All Signs

We're in for a hot, sexy summer. Many of you have already noticed how crazy this particular Spring was. (Rrrandy as the Scots would say.) By late August, many will fall in love with someone from a different background. Unconventional details make it all thrilling and electrifying. Fatalistic attractions are bizarre but what transpires is liberating. Friends will become lovers and lovers will become friends. One thing is certain: it won't be boring! Thank gawd celibacy is not hereditary.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This New Moon is the perfect time to think about how to improve where you live, and similarly, how to improve your relations with family members. Each New Moon offers us an opportunity to make new resolutions and set intentions in a different part of our chart, which is another way of saying a different part of our lives. Since family is forever (whether you like it or not) what can you do to promote good feelings among the tribe? No doubt you'll benefit others as well as yourself. If you can squeeze in a little solitude, you might also get a better understanding about some childhood memories. As kids we think adults know everything. Then we become adults, and find out that the kids were actually closer to the truth. Go figure.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There is no better time of year than this weekend to decide to initiate clearer communications with everyone. Do others understand what you're saying? Do you know what they're saying? Apparently, a shockingly low amount of information is actually getting back and forth in all our daily conversations. (Some study somewhere indicates this but then I'm not sure if what I read it is what they were really saying.) Relations with siblings, neighbours and relatives are especially important now. Maybe these people can help you with your home renovations? Many hands make light work.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The New Moon this weekend makes you think about your earnings, and your earning potential, and how you want to spend your money. What you might not be as aware of is a deeper undercurrent to all these thoughts. At some level, you're also wondering about your value system in general. What is worth buying? What's worth reaching for? First you have to decide which possessions are worth keeping and which ones you can let go. (If you're not using it, perhaps somebody else can. Good for them and good for you!) Venus is in your sign now for the next few weeks. This makes you even more charming and diplomatic! You're such a smooth schmoozer. Oy!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is the only New Moon in Cancer all year. The best way to use this is to think about how you can improve your appearance, and how to improve the first impression you create on others. Actually, your appearance is an offering to others. When you look good -- your friends like to greet you. (Who wants to encounter a disheveled messy person?) In fact, this is also the best time of year to decide how to improve your partnerships and closest relationships. What can you do to enhance these relationships? Yes, showing up with yummy baking is a nice start. Basically, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're pulled in two directions. Mars and Mercury in Leo make you energetic, assertive, and eager to talk to everyone. However, the Sun and the New Moon are hidden in your chart. This makes you want to hide. That's why you're jumping back and forth: one minute, you're out there gabbing to others -- the next minute, you've disappeared from sight. Basically, you're starting to redefine who you are in the world. This is a pretty big deal. It will take a few years (perhaps 5 to 7) but it will be an exciting journey. And don't worry finding yourself - the self isn't something you find, it's something you create.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's time to think about friendships and your relationships with groups. Are you pleased with the people you hang out with? Do you enjoy your friends? In large measure, our friends reflect who we are. (Birds of a feather flock to newly washed cars.) Since your friends influence your mind, and in turn, your mind makes your future choices, which in turn create your life - then you see how important friends are. They affect your future; in fact, they almost script it. Make a point of seeking out people who can be a positive influence on you and vice versa. Robert Louis Stevenson said, "A friend is a gift you give yourself."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Sunday's New Moon is at high noon in your chart. It's time to think about how you deal with parents, teachers, bosses and authority figures in your life. We all have to learn how to deal with authority -- without exception. (Although have you noticed that teenagers no longer rebel and leave home?) Discussions with bosses and parents will give you a chance to observe yourself in action. Are you mature? Do you overreact because others are pressing old buttons? Is there any way you can remove all those buttons and put in zippers? As you watch yourself in action, what can you do to improve your relations with authority figures? Certainly, it's within your power; and it will make your life easier.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're gung ho about travel, foreign countries, publishing, the media and higher education. This is your focus. Since the New Moon occurs in this very area of your chart, you now have the opportunity to make changes for the better in these disciplines or activities. What do you want to introduce into your life? How do you want things to be different? Are you giving yourself an opportunity to learn new stuff? Do you need to travel more or study more? If you can't expand your world now -- you'll feel claustrophobic and trapped. You have a chance to learn from other cultures and different countries. Be alert. (The world needs more lerts.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You have high ideals. More specifically, you have high hopes for your future. You believe there's always something better around the next bend in the road. This kind of optimism is what your sign represents. Right now the New Moon want to focus on how you can improve who you are as a person. How can you become a better person? In order to do this, you'll have to define what "a better person" is. Perhaps it's someone who has positive values and acts on them? This is a tricky point. Once you identify the qualities you think a "better person" has -- you're halfway to owning them yourself. I don't believe good intentions pave the road to hell. Good intentions are the beginning of all good things.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Both the Sun and the New Moon are opposite your sign. This totally draws your attention to partnerships and close friendships. It's as if you're looking out into the world to those who matter most. What can you do to improve these relationships? Do you really know what you want from these relationships? How do these people perceive you? Would you want you for a partner or close friend? Since your popularity is so strong now, these are good things to contemplate. Never take your partner for granted. Couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking. This is what makes intimacy special. You want intimacy but you fear rejection. Well, you can't win if you don't buy a ticket.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're cooking with gas! Life is moving along at such a fast clip, you're determined to become more efficient and effective at everything you do. You want to feel you're on top of your scene. You're getting ready for something big. And you know that if you're more organized, you can handle all these changes with aplomb. And you're absolutely right -- being better organized will make all the difference. One of the secrets is to give yourself the right tools to do a good job. In other words, give yourself the support you need to be more productive. You want to attack your daily world with confidence! In the meantime, be patient with partners. Anger serves no purpose except to make everyone miserable.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a wonderfully, creative, romantic, exciting time for you. You're bouncing off walls. Some of you are in love. Some of you are excited about vacations and creative opportunities. Some of you are delighted with children and activities related to babies and young minds. Some are very involved in sports. One thing is certain: all of you want to have fun. You want to kick up your heels and play, even if this means escaping into a world of fantasy. Give yourself permission to do this. It's important to have fun. You can't work all the time. If you play and have delightful, fun escapes -- this gives balance to your life. Pleasure makes the hours seem short. (Time flies when you're unconscious.)