All Signs

A few days ago, the Sun entered Taurus. This means we'll all feel a shift in our lives during the next 4-6 weeks because the Sun will highlight a different part of our lives (according to each sign.) On Monday, the Sun is square Saturn. So the week starts out with a bit of a somber quality, especially in dealings with parents, teachers, bosses and the police. ("Hi chuckles.") However, the New Moon on Thursday offers each of us an opportunity to make fresh resolutions and new beginnings. Personally, I am going to write down seven different ways to stop making lists to improve myself. (I hope this time it works.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Although you might be worried about financial burdens connected with children, the arts, or vacations and having fun, this is not a bad thing. It focuses your mind exactly where it should be this week. You feel taxed about finances on Monday (the very word!) But by midweek; you can clean up your act (financially speaking) with some strong resolutions. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Think big, talk little, love much, laugh easily, work hard, give freely, pay cash, and be kind..." Did you catch the part about paying cash? I know it sounds quaint and old-fashioned, but the 'no debt' part is appealing. (The trouble with paying cash is it's so hard to find the stuff.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Sun is in your sign plus the New Moon on Thursday create a major focus on you. Look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you look like you live in the 21st-century? What kind of first impression do you create on others? Get rid of clothes you don't like or never wear. Get a haircut that makes you feel good about yourself. Time to get your teeth cleaned? Your appearance creates the first impression you make on others -- that first 10 seconds. What about after that? The trick to having friends is to be friendly. If you have these bases covered (and you probably do) buy yourself one quality, luxurious item. (Cashmere, leather, whatever.) You don't do bling - you do country squire.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Whatever gets you down on Monday disappears quickly. Don't beat yourself up about it. Since unexpected opportunities come to you from bosses and parents, along with chances to improve your reputation -- it's important to feel self-confident. If you don't feel confident, you won't be able to take advantage of these opportunities. Actually, it comes down to self-love. It's funny how we go to school or learn the names of capital cities, and the years historic battles were won, yet we learn so little about self love. What's with that? Facts are just data -- not how to live our lives. (Mark Twain claimed he never let schooling interfere with his education.) Be gentle and soft with yourself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's time to think about friends and groups. How do you fit into the lives of others? How do they fit into your life? Do you respond only when people need you? Do you wait for others to come to you? The stars urge you to share your dreams for the future. This might be emotionally risk-taking. (Not a bad thing.) But by saying what you want out loud, your mind hears you form the exact words about your goals. And once you put it 'out there', then Providence moves too. You'll be surprised at what comes to you. When you share a commitment -- many things are set in motion: direct help, advice and even physical assistance.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a rather unusual month for you. The Sun is a high noon in your chart; and this week the New Moon is also there. It's time to think about how you deal with authority. Since Leo rules royalty, and you're a natural leader, you often chafe at instruction from others. Does your reaction to authority keep you from being as successful as you might be? The top of your chart is also about your life path. What are five main things you want to achieve in your life? Write them down. Get a handle on this puppy. If you name it, you can claim it. You might not get them all, but you'll know what to aim for.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're focused on travel, foreign countries, publishing, the media and anything to do with higher education (plus medicine and the law.) These things represent learning more and experiencing more of life. You're trying to figure out how to travel or broaden your horizons through new, stimulating experiences. You know that knowledge is the function of being. (Plato.) You also know knowledge can be learned in a book or through the experience of a new environment. That's what you want to explore now: you want to widen your world. You're even prepared to give up stuff. This is a good time to learn a new language or talk to people from other cultures and different backgrounds. "Hola!"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This New Moon in Taurus this week makes you gung ho to improve yourself. You know that a balanced diet isn't holding a cookie in each hand. (You wish.) For a variety of the reasons, you're on a self-improvement kick. You're trying to lose weight, exercise more, get all your paperwork in order, and organize your closet plus spice up your wardrobe! Some of you are going further: meditation, yoga, special courses and learning new skills. Basically, you want to enrich your life. (If your bread is stale -- make toast.) And if you've got toast, why not some first-class marmalade? Now we need organic, fair-traded coffee. Oy!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Sun is directly opposite you for the next four weeks; and this week the New Moon is also opposite you as well. This draws your attention to partners and close friends -- the people on the other end of your teeter-totter. Because the New Moon offers opportunities to introduce new resolutions in your life, think how you can improve your closest relationships. Our friends reflect our underlying beliefs about what friends are. If you believe others only want you for what you can give them -- you'll attract takers. What messages do you unconsciously send out? (I'm not talking about your phone number in washrooms.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This year Pluto is lined up with the Galactic Centre (the centre of the Milky Way). This happens every 248 years; and those born from Dec 15 - 22 feel the most empowered. But all of you are resolved to clean up your act. You're manic about getting organized and improving your health. The big thing to focus on this week is your attitude to work. You don't work for your boss, or your employer. You do the work. You feel proud or jaded about the results; therefore, you work for yourself. Take pride in how you spend your time because time is the stuff life is made of. (Confucius said if you love what you do you never have to work a day in your life.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The heavens now urge you to play and have fun. But you feel guilty if you're not working. You think you need to earn or deserve your fun in the Sun. Perhaps this is so. But this is also an opportunity to see how play and creative expression (and even hot sex) are beneficial to you. We all need balance in our lives. We need joy. It's important to reward yourself with vacations and entertaining times, plus romantic escapes to grease the wheels of life! If you always plow a straight furrow, you're stuck in a rut. Giving yourself playtimes and rewards has to do with your sense of worthiness. Don't you deserve some fun?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Home and family are important now. Certain situations in your life suddenly drive this fact home to you. (Pun intended.) It's important to know what you value because then you know what to protect. Discussions with parents are particularly significant. Think of three things you can do to improve where you live; and three things you can do to improve your family relationships. Even just thinking about what these things are can nudge you in the right direction! You've got big plans now. In order to make them hatch, you have to feel secure about your home base.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

No matter how complicated life is (and it's complicated) most things come down to your skill in relating to others. How you talk to relatives, siblings, friends and coworkers will make or break your day. This week the New Moon offers you a chance to hone and refine your style of communicating to everyone. If you wear sunglasses and keep your headphones on - it's discouraging. That's obvious. Nevertheless, glazed over eyes and a distracted style of listening creates the same barrier. This is not about other people. It's about you! If you aren't communicating with others -- you're cut off from humanity. Hello? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?