All Signs

This week there's a Full Moon in Gemini on Thursday. Generally when the Moon occurs in a Mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) it's not a big deal, especially compared to a Full Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. This week the Full Moon occurs with Pluto in the picture. Oy! People will feel quite emotional about things. The thing to remember is it's an emotional situation but it passes quickly. Therefore, don't react. And make your words sweet in case you have to eat them later. (Which is why I keep whipped cream in the fridge.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're totally focused on travel, publishing, the media, dealing with foreign countries and perhaps legal or medical matters. You might be trying to make travel arrangements, for example. On the whole, these matters should go quite smoothly. However, the Full Moon on the 15th will introduce some tension in these areas. It might even make you a bit accident-prone. (Caution against haste or doing things impulsively and quickly in anger - this includes speaking as well as acting.) Our problems always intensify before a Full Moon; and then, amazingly, they diminish. (Go figure.) Avoid political, religious and philosophical arguments. There are none so deaf as those who are wearing headphones.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is an excellent time to ask for increases to your budget, more staff, more supplies, more support on-the-job, or anything else you need from someone else. It's also a good time for fundraising or trying to borrow money. Knock, and ye shall be answered. Nevertheless, (I lied, I lied) prior to the Full Moon on Thursday, there could be some hiccups about finances and shared possessions. Wait until the end of the week, to get what you want. (Change is inevitable, but there's a small charge for alterations.) You also have to deal with someone else's values. There's a conflict. Of course, people have different values. Hence the verbal conjugations: I am exploratory, you're pornographic. I am Rubenesque, you're fat. Ya know?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The Full Moon on Thursday is in your sign. (Gulp) and that same day, the Sun lines up with big Daddy Pluto. Heated arguments are possible! People are entrenched in their views, especially about how to improve things. As the week progresses, these problems intensify. Fortunately, they greatly diminish after Thursday. But be careful Wednesday/Thursday. Don't throw your weight around then. And don't take sucker punches from anyone else either. Resist the urge to improve others. Be gracious avoiding other people's attempts to do this to you. Having said all this, it's actually a pretty good week. Travel plans look sweet.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Is everyone coming to your place for the holidays? You're maniacal about cleaning up, getting organized, making repairs and improving your world where you work and where you live. You have Virgo-itus! (You're making lists, right?) Your desire to get organized is a wonderful thing; but don't get your belly in a rash. Your fantastic ideas about how to improve things at work might fall on deaf ears. (Hard to believe, I know.) Resistance to your suggestions will increase until Thursday. Caution: double-check your ideas. Power outages, computer breakdowns and technological glitches might occur next weekend. Plus egos are touchy then. Nevertheless, you're extremely productive now. (I'm impressed.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Vacation plans, playful activities with children, entertaining diversions, parties, the arts, and wonderful opportunities to dress up are a major focus for you now. Tra la, tra la! It is to laugh. Many of you are consumed by romance and love affairs! Brace yourself. Problems in these areas will intensify as Thursday's Full Moon approaches. The reason they're intense is because you feel so passionately about something. It's do or die. Is this wise? (Yeah yeah, who wants to hear wise right now?) Whether its your love life, or you're dealing with children or whatever - wait until next week before you make dramatic decisions. Things will sort themselves out. Hold that thought.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week the situation at home or within your family (especially with a parent) will intensify. You definitely want your way about something. Yet the demands of work or your boss (or this same parent) conflict with your desires. This is the classic set up for Gunfight at OK Corral. Suffice to know this: as the week progresses these problems intensify. But by Friday, they lessen. Then something surprising, possibly explosive erupts in the background in the following weekend. After that, the dust settles. Since we all know you don't have to dust if you put out fresh flowers; take this as your metaphor. Just ride, Sally ride. See what next week brings.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Be careful this week. This is an accident-prone week - verbal or physical. Basically, you're obsessed about something. Arguments with siblings and relatives could arise because you're so determined to get to the bottom of something, or find the truth, or convince others to agree with you. But hey -you're the master of tact and diplomacy! Yelling doesn't make anyone hear you any better. You know this. Therefore, cool your jets. As difficult as it is, decide to lighten up -- just this week. Don't force issues. Quit trying to convince others. Fanaticism is so unattractive. Don't act. Don't react. Patience will pay off - probably eleven to three.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

When the Full Moon occurs in a Fixed sign (you are a Fixed sign) everything is very intense in a black-and-white way. Thursday's Full Moon occurs in Gemini. This is much lighter. But ah ha! Pluto (your ruler) is in the picture. "Hi Darth." This lends intensity and obsession to everything. You might feel very uptight about financial matters, possessions, sharing things, and dealing with other people's values (which you think are out to lunch.) This is a test of your maturity. Don't give in to knee-jerk reactions, especially with cash flow. "I have to have this, right now!" Be your wise Scorpio self. That's the side that is always there when you don't give in to your emotions. Be a sane, reasonable model to others.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week the Sun is in your sign and it lines up with Pluto and opposes the Full Moon in Gemini on Thursday. Oh yeah. You might feel hot under the collar about something. You believe you're right, and you're determined to get your way. This will likely play out with a partner or close friend. You have to ask yourself what is this worth? Is this worth alienating others? When the annals of history are written, you're going to look back at this and think -- peanuts! But it doesn't look that way just now. Instead, it all feels like a power-play gone wrong. Avoid making important decisions while you feel so emotionally involved. Wait until you feel calmer. (Things will work out okay because you're holding four aces.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

At some level, deep down within you, you feel almost driven this week. (And there's no chauffeur in sight.) You might not even know what has you in its grip. But something is pushing your buttons. You might have to give up something at work. You're uncertain; you don't want to let go. Furthermore, you're not just going to roll over for somebody else either. It's complex and frustrating! Keep in mind that you are a perfectionist. You want things to go according to your plan and design. Step back and give this problem some air and room to breathe. If possible, do nothing. The good thing about it all is that it comes quickly and it leaves quickly! Patience definitely pays off.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Friendship is important to you. You're a fabulous networker. You have many contacts. That's why it bothers you when you are up against a group and there's dissension. Difficulties with friends and groups are inevitable this week. It could be related to reform or proposed changes. You're an idealist, and you believe passionately about something. Nevertheless, don't get your belly in a rash. Back off. A big part of success is timing. You have to know how to pick your fights. This is an insane time to make a stand. Why? Because this problem is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon; by next week it's a memory. Don't get suckered in by the drama of it all. Bide your time.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Yikes! There's a rumble this week. It probably occurs with a parent, boss, VIP or even the police. The harder you push to get your own way, the greater the resistance you will encounter. Somebody wants to completely reform or improve things. (Could be you; could be somebody else.) This is definitely a power struggle. You need this like a fish needs a bicycle. Plus you have enough to do right now. Therefore, be wise. Listen to your sensitive, intuitive side. (On the left, above the kidneys.) If you refrain from taking a stand right now, you just might get your way next week anyhow. Capice? If you act now, you're skating on thin ice. (A closed mouth gathers no foot.)