Mercury is retrograde next month. However, we'll feel the effects by around Feb. 21. Expect increasing confusion in communications, along with silly little errors, transportation breakdowns and delays. People from the past reappear. ("Spare change?) The precise dates are: Mar. 2 to Mar. 25. Avoid buying ground transportation during that time. Even pogo sticks. It's a poor time to begin new ventures; but an excellent time to do research into the past or finish old business. Meanwhile, Saturn is now the closest to planet Earth that it will be this year. You can see its rings with a small telescope. (You can see its bracelets with Coke bottle glasses.)
This continues to be a time where you're focused on friendships and your relationships with groups. In fact, you're quite idealistic about these connections or at least some of them. You might even idealize someone. More than any other sign, you're prone to doing this. That's because the notion of "hero" or "heroine" is basically an Aries archetype. As a child you had your heroes, and at some point in life, someone might also idolize you. You're a sucker for that wonderful moment in cowboy Westerns, when the bugle sounds and the settlers cry, "The cavalry is here! We're saved!"
This is a powerful time for you because four planets are at the top of your chart. This has the effect of shining a spotlight on you. People notice you, especially VIPs, bosses and authority figures. Expect to be talking to these people (including parents) more than usual. Don't worry about this. Without doing anything extra special, you seem to create a great impression on others now. People respect you. It's a good time to think about how to use the resources you have on hand, as well as the resources of others. Ask for a promotion, a raise or a favour. The powers that be think you deserve it now! Opportunity and luck are largely timing.
You don't do boring. It's such a drag. Fortunately, several planets now urge you to expand your world and broaden your horizons. Publishing, the media and dealing with foreign countries flow very well. Make travel plans. Make plans to go back to school. Sign up for a course. Explore different religions, philosophies and metaphysical subjects. Essentially, you're hungry to learn and get more out of life. You're always like this but now it's super amped! Not only that, it's easier to pull this off now. Get out of town of you can. If you can't, make plans to do so later. You're going to feel energetic in a few weeks (and all of March) when Mars moves into your sign. Go, go, go!
Ever since around 1998, you've been dealing with problems related to shared property or responsibility for others. But there's confusion here! Neptune is lurking in this part of your chart and it will stay there until 2011. You just have to cope with this and clarify and define whatever you can do to the best of your ability. Someone could deceive you. Assume nothing. Keep your eyes open and don't give away the farm. However, it also makes you feel generous to partners and close friends. This month you feel passionate and sexy! That's always a great distraction. (But a friend recently confided in a low voice, "Sex is tricky. It's never easy.") Yes, there's no free lunch.
With the Sun as far away from your sign is it gets all year, you're tired and you feel a bit closed off from others now. Saturn is in your sign and this also makes you a bit more serious about everything in life. This is a serious time for you. In the next few years, your life will change enormously! In fact, in the next seven years, you'll completely reinvent yourself! Therefore, in large measure, this is a time of preparation. You're getting ready for an entirely new sandbox. That's why you're not even sure what to wear. You're not even sure what your image is anymore. You have style, flair and panache. Why not indulge your fantasies to be dramatic? If not now -- when?
You want to be organized. This doesn't mean that you are, but you definitely are delighted when everything is tickety-boo. Fortunately, right now the planets are urging you to work hard to get better organized at home and at work. By all means capitalize on this energy! It's like rowing with the tide. Astrology can show us where our natural cycles are occurring. When it's time to party -- you should party! When it's time to work -- work is easier. This is the time to focus on a new health regime. (To improve your appearance and your sense of well-being.) It's also the time to put out extra effort to get organized. It will be surprisingly easy to accomplish this. Awriiiight!
I mentioned for Virgos that using natural astrological cycles makes life easier. You have fun stuff happening! It's your turn to party and enjoy vacations. Romance, love affairs and titillating flirtations make your day. You feel glamorous! This is also a wonderful time to tap into your creative impulses. Show business, the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and professional sports are where to put your energy. Enjoy pleasant times with children. This month can be one of the most pleasureable times of the year for you. (However, if you overdo recreational indulgences you'll soon discover that partying is sweet sorrow.)
You're giving a tremendous amount of thought to matters related to home, family and your domestic scene. This includes real estate situations. Family discussions are important now. You also might be dealing with a parent more than usual. This is timely because while Venus is in Capricorn, your schmooze skills are fabulous! It's easy to be charming and diplomatic now. Also, you're realizing just how much love there is in your daily world. It's good to be aware of this. Never take it for granted. We think loved ones are with us forever -- but they aren't. This week favours home improvements. Pitch out or pass on whatever you don't need to use any more.
The pace is fast. You're multitasking constantly. Plus you're eager to talk to others. Fortunately, your ability to sell, market, influence, teach and persuade others is excellent right now. (This is one of your strengths anyhow.) Increased writing, reading and studying are also likely. Short trips and mucho errands keep you busy! Allow extra time to see siblings and relatives. This is important now. Listen to suggestions from others about how to improve your appearance or your health. Everything is starting to go in the direction that you always hoped would take place. Don't sit around. Stay active! (However caution: housework can kill you if it's done right.)
Because you have a sense of destiny, and you value your reputation in the community, you give careful thought to what you buy and how you spend your money. You like to have things that increase your esteem in the eyes of others. You're not superficial or greedy about this. You know that appearances count for a lot in today's world. That's why you're buying more right now. And at a deeper level, you're wondering what values you should adhere to. What will make you happy? Planetary aspects force you to think about this now. It's OK to splurge on something if it makes you feel good. How you feel not only determines your future success, it affects everyone around you!
This continues to be your time in the Sun. Solar energy in your sign brings you lots of energy and blessings! (This has nothing to do with rain and cloudy skies.) This is because the Sun rules your heart, the very core of your being. While this is taking place, Jupiter favours your career and public reputation. Be aggressive in going after what you want. You will succeed! You have more power now than you might know. You're starting to look at the world as your oyster. You see that life is a great banquet yet half the people are settling for bologna sandwiches. Not for you! You want a grilled lemon chicken panini with artichokes and pesto!
This is a pensive, thoughtful time for you. In fact, you need more solitude than usual. Sneak off for little retreats, even if it's only a coffee by yourself with your favorite trashy magazine. (I love reading trashy gossip. Will Katie leave Tom?) Plus you need all the rest you can get because you've been working so hard, and you'll continue to work hard for the rest of the year. (One does need some perks after all.) On Wednesday the 8th Mercury moves into your sign. This energizes you mentally, intellectually and socially. Suddenly, you're running around talking to everyone. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't worry about this. If you've got something to say -- say it! Enthusiasm is contagious.