, repairs or guests who have outworn their welcome. (Guests are like fish: after seven days they start to smell.) Domestic tensions require extra diplomacy, patience and tolerance on your part. You're so clever and quick-witted. You know how to dance around others, and you don't have to resort to expressing anger. Au contraire! You can be the voice of reason and mediation. (You smooth talker.) Home accidents might occur; so be careful. Do everything slowly and carefully with attentive mindfulness. Be especially patient with parents and loved ones. (No question -- happiness is having a warm, caring, loving family in another city.)
This explosive astrological influence (see All Signs above) really hits you in an area that could produce accidents while driving, walking, running and even talking. Everything is super unpredictable. (A crapshoot.) If you're aware of this, you can resist the urge to make a snide retort to a sibling or relative. "What? You expect me to do all this *#!^*?" One thing simply leads to another. (You know how that goes - the same way that sex can lead to slow dancing.) Similarly, you can avoid accidents and save gas by staying home. If you do go out, don't rush. Take it easy! Think before you speak. Look before you act. Don't put too much horseradish on anything. Agghh!
Your financial scene is off-the-wall. Leos don't like this. Leos spend money freely. That's why they like to have cash on tap. This money squeeze sucks; and it's an embarrassing infringement on your ability to express yourself. Just accept the fact that finances are a crapshoot. You're finding money; you're losing money. You're also spending money impulsively. In large measure, what's breaking the bank is your desire to be generous and help others. (You're the only sign who will actually borrow money to lend it. What a pal!) Some of you are quitting jobs. (That does it! This is the last straw.) Others are discovering new ways of making money. (Act fast because this window is brief.) All in all -- relax. With four planets in your sign now, things are actually groovy.
You're in the direct line of fire of this explosive planetary combination (see All Signs above.) Mars in Virgo directly opposes Uranus in Pisces. Keep your temper in check. Avoid negative knee-jerk reactions to irritating situations. The best way to use this energy is to liberate yourself from any restriction that's self-imposed or imposed from without. Yes - we're talkin' freedom! Robert Frost said, "If society fits you comfortably enough, you call it freedom." By the same token, when things don't fit -- it's oppression. Therefore, keep your cool. Check your anger at the door. But do use this energy to liberate yourself from anything that's unfair, unhealthy, unwholesome and just too stupid to kowtow to.
This is a disconcerting time. You not only like -- you need harmony in your surroundings and your environment and your dealings with others. You even need harmony in your decor and colour scheme. Therefore, when it feels like someone or something is working behind the scenes to make life difficult for you -- it's unsettling. Your best option is to quit trying to please everybody. If you just please yourself, you'll keep about 75% of your world happy. (That's good odds.) You can't be a doormat. You owe it to yourself to respect your needs and wants. If you think someone is not a friend -- stop seeing this person. Life is too short for bad wine and grumpy, petty people.
Many of you are having difficulty with friends or members of groups. You might even feel attacked by someone who is just over-the-top or losing it. (Dontcha love it?) Try not to respond. Just walk away. However, another manifestation of this planetary dynamic is that someone might say something to you that totally opens your eyes. Eureka ! Now you see a different approach to something. Perhaps a new way of doing things? This fresh insight could make you change your goals or at least modify them. It lets you see a better, freer way of doing things. You realize you no longer have to struggle to be a human being -- the apes did this years ago! Whew! (That's off my back now.)
Many of you are undergoing explosive encounters with parents, bosses and authority figures. This is no fun. Especially when they're yelling and waving their hands. Even if you shrug and smile sheepishly - they keep yelling! (A fine example of why you should always keep your passport current.) "So long -- and thanks for all the fish!" However, another scenario is also possible. Is this the time to throw in the proverbial towel? There's only so much caca an optimistic, positive thinking Sagittarian can take. "Enuff awreddy!" This might be your ticket out of an oppressive situation. Veni, vidi, vamoose - I came, I saw, I split town.
Matters connected with the media, publishing, foreign countries, other cultures, higher education, medicine and the law could be blowing up in your face right now. This is not what the doctor ordered. (And a spoonful of sugar ain't going to help this medicine go down.) Fortunately, there's a flip side to this explosive planetary combination. Some Capricorns will encounter some kind of surprise news or spiritual awakening or philosophical teaching or even an unexpected chance to travel or get more education or training. This could be liberating. Yeehaw! Nevertheless, some (like Mel Gibson) are dealing with mucho fallout about something totally unexpected and out of hand.
Unexpected news or surprise events connected with other people's property, mortgages, inheritances, shared possessions, debt and taxes are likely. Changes to your partner's income might be on the agenda. Fortunately this can go both ways -- it could be loss; it could be gain. (Fingers crossed.) Some of you will get a surprise gift or inheritance or an opportunity to use something somebody else owns. (For moi? How wonderful!) Others might have the opposite experience. Many will feel burdened by obligations, duties and responsibilities. Since you're a rebellious, freedom loving sign -- you've decided enough is enough. Sayonara!
For some time now, Mars has opposed your sign creating agitation, irritation and conflict with partners and close friends. (You're doing a slow boil.) Finally, all this stuff comes to the surface and pow! -- you feel your need to make your move. This is all you're going to take. ("Slip out the back, Jack. You don't need to be coy, Roy.") Conflict with partners and a determination to be free from obligations to others really gives you pause. (Little furry ones.) But lo! Unless your situation is unbearable and you now have the courage to speak up - don't be too hasty to act. You feel the strain of working very hard. Make sure you do not act in such a way that you'll regret it later.