Yesterday I received two e-mail messages. One said, "Write more about career and money!" The next from a high school student said, "Please write about romance not career." This reminded to me clarify something: Astrology makes a distinction between job and career. Your job is what you do to pay the bills. Your career is your life path, your public reputation - what your epitaph will be. Even if you're retired or unemployed, you have a career and a reputation. Some people merge their career and their job; most don't. Life is a tough choice: a job or daytime television. (I didn't include organized crime, which according to Woody Allen takes in over $40 billion a year and spends very little on office supplies.)
There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is the Sun is still in your sign giving you amazing boosts of energy while Jupiter encourages support from others including gifts, goodies, money and the loan of sequined clothes and cars. The bad news is it's way too easy to disagree with others this week. Your ruler Mars opposes Pluto, and Mercury jumps into the picture as well. (Especially on Wednesday and Thursday during the Full Moon.) Power struggles could seduce you. Therefore, lighten up. Don't coerce others to agree with you. Don't try to improve anyone. Just keep singing Paul McCartney's lyrics, "Let it be, let it be ... whisper words of wisdom, let it be."
Continue to work behind the scenes, playing it all very low-key. This is your best bet this week. Avoid power struggles with others about money and possessions. Yes, you're not casual about these things, but power struggles will upset your peace of mind and alienate good friends. Oy! Be patient. These problems will appear to intensify until Thursday (the day of the Full Moon) and after that, they'll diminish or completely disappear. (Especially if you use a little cold water with MSG.) Don't be pushy about making money or spending it. (Yeah, yeah, I know money doesn't grow on trees, you have to beat the bushes for it.)
With fiery Mars in your sign right now, and your ruler Mercury (talk, talk, talk) at high noon in your chart making faces at big daddy Pluto - things could get nasty with partners or bosses or both! (When in doubt you always do 'both'. You figure why settle for one when you can have two?) Now watch my lips. (Actually my fingers.) Trying to prove anything with Pluto in the picture is pointless. Would you argue with Darth Vader? I rest my handbag. Be careful not to become obsessed about anything. Don't try to convince others about something. After the Full Moon on Thursday, things will settle down again very nicely. Would I kid a Gemini? (I think therefore I talk to myself.)
Aggressive planetary aspects this week (including the Full Moon on Thursday) put the squeeze play on you. But it's temporary. Someone might be working against you behind the scenes. If you suspect this is happening, it probably is. (Even paranoids have enemies.) Avoid heated debates about religion, politics, travel and education. (Other cultures or racial issues could contribute to tension as well.) Just go gently! By Friday, everything starts to mellow out beautifully. Therefore, resist the urge to get your belly in a rash before then. Instead, you can harness this energy to clean up some stuff and give away, recycle, sell or turf what you don't really need. (You know who you are.)
You're a natural leader, and you adore being adored. So what? No harm in this. Napoleon was a Leo and he did very well for a little guy. Power plays with friends or groups especially over how to share something or deal with jointly held property, insurance matters or inheritances could be a thorn in your side this week. (Fortunately, you have another side that's working just fine.) Resist the urge to leap into the fray -- ever the fearless leader - in order to set things straight. Not a good idea. Whoa Nellie! Save your bright ideas for your own self-improvement. If you try to save or improve others, you'll meet with resistance. (Both medicine and advice are easy to prescribe and hard to take.)
You feel quite intensely about things right now. (It's the Sun in Aries.) Mind you, this same influence encourages research and self-introspection. Not a bad thing. However, what you have to watch out for this week is your ambition to achieve getting totally out of hand. (Because you definitely do want something. Oh yeah. You're going for it.) But get this: the more energy you put out - the greater the resistance will be against you. Shee! What gives? This maddening formula exists this week, but thankfully, it dissipates hugely after Thursday's Full Moon. Therefore, tread gently and carefully. Avoid power struggles with bosses, parents and teachers. Listen to the POV of others. (This calms them.)
The Full Moon on Thursday takes place in your sign. It's the only Full Moon in Libra all year. Actually, you'll feel this buildup of tension. Problems related to travel and dealing with foreign countries, plus power struggles with publishing, the media and higher education might come to a head. Disagreements with others about how to improve your job or reform things could also arise. But if you use your wonderful diplomatic skills to hold things at bay until Friday (after the Full Moon in Libra) you'll be whistling Dixie. Of course, you can't do that if you don't know the tune. (You might want to talk to Aries. They're humming "Let it be.")
Your intense focus on your job and how to improve your health could be the reason you have power struggles about money and possessions, or how to handle shared property or the responsibility for others. Parents might have disputes about the care and training of children; others will have artistic differences; and yet again, lovers might vibrate with jealousy and differences over possessions or sex. You're passionate! And although you enjoy recreational sex, you're never really casual about it. (Consider Glenda Jackson's acting tips: "If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. If I have to laugh, I think of my sex life."
Hold the phone. Mars is directly opposite your sign opposing Pluto in Sagittarius. This is the classic sign of power struggles with partners and close friends. Then fiery Mars gives the finger to Mercury sitting in the area of home, family and real estate. Oy! Enuff awreddy. We're not even mentioning Thursday's Full Moon, which stresses financial speculation, professional sports, romance, vacations and dealing with children. (Actually we did.) Relax. Do not overreact to any of this. Cool your jets. By Friday, things look amazingly wonderful. Therefore, be mellow and tolerant when others resist you this week. Big deal. Ha, ha - it is to laugh.
Even though you're primarily concerned with home, family, real estate and domestic matters, you seem to be very eager to achieve something at work. Unfortunately, this gung ho attitude will only increase resistance from others. The harder you push, the harder they push back. Resistance is futile. (That way lies madness!) Instead, why not fool your opposition by withdrawing? You might even whistle, and appear to be disinterested while busy shopping for designer items. Then when everything calms down after Thursday's Full Moon -- you return to the scene of the crime, victorious. And looking fabulous! (Is that Armani?)
Taurus has a reputation for being stubborn (not without basis); but Aquarius is also supremely stubborn! This week you're heated up over matters related to children, vacations, sports, romance, and money and possessions. You disagree with someone about something in one of these areas. You don't even want to agree to disagree. You refuse to back down. Since Thursday's Full Moon brings stress to your communications with others, (especially siblings) why not keep everything in a holding pattern?Just circle for a few days. (Don't worry; you have the fuel.) By Friday, everything begins to fall neatly into place. And because you didn't mouth off at anyone - you're looking pretty.
The current major planetary aspects: Mars opposite Pluto, Mercury square Pluto, Full Moon in Libra (astro details for the keeners) could bring dissension to your happy home. You might quarrel with parents or family members. You might have power struggles with authority figures. You're anxious about your money scene. Before you reach for a sharp object - know this: these stresses are intense but brief. Do nothing to fuel them further. (Give your fuel to the Aquarians who are circling above in a holding pattern.) Instead, use some of this energy to make improvements at home. Do major cleaning. Blow off steam in a constructive way. Channel this buildup of energy to your own advantage. You can do it. (Excellent. A little more to the left - perfect!)