When Venus and Uranus dance together, we're in for pleasant surprises. This is happening right now. Depending on the seeds you've planted in the past, who knows what will ripen? If you plant daisies, you get daisies. If you plant onions, you get onions. Capice? Likewise, if you plant kindness, generosity and tolerance -- this is what you reap. If you plant impatience, stinginess and harsh judgments - you'll have cavities, your well will run dry and your deodorant won't work. Venus brings goodies, romance, gifts and money. Uranus adds a swift, unpredictable element. What a combo! (A reminder of the time when you beat out thousands of sperm.) Yes!
You're buying unexpected lovely goodies and artistic things for where you live or for loved ones and family members. Others might introduce a new home entertainment system or something that's high-tech fun. Surprise company might drop by; impromptu social events will occur. (Keep a pitcher of fruity sangria in the fridge.) It's all fun stuff. But don't go overboard. Sometimes too much of a good thing is wonderful -- other times it's a painful hangover. Three areas are highlighted this week: arts and crafts, romance (woo woo) and activities with children. Enjoy what and whom you love!
New faces and new acquaintances are exciting. These people are unusual, stimulating and invigorating. (Beats reading manuals for appliances.) This interaction triggers new ways of thinking. You might modify your goals. It's a good time to entertain at home. You're tempted to go overboard with something here or with family. Don't take on more than you can handle. (This includes overnight guests.) You're feeling increasingly sexy and playful. Others will notice -- count on it! (Who is more sensuous than you -- you ripe, juicy peach?) Continue to give serious thought to how to establish a home base for yourself. You need this.
Exciting, unexpected, new ways of earning money are possible. Your window of opportunity to explore this will be brief. Act quickly. It could involve aviation, technology, something to with radio or waves, science, or your efforts to reform something or improve the world. Similarly, you might suddenly part with some money through impulse buying or unexpected delightful purchases. Modern art or unusual, bizarre items from other countries will please you. (You're intrigued with anything novel and different.) But be careful you don't overextend yourself mid week. You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but only if the law of averages fails.
This is a pleasant time for you. Venus is in your sign; and wild, wacky Uranus is giving it an electrical jolt. This means anything can happen. You'll meet new and unusual people. You might also have unexpected opportunities to travel, socialize and schmooze with fun people, or explore opportunities connected with publishing, the media and higher education. Good things definitely come your way now. Keep your pockets open. Be tolerant as you encounter others. Unusual people or people from a very different background from yours will introduce something fresh and exciting to your world. Why not explore this?
This is an interesting birthday month. A new kind of optimism pervades your world. You feel confident and enriched about your home. You might entertain more, or enjoy social activities with family. Quite likely you have strong moments of appreciation and share good feelings with loved ones and relatives. That's because this is the first birthday in 12 years where Jupiter so beautifully blesses home and family. (However, next year will even be better!) You're also learning a lot about yourself (with Saturn now in your sign.) Saturn makes us mature. This involves recognizing and accepting our limitations, then functioning to the best of our ability within those limitations. At first, this sounds scary and boring. But actually, it's just the real world. (Fantasy is fun, but real can be wraparoundreal!)
Now is the time to explore new friendships with unusual people or people from a different background or culture. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn new things, and see how others live. New friends and contracts could introduce you to new art, and new ways of doing things. Talk to others about your goals for the future. Their feedback could modify your goals or set you off in a new direction entirely! Something new and fresh will come out of your dealings with others. Be open-minded. Try on whatever new ideas you encounter. See if they fit. ("Hmmm, is this me?") If nothing else, they make you question attitudes or beliefs. (This way you stay savvy and cutting edge.)
Be gracious to parents, bosses, VIPs and authority figures. Why? These people can lavish gifts, goodies and favours on you right now. You might as well get whatever is being given out. Some of you will develop a sudden crush on your boss or someone older or more established. It might appear to be an unlikely fit to others - but what do they know? Unusual opportunities are at hand. Be open to original suggestions. Whatever comes your way now will have only a short window of time in which you can act. Therefore, stay off your heels! Look alert. Be ready to demand the advantage. The universe wants to reward you somehow.
Unexpected opportunities to increase your training, or go back to school, and promote your education now exist. Similarly, surprise chances to suddenly travel somewhere also fall in your lap. Act quickly! (This comes and goes quickly.) If you can blow town -- do so. If you can learn something new -- do it. These are wonderful, unexpected chances to expand your experience of the world, to increase your knowledge, to better understand how others live. Why not inject more adventure in your life? These things are good. With Jupiter in your sign now (bringing you all kinds of good fortune) you can have fun. New romance with someone who is different from you is likely. (If you want to learn Spanish -- take a Spanish lover.)
This is an exciting time. When the Sun is in Leo, you have opportunities to travel and learn new things. This week in particular, brings you favours and perks from others. Partners get bonuses or increases that are passed on to you. Inheritances, returned property, money back from the government, and the use of things that others own are other examples of the gifts and goodies that come your way. Do not hesitate! Your window of opportunity is brief. Fortunately, you know how to act fast. (You understand the whims of fortune and change.) If there's something you want from someone else (a loan or mortgage or gift or the use of something) then go after it now. Hey - you can't win if you don't buy a ticket, right?
This is a wonderful time for dealing with members of the public, close friends, partners and spouses. People are genuinely glad to see you. And you're glad to see them. There's a strong possibility you could meet someone new, or that casual relationships could deepen in intensity and affection. You might also become enthralled with someone who is quite different from you. (It's this very difference that's the attraction. Psst!) People are very unpredictable now; but that's what makes life interesting. Don't worry. We're not talking about the Spanish Inquisition. Quite the opposite -- you can learn a lot from others who introduce you to new ways of thinking and doing things. (Might be fun and kinky-new.)
Something connected with your job, your employment scene, or even your health generates some unexpected opportunities for you now. Things are looking good! You'll encounter new technology. (Perhaps baffling at first but then quickly full of exciting possibilities.) A surprise promotion, or an opportunity to learn something new or do something different is possible. A new coworker or work related acquaintance from a different background might teach you something new. You most definitely have an opportunity to expand your job somehow. Be open to whatever happens. Things are unpredictable right now and that's all they should be. (Go out and meet someone who is deeply superficial.)
More than any other sign, right now you have an opportunity to fall in love with somebody different - yes, love at first sight. Eyes across a crowded room. Think Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr in An Affair to Remember. (Sigh.) However, other surprises are possible. Children, the arts, sports, the entertainment world, show business and the hospitality industry are all areas that can throw you a pleasant curveball. A sudden vacation? An unexpected opportunity related to sports or creative projects. A free ticket to an event. An invitation to a party. New technology related to home entertainment or the arts. These are just some possibilities that excite you. The bottom-line right is -- have fun! Enjoy good times. Be open to new ways of being creative and laughing it up.