All Signs

This week starts off carefully, cautiously and seemingly in control. However, trust not this illusion! It's an astrological sham. (Ta da! Coming soon to a theatre near you. Don't miss When Charts Collide!) Mercury goes retrograde on Tuesday; Mars (action) opposes Neptune (confusion) on Wednesday. (People wearing matching socks and arriving at work on time should get medals. Job well done!) By Thursday, things lighten up, and our idealism is aroused. Nevertheless, we're all coping with delays, travel glitches, communication foul-ups, and old faces back in our lives. It makes one think, "Life is hard." (But - compared to what?)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're one of the lucky ones. This particular Mercury retrograde can serve you well. Because your creative curiosity knows no bounds, you have a trail of unfinished projects on tables, counters and stuffed in closets and drawers. (Never admit these are 'unfinished'. Tell people they're 'works in progress'.) But ah ha! In the next six weeks, many of you will finish some of these great ideas and wonderful schemes you set into action. Back to the drawing boards! There's lots of confusion about children, vacations and romance now. Just remember: if you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly. (Don't make important decisions this week.) Wait until after Aug. 12th.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There's probably a lot of confusion taking place at home or within your family dynamic right now. For starters, there's mucho chaos and increased activity. This could be due to renovations, visiting guests or other interruptions. Deception, theft, and home accidents are also possible. Be extra careful around swimming pools, poisons, gas, oil, paint, chemicals and questionable food. If you feel hesitant about home repairs or real estate deals - postpone them until August 12th. Use this time to finish up old projects and cope with relatives camped on your doorstep. Stock the fridge. People are always happier when you give them good food and drink.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It's that time of year again. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde for the rest of the month. This plays havoc with your communication systems: phones, e-mail, snail mail and your transportation systems as well (cars, trucks and public transportation.) You've been here before. You will survive. The fact that this happens three times a year --every year -- is why you're so nimble, so quick, so agile and ready to jump in any direction. You've had lots of practice! And you know what they say about practice. (If at first you don't succeed, hide all evidence you ever tried.) Caution: this is an accident-prone time for you. Take extra care when driving, talking and working.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It behooves you to keep a wary eye on your finances this month, and especially this week. Lots of confusion about your finances could impact your earnings, your cash flow, and your choices about how you spend your money. If you're considering buying something extravagant with someone else, I suggest you delay. Wait until August 12 if you can. Despite this confusion about money and possessions, this is still very much a fun filled week for you! (Especially the last half.) Romance is promising. Entertaining diversions, good times, fun parties and playful activities with children can take place. However, this month is a very poor time to buy any form of ground transportation. (Except shoes.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Mercury goes retrograde in your sign this week (first time since 2005) bringing partners and old friends back in your life. My advice: guard against being arrogant, hasty and dismissive. (All those regal qualities that sometimes get out of hand.) When your mind feels cluttered, bombarded or confused, you want to shoot the messenger and fire all the servants. Just accept the fact that partnerships and close friendships are very confusing now; and there's nothing you can do about it. Hey - being confused is not a big deal. What do we ever really know anyhow? The real confusion is believing that you know -- when you don't know. Aye, there's the rub. (Hmmm, perfect. A little higher and to the left.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Tread carefully this week. Tread carefully this month. Why? This month Mercury is retrograde, and this particular Mercury retrograde will shake up your confidence or create feelings of self-doubt. Confusion about your health, or confusion that is work-related (mixed up communications and possibly even deceit) could cause you to be demoralized. You might even feel temporarily defeated. If you do -- know this. This feeling is fleeting. It can only hit you in bits and pieces during the next few weeks. Furthermore, while it happens, other things are happening in your chart that are actually very good. Time spent with friends and groups is rewarding, and enjoyable and uplifting. Work with what you've got.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Old friends or members of groups are back in your life again. In some ways, this is a welcome thing; but in other ways, it creates confusion and uncertainty for you. You're not sure what others expect from you. And on top of that, you're not sure you can deliver. Furthermore, the pressure is on because with the Sun at high noon in your chart, people notice you. If your involvement with a friend or group entails a major decision -- delay this until after August 12. Opportunities to promote your earnings exist this week. Plans related to travel, publishing, the media and higher education look solid and promising. Finish old business. Wait until mid-August to initiate new business. Relax. After all, whatever you do -- you're always diplomatic, charming and graceful.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a tricky Mercury retrograde (for you.) Be careful this month when dealing with bosses, parents, teachers, the police and authority figures. Nasty misunderstandings will occur. Communications are lost in the ether or just garbled. Because these communications take place with important people in your life (people who have sway over you) things could be disastrous. Therefore, the minute you feel communications are going off the track - stop everything! Go out for a latte. Get a massage. Pamper yourself. Do not react. Table important discussions. Other factors promote wonderful productivity, especially in publishing, travel, the media and higher education. Partners are supportive. (Be cool.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Yikes! The very areas that mean a lot to you --travel, dealing with people from other cultures, publishing, the media and everything to do with higher education, the law and medicine are the very areas where this Mercury retrograde will play havoc. (Have you played havoc recently? I hear they've changed the rules.) Since these areas are subject to enormous confusion, misunderstandings, delays and even sabotage or deceit - if you feel overwhelmed or confused, then do nothing. Why act if you don't know what you're doing or you don't have all the facts? Cavalier and offhand does not mean throwing common sense out the window. Definitely not.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might find yourself once again wading through old business connected with insurance matters, estates, inheritances, shared property or anything to do with the wealth or the responsibilities of others. Probably you cannot avoid this. Nevertheless, if you have to make major decisions in these areas (especially regarding shared wealth and jointly held property) ideally, you might want to wait until August 12 to sign the deal. However, in the meantime you can clear up a lot of loose details in these areas. Discussions with ex partners are inevitable. You are well aware that the main cause of divorce is marriage. But did you know that smoking was the leading cause of statistics?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This Mercury retrograde is directly opposite your sign. This is not going to be easy. You will definitely have confused conversations, misunderstandings, wide misses, and a lot of groping in the dark with partners and close friends. Oy vey! Just grin and bear it. It's not all bad. However, because Mars is on the picture as well, and Mars adds to the confusion and even entices deceit and treachery (the plot sickens) -- if you know you're confused, then avoid important decisions. Feel free to postpone until August 12. Don't act if you don't know what you're doing. Take the high road. Keep things above board. (Remember: the easiest person to do deceive is one's self.) "Rats! Foiled again!"

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Batten down the hatches. Secure all lines. Is the dog in? Try to smooth the way for all your daily activities, and especially your activities related to your job and employment scene as much as you can. (You can run but you can't hide.) Delays, computer crashes, cheques late in the mail, lost messages, lost papers, confused communications, misunderstandings, transportation breakdowns and staff shortages are just some of the reasons your productivity will suffer this month. Just accept this. Be patient with co-workers. Double-check instructions. Dig trenches. Stock supplies. Back up your work. Think of anything that can go wrong and try to anticipate it. (Printer ink?) Then when these frustrating things occur, you'll be prepared. You can even smile and say, "I thought this might happen -- and it did." How cool is that?