We must all be patient with each other because the partial Lunar Eclipse on Monday is a Full Moon between Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra. This is a feisty position for the emotional Moon. Therefore, I pray thee -- resist the urge to stomp out of the house in a huff - only to realize you forgot your wallet or your keys. Now what? Think of the face you lose by going back. Rats! Foiled again! Life will be far easier for everyone (including you) if you resist these angry knee-jerk reactions to whatever annoys you. Unless of course, you feel that your whole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. If that's the case - go ahead - insult a rich relative!
The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on Monday the 17th takes place in your sign. (The only one this year.) It indicates stress with partners or close friends. The few days just before the Full Moon are when you feel the most amped; after the Full Moon peaks on Monday morning, some sanity returns to your situation. Knowing this, just hang in there. Be patient. Don't speak without thinking. In particular, you might be confused (or deceived -- gulp) about shared possessions and other people's property. Travel plans and matters connected with publishing, the media and education look solid. (You want to blow this pop stand.)
Monday's Full Moon brings stress to your workplace. (It won't be too bad because lucky Jupiter continues to bless your job scene.) Nevertheless, conversations with VIPs, parents and bosses are confusing more than usual. They're like two ships passing in the night. Therefore, double-check all instructions you receive from on high. You might have incorrect data because it was unwittingly passed on to you. If you have any reason to doubt someone's effectiveness, all the ammunition you need will be there! Errors and confusion abound. But this is short term. (Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.) Later in the week, life is sweet. You appreciate help from others - and you're inspired to help others in return.
Your ability to deal with friends, groups, clubs and organizations is quite scrambled now. The Full Moon on Monday doesn't help things, and on top of this (actually a little to the side and down to the left) your ruler Mercury is caught up in a dance with illusive, fuzzy Neptune. Not good. Too many snafus related to work and your daily schedule. Oy! I suggest you look at this as a quickie refresher course for the impending Mercury retrograde. You'll be ready for anything! Faulty communications definitely throw a glitch in things. Therefore, double-check everything. Be objective and realistic. Buy great reading material. (When the going gets tough the tough get hold of escapist brain candy.)
The Moon is your ruler. (You don't have to swear allegiance or pledge your loyalty: you just can't escape its influence on your emotions.) Monday's Lunar Eclipse puts you in the classic dilemma of home & family versus job & career. This is second only to the famous Icelandic Impasse, which is making an agonizing choice of cashier line-ups at your local Supermarket (not easy when death is on the line.) Stay with home and family this time. That's where the action is for you. No matter how confusing anything else is - you at least know where your bed is at night. Things are good at work. Make long range plans with confidence. You can be extremely productive now.
Monday's Full Moon triggers a mild, accident -prone tendency for you. Be careful driving, walking and trying to park without feeding the metre. (Tempt not the Parking Police!) Relations with partners and family members are confusing, especially Tuesday. Say as little as possible. (Just rent a lot of movies.) However, plans connected with children (their care and upkeep, lifetime warranty not withstanding) vacations, professional sports, and romantic adventures are on more solid ground. In fact, your idealism and your desire for fun and romance (the whole enchilada) are increasing. It could be those movies you're watching. But then - your sign rules romance, show business and the theatre. (You drama queen.)
Money matters, your job and your possessions are aggravated by Monday's Full Moon. That's why you have increasing concerns about your tiny fortune. (Yes, some of you have millions but you're quiet about it.) Be careful with contracts, negotiations, and wheeling and dealing this week - especially Tuesday. All is not as it appears. Unless of course, all appears to be murky. If this is the case - all is at it appears. Get it? (That was just a test to see if you can muddle through Tuesday.) Go directly to jail. Do not collect $200. Family matters and real estate deals escape relatively unscathed. Here you are on solid ground. (Pun intended.)
The Full Moon on Monday is in Aries. Meanwhile, Libra (your sign) is 180 degrees opposite Aries. Therefore, you're part of this equation! ("Hey. I'm innocent. She was like that when I got here.") A Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other. Therefore, you'll feel this Full Moon. (Even if you wear a colour coordinated down vest and your Tom Mix decoder ring.) Partnerships and close friendships are in the toilet. This is unsettling. You like to get along. Don't react by going shopping, especially on Tuesday; because money issues are also confusing Oy vay. However, discussions with siblings and relatives are reassuring. In fact, this is a good time to make long range plans about children, show business, the arts, sports and vacations. (Pack tropical.)
This Full Moon (Monday) heightens your insecurities connected with your work and your job. Can you pull off the impossible? That's how it feels right now. Partnerships are dicey. Conversations with parents are confusing. And who put salt in the sugar bowl? Be patient with partners. Things are not going to improve until late February. Factoid. Accept this and demonstrate grace under pressure. The good news is that everything to do with money, earnings and dealing with the boss looks swell. People think you're on top of things. Your public reputation shines. (Why open your mouth and give the game away?)
Every Full Moon tests relationships. But this particular one (Moon in Aries/Sun in Libra) really exposes things to the bone. You might feel competitive with a friend. You want your way about something. Don't be tempted to do something underhanded in order to win. You'll only regret it later. Plus you don't have all the facts. Someone older or more experienced (perhaps from another culture or far away) can help you now. Listen to this person. Importing and exporting, publishing, and travel can all benefit you now and for a long time in the future. It's a good time to make plans in these areas, including education.
This month's Full Moon (it peaks on Monday in the sign of Aries) is at particular odds with your sign because the Airs/Libra axis is square to Capricorn. (In other words, this is not the week to buy a dirigible, regardless of how hot a deal it is.) Your dealings with parents, VIPs, bosses and authority figures will be challenged to say the least. Don't lose your cool. Something to do with money and possessions either confuses you, or you don't have all the facts. (There's something fishy going on here.) Instead, focus on long range plans for wills, inheritances, estates, and dealing with shared property. (Despite the Full Moon thang - it's a good week for you.)
This is a poor time for contracts, negotiations, short trips, dealing with siblings, and everything to do with publishing, education, the media and travel. Yikes - that even includes daytime TV. What's left? Fortunately, one area that means a lot to you is blessed right now -- and this is friendship. Someone older might help you this week. Seek counsel from the wise ones. Discuss difficulties with bosses and parents with a friend. (Or even a professional.) Make long range plans with or about groups and clubs. Authority figures are very confusing to you now. It's just the name of the game. Let's play Movable Titles!
Financial matters are challenging right now. You're not sure who owns what, or how to divide something - or not. (Who is that man behind the curtain?) Travel plans are also confusing. You might not know how to read someone from another culture or place. Educational matters, travel, publishing and the media are all sources of confusion and uncertainty for you. Fortunately, most of this angst doesn't show. Bosses and VIPS think you're the cats' meow. One place you can confidently make long-range plans is with respect to your job, and possibly with how to deal with a parent. You're entering a time where you'll work hard for the next few years so that you can show the world what you can do.