Tuesday (April 4) before 11:25 a.m. EDT is an excellent time to do business. It's also a wonderful time to launch anything new. Basically, we will all introduce improvements in our lives through the power of positive thinking. Remember: First comes the thought, then comes the word. The word becomes the deed; and the deed eventually becomes habit. Then habit hardens into character. Wow! This means we are our thoughts! (I kinda thought so.)
Things are just getting better and better for your sign. Friends and groups are very supportive to you now. Some of them offer assistance especially related to publishing, the media, travel and higher education. They might help you redo something or revamp or improve something. In fact, all kinds of unforeseen practical assistance can come your way now. (You must have done some wonderful things and planted good seeds to harvest all this!) I say this because even though other people are offering generous support to you -- you're the one who is really making this happen. These are your friends, your contacts and it's your world. Oh yeah.
This is an upbeat week! Contact with friends and groups is encouraging. You're very happy to be in touch with someone. Partnerships and close friends make you feel loved. Group activities are particularly successful. Your enthusiasm gets people marching! Rah rah! Meanwhile, back in the executive washroom, bosses, VIPs, teachers and parents think you're the cat's pajamas. You easily impress others. What gives? Is it your new mouthwash? Aftershave? Perfume? People are putty in your hands this week. (And yet you're actually working behind the scenes.) Romance with a boss is possible. Go carefully here.
This is a marvelous week! Things improve wonderfully because Mercury is no longer retrograde. (Thank the Lord.) In addition, your ruler Mercury makes a fabulous aspect to Jupiter on Tuesday morning. (See All Signs above.) If you're on the West Coast, pick Monday afternoon; people on the East Coast have until 11:20 a.m. EDT Tuesday to talk to bosses, parents and VIPs. Launch something wonderful and new! Whatever you set in motion will be profitable, rewarding and productive. (Check with the Moon Alert for Monday.) You're also changing your major beliefs about something perhaps related to the media, publishing, even politics or religion. You have a new take on things. (Beats looking at wallpaper samples.)
Hot stuff! The Sun continues to be at high noon making you very visible to everyone. ("Look Ma! No hands!") You have great ideas to pitch to others now. These could be related to teaching, working with children, or anything to do with advertising, show business, publishing and the media. It's easy to demonstrate to people that you can walk your talk. Political or religious matters are very strong for you now. You make a wonderful impression on others this week. In fact, you're so turned on by everything -- privately you could be having mind-blowing sex. Many areas of your life are passionately enriched! (Isn't it nice you don't have to leave your phone number on washroom walls anymore?)
When the Sun is in Aries (like right now) things suit you just fine! You're full of great ideas to expand your world through travel, publishing, education or dealing with the media. You really want to get out there in every sense of the word. Not only that - others want to help you! (Excellent.) People are giving you assistance, gifts and goodies. Very niiiice. Plus you're using the resources available to you to your best advantage. This allows you to get cozy to a close friend or partner. It also means relationships are unusually enriching for you. You've got big ideas and you're not afraid to act on them: you see that you have to begin to be today what you hope to be tomorrow. (Wow - can I petite point that?)
Things are definitely easier for you this week. No question. This last Mercury retrograde (the entire month of March) was definitely challenging because it was directly opposite your sign and of course, Mercury is your ruler. (Gasp.) All that is history. Things go swimmingly at work now. You can make improvements and people will help you do so. Not only that, contact with friends and partners is upbeat and full of bright ideas! Meanwhile, you're keen to make improvements in your life. Some of you are starting diets, exercise programs, or plans to reduce debt and save money - you name it. You want to be a better person. You've decided it's time to prepare and prevent rather than repair and repent.
This month the Sun is directly opposite your sign. Naturally, this draws your attention to close friends and partnerships. Right now, romance is promising. Even passionate. In part, it's because you're taking a fresh look at something. You're changing your viewpoint about children, vacations, hobbies and basically -- how to enjoy life. Monday and Tuesday are very upbeat at work. If you want to introduce anything new, do it before 11:20 a.m. EDT Tuesday morning. Others will be so enthused by what you propose they'll jump on board. In fact, whatever you do at work now will probably increase your earnings. It's also a good time for financial speculation. You're happier this week!
This is a wonderful time for those of you who work with or care for children. It fact, everything related to show business, the entertainment world, the arts, vacations and fun partying-times is beautifully blessed this week! Privately, you're working hard. You're hot to get organized; and you're making lovely improvements to your home scene as well. These improvements go beyond new bathroom towels or lamps and other goodies; you can also beautifully improve family relationships in a deep, meaningful way. (These are not just corny feel-good words - it's a fact.) Parents can express their love to children and reach a warmer, mutually rewarding understanding. Try it.
Gads! This is an exciting, fun week for your sign. Now is the time to solidify big plans concerning home, real estate, family matters and lots of things in your private life. You like to think big. You always have high hopes and big plans for the future. The wonderful thing about this week is -- your big plans are doable! Yay! It's not just hot air. Early Tuesday morning (before 11:20 a.m. EDT) is a marvelous time to sign contracts or to agree to something important. It will be profitable! Others believe in you now. Be patient with partners and close friends who might actually be jealous of you. (You can't please everyone.) This is also a great week to party! (You wanted more?)
Home, family and real estate matters continue to be a primary focus for your sign. You're also working hard and hustling your buns to accomplish a lot. Fortunately, you easily get others to agree with you now. Your ability to persuade, influence and teach is very hot this week. Because of this, your earnings can improve. If you're in sales, marketing or education -you've got the Midas touch. Everything you do turns to gold. People listen to you. Excellent purchases could include antiques or something that needs to be recovered, refinished or improved in some way. Your ability to envision the finished product makes you the winner here. (You're shrewd.)
Many of you will enjoy great financial gains this week. Some will start a new job, get a raise, or think of new ways of making money. Something connected with how you make your money definitely improves. Alternatively, if you spend money - you'll love what you buy. Your whole money scene is blessed! Not only that, you can beautifully improve your body, your appearance or the first impression you create on others. ("Harold, is that you?") Even your close friendships and partnerships can improve. (Gads! Did you find a genie in a bottle?) It's probably the power of positive thinking. We know that fortune favours the bold, but it also favors the italics. And Aquarius is definitely italics. (A little different from the rest of us and always tilted forward.)
This is a wonderful week! You're focused on money. You want to earn more; and you're shopping more. In part, this is because you're making changes and improvements at home. There's lots of activity and chaos on the home front. (Be patient with family members. Conflict can arise easily.) Fortunately, because your frame of mind is so positive, and good stuff keeps popping out of your mouth -- you skillfully keep the peace with everyone. On Tuesday morning (See All Signs above) when Mercury makes a lovely aspect to lucky Jupiter - it's in your sign! You're like a walking billboard for happy pills. All business and commercial activity will be blessed then. That's a great time to sign contracts and make plans for the future. You're thinking like a winner! (That's because you're focused on your goals and not your limitations.)