We're more alike than we are not. We all want to be happy; no one wants to suffer. (Even insects!) However, in the details (and God is in the details) we're unique. Even two signs are not alike. Each year of your life, your Sun sign moves forward by one degree. You can count off the calendar days (right on this column) and see what progressed Sun sign you are. It's approximate because the dates below are average dates. So, if you were born April 15, when you're around 5 years old you become a Taurus; and when you're about 35, you become a Gemini, and when you're about 65 you become a Cancer. Is this kewl or what? (It's also the origin of the phrase - 'you do the math.')
Dear Aries because Mercury is retrograde you will definitely suffer from delays when dealing with the government and large institutions. And your dreams might suddenly have lots of old stuff from the past. Since it's tough to remember your dreams, you might not realize this. Instead, thoughts and memories of your past and vague, funny feelings might be stirring within you. This particular Mercury retrograde will definitely awaken long-buried childhood impulses and habits. (Don't suck your thumb at the office. It's a CLM. (Career Limiting Move.)
When you read All Signs above, this explains why conservative Tauruses wear purple in their old age. You eventually become a flamboyant Leo! (Yes - the great sex never stops and your romantic soul lives forever.) Kinda nice, eh? Friends from the past are definitely back in your life. Someone might owe you money -- this could be your moment to collect. It's a good thing to talk to others about your dreams and hopes for the future. Do an overall assessment of your long-range plans. Talking about them can help sort stuff out in your mind; as well as generate helpful feedback from others. (Ya' never know.)
Expect a few surprises from bosses, parents and authority figures. For starters, you might run into bosses from your past or parents you haven't seen for a while. This could be good; this could be not so good. For some of you, "the last straw" will occur. That Peter Finch moment: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not to take it anymore!" You might throw in the proverbial towel. Fortunately, you couldn't pick a better year to quit your day job. That's because your job will improve this year by changing conditions or changing jobs! Actually, a change in bosses might be the perfect solution. The evil one gets fired: "So long! Good-bye! Write if you get work!" Heh, heh. Don't you wish?
This Mercury retrograde (the first of three this year) really stirs up matters at school, particularly centres of higher learning -- colleges, universities and training institutes. Many of you will hear from people from other countries you haven't heard from in ages. Those of you who work in publishing and the media will suffer from delays, embarrassing errors and confused communications (silly little things that make you gnash your teeth). Actually, delays, errors and mixed up communications show up in areas related to medicine and the law as well. Sudden changes in any of these areas might also make you so rebellious you want to "blow this pop stand!" I'm outa here.
Once again, you revisit situations involving shared monies, shared property and anything jointly held with others, including debt, taxes and mortgages. You might also be involved with the wealth of others or what your partner earns or owns. The bad news is errors and delays in these areas could frustrate you. The good news is you can make a lot of headway wrapping up old business that's related to any of these areas. ((This includes wrapping up old insurance matters.) During Mercury retrograde times, it's always easier to address the past than it is to go forward into the future. Save your slogan, "To Infinity and beyond!" for April. (Mercury goes direct on March 25th.)
Like Gemini, you're ruled by Mercury. That's why you feel the Mercury retrograde more than other signs. This particular Mercury retrograde brings ex partners and old friends back into your life. (Yikes!) This could be a good thing. Or it could be upsetting. Depends on how it all went down. Were you coy, Roy? Did you slip out the back, Jack? Did you just hop on the bus, Gus? Of course what this really proves is just how fantastic the music of the Seventies still is. (My bias bared to the world!) You will lose or misplace items, and suffer from delays and confused communications. Oy! Fortunately, it's minor stuff. (But picayune stuff is often the worst.)
This retrograde Mercury really gets you where you work. Cheques are late in the mail. Mixed up messages and confused communications dog your steps. Equipment at work breaks down. Expect computer and printer problems. Maybe even telephones are suddenly not working. "What?!"(Uh, did you pay your bill?) This is a poor time to start a new job. On the other hand, if you're looking for work -- go back to places where you applied to before or worked at before. Similarly, old health problems might arise. Fortunately, this could be the opportunity to clear them up once and for all. Computer crashes and power outages are also possible. (Hey -- be nice. I'm just the messenger.)
You're a hot and sexy sign, and this month your hot and sexy past is back to haunt you! A lot of stuff that used to be below the radar is right up there on the big screen! (Ooops. Busted!) People you forgot about are suddenly calling or bumping into you. (Don't you wish you had been a bit more discriminating?) Ah, the travails and embarrassments of recreational sex. (I know whereof I speak.) Creative projects are also stalled in the water. ("Dear Lord, help me make this deadline.") Parents might even reconnect with lost children. "Mom is that you? You've changed since I was a baby." Time to pay old gambling debts. It's all a bit much. (You can run but you can't hide.)
Relatives you didn't even know you had are camped out on your doorstep. (Did they bring sleeping bags?) You have no recourse other than to stock the fridge. Face this situation with a smile. Be a sport. Family means you have to let them in. If you're lucky, you're hearing from old family members you're delighted to see. (Stanger things have happened.) It's always a crapshoot with family. We can pick our friends but we inherit our family. You might finish up old real estate deals. In fact, old deals that fell through might now be resurrected! You'll definitely have to make some repairs to home. Communications and minor stuff can break down now. Little things go astray. Oy vey!
This particular Mercury retrograde will hit you a harder than other signs. That's because it takes place right in the area of everything that Mercury rules! Expect communication breakdowns, as well as delays to cars, trucks and buses. Everything to do with transportation -- especially ground transportation -- will suffer from snafus and delays. Daily communications will be mixed up. You'll be waiting at the wrong place for an appointment. Or you'll get the time wrong. Or you'll forget important papers. The list goes on. Pay your phone bill and your cell phone bill. This is the classic time to be cut off. You'll hear from siblings now. It's all an endless tape loop.
This is a tricky Mercury retrograde for you because it affects your finances and your cash flow. You might lose money or misplace cheques or something like that. Cheques will definitely be late in the mail. (Don'tcha love it?) You could lose paperwork and bills. Or just misplace things. The good news is you have an opportunity to make money in ways that first occurred in the past. If you freelance -- contact old customers. There's money in them thar hills. You even collect on old debts and overdue accounts. You might also have an opportunity to buy something now that you have wanted for a long time. At last! The 42-inch plasma!
This Mercury retrograde takes place in your sign. What does this mean? Well, it certainly means you're going to feel it! All sorts of minor frustrating delays will occur constantly and daily. You can't find your keys, your book, your purse, your socks, or that magazine you were reading, your favorite pen, the list is endless. In addition to little snafus, your day-to-day communications with others are confusing and subject to misinterpretation and misunderstanding. As if this weren't bad enough, ex partners and ex spouses are suddenly back in the picture. Oh no! Nevertheless, this is a good time to finish up a lot of old business. Oh yeah.