All Signs

In Dec. 2004, I missed the tragedy of the Tsunami; but I saw the huge outpouring of world sympathy. In my weekly column, I said it could indicate a catastrophe but hopefully not. This weekend, similar indications are present. Many, many people are suddenly aware of the needs of others. There's a strong desire to be useful and help others. Feelings of self-sacrifice and compassion abound. Once again, I hope this outpouring of sympathy and concern is not prompted by catastrophe. (But enough of these dark thoughts -- it's bad luck to be superstitious.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The archetype of your sign is the hero. But in military terms, it's the staff sergeant, not the general. You are very hands-on in whatever you do. You work at a grassroots level. You're a strong leader. You get things done; you make a difference! Without you, the battle would never be won. This week you're using your communication skills and qualities of leadership to work with others (or perhaps lead them) in some kind of group effort that is charitable. You want to join forces with others or exhort them to action in the name of charity or some kind of social service. Not only is your own idealism aroused -- you will arouse it in others! "Once more into the fray!" (The words of Thomas Jefferson, a fellow Aries.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

As the financial wizard of the zodiac, who knows better than you how to wisely and expeditiously use money and resources? You know money is energy. It gets things done; it makes things happen. At this time, you're applying your financial skills and resources to benefit others in some fashion. In addition, your values are observed in a public way, possibly by those who have sway and influence. This means you're more than just a strong role model; you're a practical, effective, necessary participant as well. Others depend on you! Aside from this exemplary impulse, you might also buy something wonderfully luxurious. (Ah yes, how sweet it is.) After all, you do have epicurean tastes. (The best connoisseurs have Taurus in them.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mars is in your sign now giving you focus, energy and drive. You feel it. Right now however, most of you will channel this energy into useful activities, especially activities that benefit others. Something in a foreign country arouses your compassion and your genuine concern for the welfare of others. At the same time, your appreciation of beauty and other cultures is also heightened. You will work to preserve and explore something precious or valuable. Publishing, the media and higher education are sources of inspiration and even profit. You're busy talking to friends and groups. Gads! So much is happening. Do take notes. (Did you know that meaningless statistics are up 2.54%?)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Moon is your ruler and of course, the Moon is the Big Tit. This is why you're a fabulous nurturer. You can save a dying plant, a failed soup, or nurse the sick back to health. Right now, many of you are putting your own needs and wants second to the needs and wants of someone else. It's a time of genuine self-sacrifice on your part. You're not doing it to be noble or get recognition. You're doing it because it needs to be done. (You're practical, not a poser.) Nevertheless, for some reason your activities are in the limelight. This is a good thing. What better role model to exemplify than altruism? (It beats sitting around reading the manuals to major appliances.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Like Aries, you're busy working with friends and groups. These efforts will promote partnerships, activities with close friends, or you might even inspire members of the general public. You feel inspired. (Of that there's no question.) Your inspiration might spring from a personal, loving, intimate relationship -- or feelings of sympathy for a loved one, or concern for the general good of many. Hard to say. One thing is certain: your interaction and dealings with others are based on some kind of idealism, perhaps even the belief you have discovered your soul mate. (Gasp.) Yikes! This is the stuff of movies! And who loves the movies more than you? "Action! Rolling!"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your ambition is aroused. You intend to accomplish something important. You're intense and passionate about something. You also know how to wisely use the resources of others right now. You can combine these attributes and really help coworkers; or do something that makes a difference where you work. Virgo is a sign of service. You believe it's a joy to labour for those you love. (Actions speak louder than words -- right?) People look to you for guidance and assistance. And you will offer it because you don't mind getting along with less. In fact, you're willing to give others the shirt off your back! (Get out of those wet clothes and into a dry martini.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're extremely active now. Partnerships and close friendships are important. You might also be working on behalf of people in other countries or publishing matters, or the media, or something to do with education, or quite possibly something that benefits and involves children or perhaps even the arts. (Wide choice of possibilities!) Certainly your sympathies for children are poignantly touched. Plus your creative talents are almost spiritually inspired! (Is that celestial music from above or are you watching a rerun of the Twilight Zone?) Close relationships, romance, children and of course, your sympathies for others are your primary focus this week. Use whatever you have. Help however you can. "Doe a deer, a female deer; ray, a drop of golden suuuun."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Because you're a person of action and great, practical ability, you might be in a position to gather or use the resources of others to help a family member or someone at home. The purpose of all this activity could be humanitarian and full of self-sacrifice - or alternatively, you might be renovating and redecorating in the most lavish, luxurious way possible! You definitely feel tender and loving towards family members now. But this same astrological phenomena could just as easily move you to create a beautiful home for yourself, especially near water. More likely, you're making sacrifices on behalf of family members. Others will be grateful.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Even though this month promises vacations, romantic diversions, playful times with children, and wonderful creative opportunities -- suddenly, you're involved with partnerships that strive to achieve something ideal and beautiful. This objective could be a 'perfect' partnership (you're on a constant quest to seek ideal truth) or it could be to work in partnership with others to attain some ideal goal. Either way, you're very involved with something 'ideal'! This is good. Because if there's one sign who hates to be uninvolved and just passively watch life go by -- it's you. Yup. ("I'm behind the metric system every inch of the way.")

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Home, family and real estate continue to be a primary focus. You also need time alone to rehash childhood memories. Solitude is meaningful for you now. Nevertheless, despite these priorities, you're working very hard independently or at your job to create or disperse earnings for a specific reason. This reason will vary according to the details of your life. Some of you will spend money on supreme luxury. (Something really gorgeous.) However, others will use your money and possessions to help someone in need. In fact, in sharp contrast to luxury, you're prepared to sacrifice what you have or give what you own to those who need it far more than you. Very noble (A small gift is better than a great promise.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your sign is the energy behind Amnesty International, Green peace and unions. You understand the power of like minds uniting to make the world a better place. (The greatest good for the greatest number.) It's what Aquarius is all about. (Besides science, computers, rocket technology and astrology.) Right now Venus and Neptune are lined up in your sign making you extremely idealistic, compassionate and sensitive. Furthermore, this planetary set up makes a friendly nod to fiery Mars. Now -- direct action is required! Words are not enough. Daring do is the name of the game! Use your energy to benefit children or the arts if you can. (Children need love, especially when they don't deserve it.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In Buddhism, 'loving kindness' is wanting to make other happy whereas 'compassion' is wanting to relieve their suffering. (A distinction I always found interesting.) This week, you'll work with the true spirit of self-sacrifice and a desire to help others or relieve suffering, especially at home or within your family dynamic. In fact, you'll work tirelessly in your private life to restore some kind of order and balance to where you live. You will do this more easily than others because the notion of self-sacrifice is something you understand. Your sign is capable of spontaneously generating compassion for people. But this has its toll. (That's why you get your Kleenex in big cartons from Costco.)