This is a pretty good week; but Friday the 27th is dicey dealing with authority figures. Both Mercury and the Sun oppose Saturn that day. Saturn is that little voice in our head that questions our fantasies. When you're 13 and want to be a ballerina, it says, "Who do you think you are, Miss Fancypants? Learn to type!" I think of Saturn as an old-fashioned grandfather in Saskatchewan. "Stand up straight. Get a job. Go to your room. And pile that wood before six." Saturn believes starving artist is a hyphenated word. However, this year Saturn is in Leo, which means many people will actually give form to their creativity. They'll write that book or make that picture. Saturn is living proof that we become what we do. (It's true. This morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw a keyboard with wrinkles on it.)
The next few weeks will be unusually social. Get out your party duds because you're going places! Your social calendar might even increase your esteem in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. (They didn't know you were a Red Carpet regular.) This is also a good time to confide in friends or members of groups. Talk about your dreams for the future. Three planets now urge you to identify goals that are important for you. This is using intention. It's directing your focus. Think about what you want (not what you don't want.) Be specific. Furthermore, expect it to happen! This isn't just a wish - it's a plan! (After all, this isn't a dress rehearsal.)
For the next several weeks, the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This acts like a spotlight on you. People definitely notice you. It also calls attention to you because people phone you, e-mail you, perhaps even dream about you. You're high viz! This means bosses, parents and VIPs also notice you more than usual. Dress sharp. Be on time. Use this opportunity to create a fantastic impression on others. Expect to be given increased responsibilities for something. Don't worry, you can handle this; however, personal obligations will conflict with your career aspirations. Travel, publishing and higher education offer you sweet opportunities now. (Bonus!)
You're a freedom loving sign. There's no moss growing on you! (You figure you can't hit a moving target.) In the month ahead, your restless nature actually increases. You want to travel. You've got to blow this pop stand. You want adventure, new places, fresh faces, and stimulating activity. You want to learn more about everything! (Pretty tall order.) Travel if you can. Sign up for a course or increase your training and education in some way. Talk to people from other cultures. Capitalize on opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. If somebody tries to pull a squeeze play this Friday, don't worry about it. You are protected.
Even though this is your year to party, enjoy romance, and take a vacation -- you do live in the real world. In the next few weeks, clear up loose details re: debt, taxes, shared property and the obligations you have to someone. Give thought to your partner's earnings. Privately, you're doing some soul-searching. You're not satisfied with surface explanations. You want to understand life at a gut level. (Well, at least shoulder height - closer to the head.) Because of this, you might meet someone who provokes self-inquiry within you. This individual might ask you questions you've never really thought about before. Intimate stuff like what's your middle name?
The Sun, Mercury and Neptune are all in your sign. Because the Sun is the giver of energy, and it's now as far away from your sign as it gets all year -- you're more tired than usual. Your sleep patterns are disrupted. (Neptune rules our dreams.) One thing is certain: you're giving a lot of thought to partnerships and committed relationships right now. You're either dreaming of things past, hoping for something in the future, or pondering about something currently in your lap. (I think the most important thing in a relationship between two people is that one of them should be good at taking orders.)
You have a great month ahead to look forward to. It's in your nature to want to be organized (even if you're a slob - and surprisingly, many Virgos are.) The way the planets are lined up right now, you can actually achieve your aspirations! You have a strong urge now to get organized. You want to clean, paint, sort, shelve, compartmentalize, and generally get on top of your scene. You want everything to be tickety-boo. (Tickety-boo is a Virgo word, which doesn't mean you can't enjoy great sex.) Recognize your need to reorganize the practical details in your life. Give yourself the tools to do the job right. Make some lists. (Actually, you always make lists.) Get to work. (And pile that wood before six.)
Oo la la! When the cat's away the mice can play! For whatever reason, it's party city for your sign for the next several weeks. Get away on a vacation if you can! Flirtations, love affairs, romance and all that good stuff will make your heart go pitter-patter. Increased activities with children are likely. Your creative vibes are hot. Basically, you want to have fun. And so you should. One reason you feel so great now is you're not afraid to just be yourself. You don't need to pretend to be anybody else. You're just doing your thing and enjoying life! The next few weeks are one of the best times all year to have fun and pleasure. (Mom always liked you best.)
Now your focus swings to home, family and real estate matters. You're pulling your energy in somewhat. You want to hang out more at home to do projects, talk to family members, or just hide in a book or the boob tube. You're feeling kinda private. For one thing, family discussions are significant. Something triggers a lot of memories about your youth. (Remember the bad old days?) A parental figure could create heavy responsibilities. You're trying to sort out the obligations you have to others versus the obligations you have to yourself. The wise choice is the one that leaves you with no regrets.
Busy you! The tempo of your days is accelerating. You're running around with an outboard motor strapped to your butt. Places to go, things to do, people to see! Basically, you want to communicate to others right now. You have something to say. That's why you're taking short trips and talking to everyone, especially siblings and relatives. The next two years are a time of preparation for you. You've got to get all your ducks in a row. Your money scene looks good. Beautiful purchases please you. Just keep talking because that's what you're good at.
To you, money is a way of keeping score. You want respect and you know that status gets respect. Why else would people pay so much for Gucci or Louis Vuitton? That's why you're thinking about money, earnings and how you spend your money. Security is primo for you. You're a long-lived sign. In fact, the longer you live, the younger you look! That's because Capricorns are old when they're young and young when they're old. While you ponder cash flow, earnings and purchasing power -- remember that beneath all this, you're actually wondering about what really matters in life. After all, the purpose of life is to be happy. What makes you happy?
The Sun is in your sign until Feb. 18. This means it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Put yourself first. After all, if you don't take care of yourself, how can you take of anyone else? Set your intention for what you hope to achieve in the next 12 months. Decide on something you want to change in your life and write it down. Feng Shui guru Sharon Stasney says, "Change your focus from wanting to having. A powerful shift in energy occurs when your mental state changes from wishing something would happen, to expecting it to happen, to acting as if it has already happened." This is the power of positive thinking.
As your birthday approaches, it means your personal year is coming to an end. Now is the time to look back and assess how well you're doing at the art of living. How do you want things to be different next year? Take a breather. It's time to lie in the weeds. Keep a low profile. It's also a good time to pamper yourself physically and psychologically. "Peel me another grape dahling." You're an extremely giving, sensitive sign. But you can't keep giving and giving without replenishing yourself. If you do, the well will run dry. Enjoy social times with friends and groups now. Everyone loves you. Buy yourself a treat.