All Signs

The retired and unemployed ignore my references to career. Big mistake! Consider: everyone's chart has 12 houses. (Looks like a pizza.) The Second House is about earnings. It's how you attract money and possessions to you. (And how you spend.) The Sixth House is about your job -- what you do to pay the bills. (Centuries ago this house ruled slavery; today it's employment.) The Tenth House is career and reputation. The word career comes from the old French carriere meaning highway. So your career is your path in life. You might not get paid for it. (Van Gogh never sold a painting.) Being a parent is a career. Your career is your epitaph after you're gone. (And Death is nature's way of saying, "Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome, come on in!")

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week the New Moon takes place in the part of your chart that relates to other peoples' belongings, shared possessions, and at a subtler level -- other people's values. (It also relates to sex but who's interested in that?) This is the one New Moon all year that offers you an opportunity to make some resolutions or promises with yourself to improve these areas. This doesn't mean you have to rush out and buy Viagra; but you might want to look at how you view sex in your life. Are you tolerant of values other than yours? (Very tough to do.) Your ability to embrace the values of others with understanding will only enrich your own life. It might even change it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This week the New Moon is directly opposite you. (Tues. Nov. 1.) Each New Moon gives us an opportunity to make new resolutions to improve our lives. And every month it occurs in a different part of our chart. This week is the best time all year for you to focus on partnerships and close relationships. How important are they to you? Are you happy how they work in your life? Partnerships can enrich your life but at the same time they're demanding and require compromise and effort. You must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. You must do things to make them happy. (Isn't this what you want back in return?) Oh yeah.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week, specifically Tuesday, when the New Moon occurs, you have a chance to think about how you can improve your job. You can either improve your improve job directly; or you can improve your approach to your job or how you do your job. A big part of your job is relating to coworkers. Are you considerate of coworkers? The more considerate you are of others, the more considerate they'll be of you. (That's a no-brainer.) Sure you work for money, but you spend a lot of time at your job! Time is life. (You're born then you die: what's in between is your time -- that's your life.) Therefore, the quality of your time at work is important! Do whatever you can to make it the best it can be.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week (the New Moon on Tuesday) urges you to focus on romance, vacations, your creative talents, and how you relate to children. Do you value your creativity? Today's commercialism makes us equate earning money with creativity. It was not always so. (Certainly not centuries ago; or even now in some cultures.) We are verbs not nouns. The joy of being creative is in the doing, not the finished product. (Singing for example.) As children we're creative. We dance, draw, sing and build. But later, we stop doing this because we think we're not good at it. Enjoy your creative impulses! Enjoy playful activities with children. (Life is short -- and fat.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This Scorpio Sun is challenging; and of course, Saturn is now in Leo. Be patient with family members. This week creates a rub with authority figures, especially parents. In fact, that's where the New Moon occurs on Tuesday. The wonderful thing your sign has to look forward to is a fabulous year ahead (maybe 18 months) of domestic joy! Everything with real estate, family relations, and where you live will please you more than it has in years! Therefore, examine your relationship with your home and family. What can you do to make it better? After all, you only go around once. Why not do it with joy and style!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month, and specifically this week, it's the perfect time to examine your style of communicating with others, especially siblings, relatives and neighbours. Because Jupiter is in this part of your chart, this is where you can make great strides this year. This month the Sun makes you focus on it even more; and this week (Tues. Nov. 1) the New Moon occurs in the same place! (I'd say the universe is trying to give you a message.) To wit: watch how you talk and listen. Do others understand you? Do you fully understand them? (And yes, I think taking a class in conversational Italian is a wonderful idea.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week you have to think about money. Not just, "Hmmm, money. Note to self - get some!" Think about what money means to you. Money is energy. It has the power to make changes in your life and the lives of others to improve things or not. Are you happy with how you spend your money? Do you buy lots of stuff you don't need? Do you use money to help or please others? (This is rewarding; in fact, more rewarding than when you buy yourself stuff!) Money is power because it can change things in your life and the lives of others. Are you using your money the way you want?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Jupiter, the Sun and the New Moon on Tuesday are all in your sign. Yes! It's all about you! Sooo -- look at your appearance. What kind of first impression do you create? How dated is your hairstyle and wardrobe? Do you feel good about how you look? What do you think about your style of relating to others, especially partners and close friends? A planetary emphasis in your sign now urges you (and give you a fabulous opportunity) to clean up your act re: your appearance, your personality, and your style of relating to everyone. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. How are Scorpios doing this Fall?"

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your ruler Jupiter rules many things, among them -- universities, libraries, religions, divine law, social contracts and slot machines in casinos. You're philosophical. Not only that, you're future oriented. You like to have goals. In fact, you need to have goals. This is a good time to think about your inner world. Don't dismiss this with "yeah, yeah." If your inner world is not working right -- nothing works. It all starts from within. One of the quickest ways to get in tune "inside" is to practice kindness. When you're kind to others, you like yourself more. It's that simple. And when you like yourself -- everything else flows more easily. Capice?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're concerned about reputation. You want to be somebody. But this is simply an emphasis on creating an impression on others. This week the New Moon offers you a chance to improve how you make friends and how you relate to acquaintances. Of course, the easiest way to make friends is to be friendly. Are you friendly? Would you want you for a friend? When's the last time you did something thoughtful and considerate for a friend? It takes so little to please others and show them you care about them. Of course, be sincere. (Even if you have to fake it.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Get new clothes. Everybody notices you. (You're really out there.) The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are all at high noon in your chart. "Look Ma! No hands!" This gives you a chance to impress VIPs, bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures. They think you're the cat's meow. (Do nothing to dissuade them otherwise.) Act confident. Show them they're lucky you returned their calls. After years of hard work, you're finally in the game. You're a player! You expect respect. Actually, the way to get respect is to give it. Arrogance is thinking you're good at something when you're not. Confidence is thinking you're good at something when you are.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is quite an exciting time for your sign. All kinds of travel opportunities and educational opportunities exist for you. In addition, many of you are involved in publishing and the media more than usual. You've got big deals going down. (I mean that in a positive sense.) However, to do all this you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe you're worth educating - that you're worth investing in yourself. Or if this relates to publishing -- are you worth reading or hearing? Your belief in yourself will determine just how much success you will allow in your life. After all, you're not going to contradict your core beliefs. (No way!)