In my daily column, I refer to an All Clear phenomenon. This week I'm introducing the All Bran phenomenon: Mercury goes direct; Mars goes direct. Time to get the lead out; it's all systems go! Many were depressed and gloomy lately. Hey - three major planets were retrograde! Mercury (communications and transportation), Mars (muscles, energy, and intention) and Saturn (Father Time, self-doubt, tough lessons.) Oy vay! We know we're headed into the future, -- yet it didn't feel like it. This feeling of spinning your wheels with no future in sight will be hugely reduced. (Although Saturn stays retrograde until early April.) But one out of three ain't bad. Come on world -- let's get going! (Bring your alibi.)
This week is a turning point in many ways. Your idealism is aroused. And yet at the same time, you feel more confident in a solid, practical way about creative matters and situations related to children -- even romance. Some kind of mutual generosity between you and someone else will take place now. At the very least, this generosity will be expressed in kind, considerate words and intentions. Your involvement in publishing, the media, educational matters and travel or foreign countries is more exciting. In fact, your whole outlook gets a lift! You feel like you've got a future -- and you know what to do with it.
Your ability to talk to partners and close friends is beautifully enhanced this week. (Always make your words sweet and tender in case you have to eat them later.) Many of you will have heartfelt conversations with others, in large measure because you're able to express your feelings quite easily now. Not only are you more likely to express your feelings, you're also more likely to be in touch your feelings. Mercury rules the thought process. Sometimes we don't even know what we want until something jiggles our reality. Mars in Taurus opposes Jupiter this week as well. This represents a culmination of something with respect to partnerships. There's a quality of breaking free.
Nothing is perfect. Nevertheless, this has to be a fabulous week for you! To begin with, Mercury goes direct. (Yay! Mercury retrograde is over! The wicked witch is dead!) However, it also makes two lovely aspects to fair Venus. This will be most evidenced in your job. Your dealings with coworkers and clients will be lighthearted, warm, caring and generous. Tiny discoveries will encourage you and renew your faith working with others. ("I never knew you cared.") Similarly, you'll feel encouraged in matters related to health and even small pets. ("What's that Lassie? Jimmy fell down a well and he needs his insulin?") It's a lovely week.
This is a wonderfully creative time for you. Everything to do with the arts, expressing your creative talents, working with show business and professional sports goes swimmingly! Work related to children or caring for children will be rewarding. (Gosh, golly, gee kinda thing.) Romance will also be very sweet. You find it easy to express your affections for others and vice versa. Parents will express affection to children. This ease of expression can manifest in the arts as well, through writing, painting, drawing, sculpting -- whatever. A sense of abundance and joy definitely comes to you at some point this week. Appreciate who you are and what you have.
You feel ambitious and excited! Something you've been struggling with or wondering about or hoping for now comes to fruition. You see what you want to do; and you believe you can do it! For some, it might even be a dream come true. For others, the belief of what is possible is more tangibly real in your heart. Can such a thing be tangible? I think so. Conversations with family members are meaningful and sweet. It's totally appropriate to tell others how much you care for them. You also appreciate the beauty of your home more. With Mars opposite Jupiter, and Mercury touching Venus twice this week - there's a bit of fairy dust everywhere. Don't you love it? (I do!)
You feel enormously encouraged about life. One thing that gives you pause (little furry ones) is you easily see now just how much love there is in your everyday life. People around you, even relatively casual acquaintances, actually care for you. And you care for them. Furthermore, something seems to spark the ability of everyone to communicate this to each other -- especially you. It's sort of like having your own personal tiny Tim moment. ("God bless us everyone!") Nothing wrong with this. In addition, plans to travel, increase your education, or explore publishing ventures are exciting and promising. Your home life is particularly rewarding as well. Wundebar!
You're extremely encouraged about many things, however some of this is costing money! Quite likely, you're buying something gorgeous, wonderful and extravagant. But you've always wanted it! (And you know how you adore and appreciate beauty.) Others will see great ways of making more money. This is a strong week for commerce and business whether you're buying or selling. Joint ventures are promising. In another vein (other arm, just above the elbow) your sex life can get a boost now as well. Oo la la! Actually, your gusto and zest for life are in overdrive. By sheer energy transference, your ability to express yourself creatively is also hot. Play me a tune!
Your communicating skills are fabulous this week. Use them as best you can. For starters, you can negotiate, wheel and deal, and talk yourself into or out of anything. However, in your personal relationships, your sweet talking skills pay off even better! Something occurs that makes you realize just how much you love a close friend or partner. Better yet, you find the words and the courage to say it. Curious how hesitant we are to do this kind of thing, and yet it is so welcomed and meaningful. (Too many John Wayne movies.) This is a good time to make long-range plans about career moves and earning money. It's also a good time to make a generous gesture to someone close to you. ("Here's all my hidden bank accounts.")
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Sagittarius is spelled with two ts. (Just kidding.) What I really mean is that you rely on optimism and activity to stay vital! These qualities are survival issues for you! That's why you're going to love this week. Your ability to believe in yourself, and your ability to believe in others, and your ability to believe in the interconnection and loving kindness you have with others and the universe in general (let's go for the whole enchilada) - is perfectly in tune now. Once you have that -- you have everything! That's why you're so industrious at work. You believe it's all worthwhile. Just stay in touch with realism. You can laugh all the way to the bank -- but you can't buy it.
You will totally enjoy dealing with friends this week. You'll also be extremely successful in all your dealings with group dynamics -- conferences, clubs, meetings and the like. Good feelings easily flow back-and-forth. This is a good time to make partnerships or do deals with others. The connection you establish are only pleasant, they can be profitable. Matters connected with professional sports, show business, the entertainment world and the arts look great. So does romance! (Be still my beating heart.) Time spent with children will be enthusiastically rewarding. This is a lovely week! Expect the best -- you just might get it.
This is a wonderful week to talk to bosses, parents, VIPs, and any authority figure in your life. These people will be like putty in your hands. (Well, at least sticky caramel.) You're magically in the right place, at the right time, saying the right thing to the right person. Awriiight! Make a proposal. Put forth your agenda. Your diplomatic skills are impeccable now. Who can resist you? However, it's also a good time to take a break. To do excellent work, you have to know when to rest and when to play. Balance is critical. Perhaps this is a message you have to convey to others? "Hey guys -- lighten up."
You're a sensitive, intuitive sign. Neptune is your ruler and of course, Neptune is the Muse, the inspiration for all art, creativity and beauty. This week, your appreciation of beauty is beautifully enhanced! Therefore, surround yourself by as much beauty as possible. You'll feel uplifted, edified, and closer to that Big Something in the sky. Visit museums and galleries. Explore bookstores. Better yet, travel if you can. At least take a drive in the country. Conversations with friends, especially people from other countries and different cultures, are unusually heartwarming. Time is fleeting, but until it's part of the unchangeable past -- you can still do something with it today.