All Signs

This year started out with a Grand Cross (Mars opposite Jupiter and Neptune opposite Saturn.) This week this mathematical formation is particularly heightened because on Sunday, Mars opposes Jupiter (180 degrees) and on Wednesday, Mars squares Neptune (90 degrees). (Please note: this will affect your golf swing.) This means we are all tempted to go overboard with poor judgment this week. (Moi? Never!) If you have a sneaky suspicion you're going out on a limb -- you are! Forget the lure of the sweeter fruit. It's time to go on a low cash diet. (That's where you can't eat anything that costs money.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're definitely tempted to make poor financial decisions this week. (Even as you read these words.) Did you pay retail for this paper? (Whatsammatayou? You couldn't wait until it went on sale?) Your confusion about money issues or how you handle your possessions could be related to a group or a friend in particular. If you feel you're being muscled or convinced into something and you're not sure about it -- stop right there. Don't try to please others. Don't feel you have to pony up to save face about something with someone. Protect your own best interests. You come first. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a very tricky week. You might go overboard reacting to partners or close friends. You might do something excessive. All this could be your reaction to something that confuses you (and this could be your relationship to a parent or a boss.) Criticism from an authority figure could make you feel like navel lint. In fact, your desire to avoid criticism or confrontation could tempt you to lie about something or be evasive. This never works. Others can sense your dishonesty (or lack of honesty.) Far better to keep your self-respect and just face the music. You're a nice person. How bad can this be? Generally, criticism from others is just a reflection of their state of mind -- not yours.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Oy yoy yoy! What's with all this breast-beating? You feel like an ad for hemorrhoids. You doubt yourself. You feel inadequate. You're puny and others are kicking sand in your face. You can't spell apocryphal. You're embarrassed because you thought the Mayo Clinic was named after Dr. John Clinic. Is that what's bugging you? Right now anybody could say anything that confirms your worst suspicions and fears about yourself. But you have to know -- it just ain't true! This is a temporary dark cloud on your horizon. You're as bright and clever as you always are. Be comforted by the fact that everyone is gripped by feelings of self-doubt right now. You're not alone. (There's always your twin.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Be extremely careful dealing with groups and friends right now. You could make a poor decision related to shared property or the shared responsibility for others. Or it could be related to your obligation to someone or something. It all starts with faulty reasoning. This confusion or faulty reasoning in turn leads you to make a poor judgment, or wrong conclusion, which in turn makes you hesitant or capable of mistakes. Nip this in the bud! If you're not sure how to spend a designated amount of money, or how to allocate resources, or how to decide how to share something or how to handle the wealth of others -- then don't act. Not this week. Go to bed. Curl up in a fetal position and turn your electric blanky up to nine.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's your nature to do everything in large, sweeping strokes. Bold and italicized! You get carried away by your own enthusiasm. Plus you're naïve and cannot see this, even though you look in the mirror a lot. Tread carefully this week. Your enthusiasm and ambition about career issues, dealing with parents or bosses, or relating to close friends and partners could make you end up with egg on your face. (Carry ketchup at all times.) Think twice before you exhort others to do your bidding. Are you really sure? If you have doubts -- listen to these. Alternatively (here's the catch) don't let others make you doubt yourself. Yeah, yeah - it's hard to figure out isn't it? (I don't get it either.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Do not be excessive or grandiose with matters related to publishing, the media, higher education, foreign countries and travel. In fact, let's extend this to medicine and the law as well. You can go overboard in these areas. You might be convinced you're right about something -- and you're not. Strange but true. In turn, this poor judgment could boomerang at work or on your job. If you suspect your skating on thin ice -- stop everything and retreat. This is a wise recourse. In fact, by changing your goals you can turn a retreat into an advance. (Don't leave home without your compass.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You adore beautiful things. And when gorgeous things are deeply discounted, how can you resist? Nevertheless, resist you must! Your judgment about shared property and how you spend money (and possibly even how you earn it) is off base this week. It could relate to children, the entertainment world, parties, social diversions, sports and romance. These are fun areas to spend money. Note: this applies to financial speculation and gambling as well. If you suspect you have wrong data or incorrect advice -- heed this suspicion! Make sure that everything you do is aboveboard and beyond reproach. Don't be sneaky. You will go to extremes to avoid an angry scene. (Hey, is this worth losing your integrity for?) Not.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a pretty good week, but you might make poor judgments about home, family and real estate decisions. You might also be excessive or extreme when dealing with a partner. (Extreme? Obsessive? You?) Try to hold a middle ground about issues related to partners and family. Don't let others make you question yourself; and yet at the same time, if you personally do question yourself, then be careful. The origin of the word scruples is "to hesitate." In other words, giving something a sober second thought is always wise. (Yeah, yeah -- he who hesitates loses the best seats in the house.) It's not easy knowing when to act. (Just be sincere, even if you have to fake it.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're such a smooth communicator, you're an excellent teacher, salesperson and schmoozer. But you can also be the best con artist in the zodiac. (Please don't take offense, because Sagittarians in the main are very honest.) This week you could get in trouble because you are excessive or you go overboard at work. You might promise more than you can deliver. Then when the proverbial ca ca hits the fan, you're tempted to fudge and fib to avoid people screaming and pointing fingers at you. Relax. Open a window: to air is human. The only way one can avoid criticism in this world is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Be very careful now. Financial speculation, gambling, vacations, children, romantic diversions, the arts, the theatre and professional sports are all areas where you could make a serious financial error. Gulp. For some reason your judgment is off. You might have the wrong information because someone has deceived you. Or you could misinterprete things. Don't try to impress others, especially friends and groups. (Ever noticed how your rich friends cost you money?) Don't worry about status or keeping up with the Joneses. (No matter what you're jonesing for.) Practice restraint. Avoid waste. Be cool.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Recent chaos or conflict at home could lead you to make a poor decision or go overboard about something no matter how well intentioned you are. Be very careful here. And another thing: if someone tries to tell you you're just "a member of the most pernicious race of odious little vermin whom Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the face of this Earth" (oh yeah, that one) -- don't fall for it! Don't let someone put you down. You can suffer a crisis of confidence this week. Perhaps you're trying to do something noble, and someone makes you doubt yourself, or you just goof up a little. Relax. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your zeal to accomplish something might trick you into going overboard or being excessive in some way. Ya think? If this happens, don't beat yourself up. (Of course, if you like to do this sort of thing, with thigh high boots, that's your business.) If you think your reach exceeds your grasp now, pull back a little. It's very easy to kid yourself. However, it's also easy to cave in to the criticism of others that might not apply to you at all! People could say negative things simply because of envy, jealousy, or fear of change -- whatever. It's challenging to distinguish valid criticism from sour grapes. Basically, it depends how you feel about yourself.