Mercury the planet that rules communications, daily tasks and ground transportation makes a tough aspect to fuzzy Neptune on Mother's Day (Sunday.) This could create confusing conversations and situations this weekend. However, on the whole, nothing dramatic occurs this week. Therefore, I've done a little recap for each sign that is a reality check about where we each are in our lives. (After all, life is still very popular despite its rising costs.)
This year and next, you might experience increased responsibilities with children - either personally in your family dynamic or through your work. Similarly, you might have increased work to do with respect to the arts and your creative self-expression; plus anything to do with the entertainment world, show business or professional sports. These normally 'fun' areas suddenly involve more work. (No fair!) Even gambling might be in the toilet. Love affairs are serious, even difficult. (Oy.) Romance with someone older or someone who's parental is possible. You're looking for serious, viable options to express your creative talents. Good. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
This year and next, most of you are making positive changes to your home environment. You're doing renovations, improvements, or juggling residential changes that involve streamlining your possessions. What you're trying to establish is a bedrock of domestic security for yourself in the future. You want to nail this down. You like your possessions; you love your creature comforts; and you need security, especially through land and money in the bank. (Oh joy!) Sometimes these major changes at home manifest in your family dynamic. Changes in the family could take place. You might assume increased parental responsibilities for someone. Churchill said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."
You're a communicator par excellence. (After all, your ruler is Mercury, the planet that rules words, learning, listening and talking.) In the next two years, you'll undergo completely different experiences that are intended to hone and refine how you think, how you talk, and even how you listen! This means you have to place yourself in a completely different environment on a daily basis. That's why I mention that many of you will have residential or job changes this year or next. Older Geminis can think back to 1975-78. What changes took place then? Were you suddenly thrust into a new environment that caused you to rethink things and listen to others with greater objectivity? (After all -- the best way to entertain people is to listen to them.)
You're dreaming up moneymaking ideas. That's because you're in a 2-3 year window where you're getting serious about your earnings and what you can do to boost your income. But at a deeper level, your concern is beyond earning money and owning things. You want to know what really matters? Does the one with the most toys win? Do money and possessions bring happiness? It's hard to understand this because of the images we see in movies and television. But if wealth equaled happiness -- then all rich people would be happy. Are they? (Or do they smile a lot to show off their perfectly capped teeth?) Everybody still has to put their pants on one leg at a time, no matter what brand they are.
Saturn is in Leo until Sept. 2007. (The last time this happened was Sept. 1975 to Aug. 1978.) Saturn is the Great Teacher; but it teaches "tough love". (Gulp.) It's time to let go of the things to make way for something new. Your attention is turning inward. Essentially, you're starting to reinvent yourself; and the 'new you' no longer needs certain people, activities and even values. You're dropping old tapes and old ideas about who you think you are. You're about to restructure your life. (Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water!) Since change on the inside, is reflected on the outside as well, you'll change your wardrobe image in the next 18 months. (Cool watch - is that a replica?)
Since 1994, you worked for a successes and accomplishments, many of which culminated around 2001-2003. However, nothing lasts forever. (Not even Parmesan cheese.) That's why you're in limbo right now. You're starting to dismantle much of what you created since 1994. However, do not think of this process as a time of loss. It's a time of change. In order to bring new things, people, relationships, jobs and places into your world -- you have to get rid of some of the old ones! Now is the time to let go of what is no longer relevant in your life. Bye-bye. (Did you know there's a theory that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage?)
As an Air Sign, you're tuned in to others: what they say, what they do, what they want. You like someone on the other end of your teeter-totter because you need companionship. Some of you let go of close relationships in the late 90s. (That was tough.) But by 2003, you were back on your well-shod feet. Now you're thinking about friendships, and getting involved in groups and organizations. You want to belong to something bigger than you; you want to be a member of the tribe. That's why you need to be aware of what it means to be involved with others. (It's not that tough. After all, you can choose your friends but you can only have one mother.)
In the early 90s, you worked hard to solidify your home base. In the mid-90s, you had increased responsibilities with children. By 1999, relationships took a major turn, and now here you are in this significant window of time from 2005 - 2009. What's it all about? It's your turn to fly! Scorpios are ready to show the world what they can do. You might be graduating, or entering a field that will change your life. In some way, this is a time of harvest. All our previous experience will now start to bear fruit. Don't shy away from leadership. You see clearly what is working (and what is not working). This is one of the most rewarding times in your life! (Pass the caviar.)
This is a great time for your sign. You're future oriented. You're always making plans for your strike-it-rich 'killing'. And that's exactly what you should do now because this is a time of preparation! You worked very hard in 1999-2000. (Oy!) Fortunately, many of you squeezed in some cool vacation time then as well. (Romance was looking swell too.) Now you're trolling for the big one. You know that if you do your homework, and get all your ducks lined up in a row, you have a chance for professional success and accomplishments in 2007-09. The fruit is waiting to be picked. (Oh yeah.) Learn as much as you can now -- about anything.
Many of you embarked on a new scene around 1988-89, which ultimately triggered residential moves or job changes in the mid-90s. And while you worked hard to establish a home base in 1996-99, partnerships were tough in 2003-04. (Ouch.) Now you feel the repercussions of separation, as well as the increased responsibilities for the property of others including things jointly held. This is not trivial stuff. You might also be involved in insurance matters, inheritances, settling estates and dealing with debt and taxes. No problemo. Your motto is, "No pain, no gain." You see this stuff as character building. (But hey -- how much character do you need?)
Saturn is sitting right across from your sign. It moved there in July 2005, and it will stay there until Sept. 2007. This totally draws your focus to partnerships and close friendships. It's why shaky partnerships are biting the dust. Even relationships that will endure are undergoing major changes. In large measure, this is happening because you're becoming stronger, bolder, and more assertive about going after what you want and what you know you deserve! You're not going to settle for less anymore. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.) It's been a whole new world for you since 1991. Now you're going to take your power. (But where are you going to put it?)
In many ways, you completely reinvented yourself since 1994. Lots of changes around 1999-2000 kept you moving. In fact, the beginning of the new millennium was a defining time for you. Now you're in work mode. Personally, I agree with Charlie McCarthy: "Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?" That's why I try not to get too close to it. You however, are right in the thick of it. This year and next, at times you'll feel overwhelmed. Fear not, you can handle it! Basically, you're preparing for your debut. You're going to step out into the world in a couple of years -- centre stage -- colours flying! That's why your effectiveness as a human being is being tested right now.