All Signs

This week two planets changes signs: the Sun moves into Pisces for the next four weeks; and Mars finally leaves its six-month sojourn in Taurus to move into Gemini where it remains for the next seven weeks. We'll all feel a change in terms of energy and focus in our lives. (Some might even change detergents.) People will feel more sensitive (even weepy) with Pisces in the picture. We'll be more inclined to appreciate the difficulties of others, and try to help in any way we can. The arts will flourish. Meanwhile, back on Mars -- things are busy and curiouser and curiouser. (Stay light on your feet and don't squat with your spurs on.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If the Sun is in Pisces, this means your birthday is coming up next! As you approach the ending of your "personal" year, this is the ideal time to look back over your shoulder and think about how well you're doing at the Art of living. What do you see? Are you pleased with your life? Since time is the stuff life is made of (thanks Ben) how you spend your time is your life. Simple as that. Do you want to change how you spend your time in the year ahead? More than January 1, or the beginning of the Year of the Dog, in the next few weeks you will really prepare for your New Year. Make two serious resolutions -- and a third that is totally frivolous!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Dear Taurus -- your popularity rating will definitely go up in the next 4-6 weeks. Expect to schmooze more. Accept all invitations. Extend a few yourself. Talk to others and share your goals and dreams for the future. (Their feedback will be helpful.) This is also a good time to join a club or a group or pool your efforts with others to work for a common goal. You're giving more thought to your possessions and how you can establish better control over your life through money, your earning power and what you own. In fact, at a deeper level you're thinking about what you really want in life. What will make you happy? (No, I mean -- besides that.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The Sun now moves to the top of your chart. While it's at high noon, it acts like a spotlight on you. This means various situations and events will occur in the next few weeks to call attention to you, especially from bosses, VIPs, parents and teachers. Many of you will be called upon to accept increased responsibilities or to do something special. Don't hesitate to accept. You will shine! (Without doing anything extra special. Go figure. ) That's the magic of the Sun. Increased involvement with bosses and parents is likely. Don't worry, with Mars in your sign, you'll defend your position and impress others with your confidence. Get more physical exercise. You've got energy to burn!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As a broad generalization (even a skinny one) your sign likes to stay at home and enjoy feathering your nest. You primarily travel for business or family reasons. In the month ahead however, you genuinely want to expand your world through education, experiencing other cultures, and meeting people from different backgrounds. You want to know more. You want some adventure in your life. You want to live! (Don't leave home without a rose in your teeth.) Therefore, make plans for a vacation. Book that cottage, B&B, flight, whatever. Sign up for a course. Publishing, the media, medicine and the law promise positive results. Romance is sweetly enticing and promising as well. Oo la la !

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For months now, you've been ambitiously pushing yourself. You had no choice. However, it's been exhausting. Now you will see a subtle shift take place. More and more, you'll spend time with friends and groups. It's not that you've lost your ambitious edge, but you need to replenish yourself with the company of others. Friends, groups, clubs and organizations assume a greater importance now. Privately, your gonads are in overdrive. Yahoo! Expect some hot and heavy sex. (You take your sex life seriously.) Direct help, input and assistance from others will make improvements at home or within your family now. Expect gifts, goodies and inheritances. You feel your life is enriched!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A fresh, subtle tension is now at play in your chart. In the next four weeks, the Sun is directly opposite you; and fiery Mars is at the top of your chart. Your personal ambitions could conflict with keeping partners happy. You can't be two places at once. You might feel a bit fatigued now as well. In your efforts to please everyone else, don't put yourself last. After all, if you don't take care of yourself -- what can you do for anyone else? (Always put gas in the car.) Romance, vacations, the arts and social occasions can flourish now. (Venus promotes this.) But you have to take time to smell the roses. Talk to partners and close friends to help establish your priorities. Use them as a sounding board for your ideas.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

More than anyone else, you're going to get a jump on Spring-cleaning. As the weather warms up, you want to make changes to where you live. (Slipcovers? More fresh flowers?) You're keen to get better organized and clean up everything at home and at work. You actually enjoy doing this because you're more affected by your surroundings than any other sign. (Squalor actually makes you sick; while an elegant ambiance makes you want to enjoy a good bottle of wine.) Plans for travel, publishing and higher education move to the front burner now. Book that flight. Sign up for a course. Flog your writing. Buy something beautiful for your home. It's a busy but pleasant month ahead. ("Which do you prefer --the ecru or the antique white?")

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're the big winner this month! Three planets (including the Sun) now urge you to have fun, play games, go on vacations, enjoy playful activities with children, indulge in the arts, and spoil yourself with passionate, breathless (yes, panting) romance. (One can always resurrect a partnership that has been taken for granted. Shocking, new underwear is a good start.) Not only does the Sun encourage you to play and flirt -- sexy Mars now moves into the part of your chart that rules lusty passion! (It's never too late to grow young.) And of course, in addition to all of these goodies -- lucky Jupiter is still in your sign! You wanted more?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The focus now shifts to home, family and real estate matters. Many of you are wondering about buying property or selling or making a move of some kind. (You love the idea of having a home in another country.) Family is also a big focus right now. You might hear from family members you haven't talked to for a while. Partnerships and close friendships could be tense. Maybe it's time to put your cards on the table? Did you know that 80% of married partners cheat in America? (The rest cheat in Europe.) Mars is opposite your sign for the next several weeks and this can stir up opposition from others. Handle people with kid gloves. You're going to need their cooperation in the future.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The tempo is cranking up! Without question, the pace of your daily activities is accelerating! You've got things to do, places to go, people to see. Expect to take short trips. Increased writing, reading, studying and talking to relatives (especially siblings) are on the menu. You won't mind any of this because as Mars moves into Gemini now, it gives you greater energy to work hard and get things done. Nothing is too much trouble. You're running around with an outboard motor on your ass. That's because you know that Vince Lombardi was right, "If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you're fired with enthusiasm." Aagghh.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You have an interesting month ahead. One area that definitely has your attention is money, purchases, earning power, and possessions. You're thinking a lot about your cash flow. You're trying to determine how to be happy with how you earn your money and how you spend it. This means you're pondering tangible matters as well as your value system. Where do the two meet? Sure we've all heard, "I've been rich and I've been poor and lemme tell ya - rich is better." But in truth, how do your define rich? If you're never contented, you can never have enough. Therefore, your ability to be content and your ability to be happy are intertwined. (Quit whining about how small your Learjet is.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Happy Birthday, dear Pisces. Once again the Sun has returned to your sign where it will stay for the next four weeks -- giving you a burst of energy and enthusiasm for life! It also makes people suddenly think about you. They spontaneously phone or contact you in some way. Now is the time to put yourself first! It's all about you. This is your chance to replenish and restore your energy. You've got a whole new year ahead of you. What do you want to do with it? You can't just mark time and let life happen to you. You've got to grab the steering wheel! You're working very hard now. Travel and educational opportunities abound. Friendships are sweet and supportive. Increased activity (even chaos) at home is likely stressful. Be patient with domestic conflict. After all, you've got the Sun!