We have a Grand Cross: planets at 6 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 9 o clock, 3 o'clock i.e. Mars in Taurus opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, and Saturn in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius. This creates tension for everyone. We all feel stressed for different reasons. (You're not losing it. And you're not alone.) By mid-Feb., Mars leaves Taurus where it's been for six months (gasp) instead of its usual six weeks. This releases some of this tension, and lightens up that singular Taurus emphasis, which we feel in different ways. Actually, planetary tension like this promotes great accomplishment! This means 2006 starts off with an ultimato. (That's the choice of eating your vegetables or going to bed without supper.) Happy New Year to everyone!
It's been said that how something begins is how it unfolds. Although we have a Grand Cross creating tension for the world as this year begins (your ruler Mars is part of that dynamic) -- in this first week, we also have supportive influences as well. It looks like the universe is going to be very generous to you not only this week but this whole year! People will give you things, lend you things and let you use things they own. You're very high viz now. Dealings with bosses and parents are significant. Confusion with romance and children will eventually fade. Don't go overboard parting with your money. Cash is always in style.
This year begins with tension in partnerships, close friends, and confusion about your future path versus your home scene. It's one step forward, two steps backwards. One moment you think you know where you're headed, the next moment you're not sure. Tension with partnerships probably started to show up around September (maybe earlier). Mars has never been in your sign for as long as six months in your life! Although it energizes you and gives you confidence, it can create problems dealing with others because you're unusually willful. This week partnerships improve through foreign travel, publishing and the media. You have exciting things to look forward to!
Despite tension with your job, siblings and neighbours, publishing, the media, education, politics and religion - you're blessed this week with news about your health, or something to do with work. This news enormously pleases you! Accept offers of support, help, and improved staff and resources that improve your job scene or your health. Lots of you are having hot sex now as well. (Great way to handle holiday stress!) You feel very passionate about a lot of things right now. Some of you are dealing with insurance matters, estates, and shared property. This will go well. (They say you never really know someone until you have to split an inheritance with them.)
No matter what tension you're dealing with right now (see All Signs above), basically, you have it easier than most. That's because you're headed into a fun-loving, romantic, creative year that promises a vacation! Relations with partners and close friends are warm and rewarding this week. This definitely offsets tension you have with groups and acquaintances. On the whole, your dealings with those who are closest to you are enriched now. You feel loving to others and vice versa. Discussions about romance, vacations and creative ventures are very encouraging. Why not get the ball rolling? Start this year off by making positive plans to have fun. Laughter is wonderful for your body and soul.
You might feel overwhelmed dealing with the professional demands of your career, dealing with parents, juggling home and family, and disappointments with partnerships and close relationships. With Saturn in your sign now, you're more serious about everything in life. Nothing is trivial. You're moving on from what is not working. You're pruning all those details that are no longer viable. That's because this is a major turning point in your life. You're getting ready for a whole new cycle where you will actually reinvent yourself. This week home, family and real estate matters are blessed. You feel very enriched here. That's good. Your home is your castle.
This is a positive week for you despite the tension mentioned in All Signs above. You feel hopeful and optimistic about your future! Romance, creative ventures, professional sports and dealing with children are all areas that give you a pleasant, psychological boost. Good news in these areas is encouraging! Even if you can't see it yet, you'll soon become much more ambitious about what you want in life. In the meantime, have fun this week. Be romantic and flirtatious! Accept invitations to party. Take a vacation. Explore opportunities for creative expression. What makes you feel good is that you can just be yourself now. You're going to let go of what you don't need and move on. There's bigger fish to fry.
Your focus continues to be on home, family and real estate matters. New purchases and gifts for your home are exciting. You're full of decorating ideas, and puttering around the place to make it look more beautiful. (This is what you're good at!) Relations with family members are particularly loving now. However, this week the icing on the cake is financial! Money comes to you from the past. You might also get money from parents, land and real estate deals. Naturally, if money is coming, it's also flowing out. You might be making major purchases for your digs. That's OK. You never regret spending on home and family. You need a beautiful place to retreat to because (as we all know) it's hard out there without your towel.
This is an excellent week for you. You've had some ongoing tension with partners, and you definitely have had some disappointments with career and life path matters. (Ironically, you also have strong success in these areas as well.) This is an unusually busy week with short trips, increased time with siblings, and running around trying to do everything! You're shopping, doing negotiations and talking to lots of people. You can do all this right now because you're upbeat, positive and optimistic! This week the Sun shines on Jupiter in your sign. It doesn't get much better than this. In some manner, good fortune comes to you. Spread joy wherever you go.
This is a very encouraging week for you -- and a great way to start the New Year because you can probably make more money! You certainly have great moneymaking ideas.) Actually, your moneymaking ideas will probably bring you increased profits in about 18 months to 2 years. That's a given. Nevertheless, things look rosy right now as well. (Rosy is your favourite colour.) What really makes you happy is that you have an increased sense of self-esteem. You like yourself more. You feel better about your future. You sense there's good things ahead and you're right! This belief/expectation gives you enthusiasm and high energy!
The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sign this week. This is a blessing in itself! There's more. This week lucky Jupiter shines on the Sun in your sign. That's why you feel so happy, fortunate, and optimistic about your future. This is a good thing. Appreciation is probably one of the most important things we can do - daily. To truly appreciate who you are, and what you have is a powerful blessing. This kind of appreciation energizes you and gives you confidence. It also makes you look like the winner - and winners attract success. No wonder you have such a popular year ahead! Others will want to be in your presence.
You feel more content about life this week. The ongoing stress, chaos and craziness at home or within your family dynamic might still be there, but you can handle it. Disappointments in partnerships exist, but again, you have a realistic take on things. What gives you strength now is an inner belief in yourself. You know you're pulling out of a slump -- it's that simple. "It's a bird! It's a plane! No - it's Aquariuuuus!" You're beginning to see your future's so bright you're gonna need shades. (Oh yeah, toots.) This is an excellent week to explore spiritual growth or do yoga or meditation. (How about singing Ohm on the Range?)
Everything connected with friends, groups, clubs, and organizations is heartwarming. You're popular! Publishing, the media, education and foreign countries could be the source of your happiness. You've been working very hard -- and you'll continue to work hard - but at least some results are now beginning to show. It's a funny thing about work. When you have it, you wish you didn't. But when you don't have it, you wish you did. And as Lily Tomlin observed, "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat." (Oh well, they say hard work never killed anyone, but I figure - but why take a chance?)