All Signs

Some people say, "The week ahead looks great!" Or "I'd better hide in bed because this week looks terrible." I think it's good to remember the old story about the rainstorm. The young bride stands weeping because the rain is ruining her outdoor wedding. The young farmer is on his knees with gratitude because the drought is over and his crop is saved. The same event can impact each of us differently. Our feelings of compassion can be triggered by tragedy or something sweetly poignant. Therefore, read this column with a grain of salt. (I also add freshly ground pepper.) Use it to help not to hinder.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are all opposite your sign right now. Basically, this is good news. It totally focuses on and illuminates your closest friendships and partnerships. For the most part, you have an opportunity now to deepen your understanding of how you relate to others. And this learning curve will be pleasant! Others will give you feedback. In addition to this, you'll observe a lot and learn much from your own conclusions. Does this matter? You bet it does! Learning how to deal successfully with others is probably the most important thing a person can know. That - and how to make a good mustard plaster. (Because a good plaster gives you spooky feelings of Dijon-vu.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In many ways, your job has been improving. And if it hasn't, then your attitude toward it has changed. Whatever the cause, you feel pretty good about going to work. If your job is still miserable (and it could be) then expect a better job very soon -- certainly within the year. Hang in there! (Yes, I see your knuckles are very white.) Right now you have a renewed burst of energy to clean up your place. You want to get better organized at home and at work. Many of you have lots of stuff because you're a collector of fine things. (I'm being polite.) Dust that collection! (Antique tools, Star Wars figures, and a Mickey Mouse from the 1940s? Hmmm - verrrry nice.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a good time to make long-range plans about children -- their care and their education. Similarly, it's a good time to make long-range plans about vacations. You're giving serious thought to the lighter elements in your life -- romance, (is romance ever light?) good times, the arts, and recreational activities. Meanwhile, back at the concession stand, flirtations now flourish! New love can appear for some of you. Existing relationships will become more playful. You certainly want to have a good time right now! Nothing wrong with that. If you're going to live every day until you die -- you might as well do it as joyfully as possible. (It's something to do.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Many of you haven't felt this good about home, family and your private life for a long time. You've got a warm feeling in your tummy about your domestic scene. Life is good. Family discussions take place now. You might do repairs to where you live. It's still a good time for real estate deals. The next few weeks are significant with respect to parents and your relationship with your family. Whatever you buy will be practical and will last a long time. (Music to your ears.) You can expand your family or your family holdings in some way. (More land, more kids?) Childhood memories that arise are insightful. Now you can see these past events with your adult point of view. (So that's why you save string?)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

In many ways, your sign is going through more upheavals than most. If you're an early Leo, you're already in your new sandbox. If you're born later in August, you're still in a state of transition. You're giving up things, places, people, habits and attitudes. This is all preparation for a huge new cycle you're about to enter. Essentially, you're going to reinvent yourself. (Yes, this does mean a new wardrobe. Yay!) That's why you're so busy right now. Errands, short trips, buying and selling keep you on the run. You're making lists of lists. Increased reading, writing and studying are also likely. Ditto for interaction with siblings. "Watch out world! I've got a life and I know how to use it."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your focus right now is all about money. What should you do to earn it? And what should you spend it on? Although superficially, your focus is on money and earnings -- at a deeper level, you're wrestling with your basic value system. You have to know what really matters. If you don't know what matters -- how will you know what to go after? Basically the bottom-line is you want to be happy. What will it take to make you happy? This is definitely worth a mull or two. Ancient teachings claim that cultivating kindness and compassion creates happiness. Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll might give you pleasure but it's temporary. It's not the real deal. (It's so easy to confuse pleasure and happiness.) And kinda fun, too.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

"I've got the whole woo -orld in my hands." Actually you've got the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in your sign. It doesn't get much better than this. Opportunities, favourable circumstances, and helpful, influential people come to you now. You're a good-luck magnet! And you're spending money on fun, gorgeous items. (You'd rather buy artistic goodies before necessities.) Get thee to a museum shop! Don't worry about these moments of self-indulgence. When the Sun is in your sign, it's all about you. Now is the time for you to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Just do your thing. Buy clothes. Buy perfume and cosmetics. Dress your body; dress your room. Put yourself first. Be happy. ("You rang?")

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're so busy! You have tons on the go. You need a rest! You can't be all things to all people all the time. (Not unless they pay you lots and lots of money. Even then -- you need a life.) Work alone if you can. Seek out solitude in beautiful surroundings. Pamper your spiritual soul. Dealings with the government and large institutions are quite successful now. This is a good time to make long-range plans with bosses, parents and authority figures. Establish a game plan. You're entering a powerful time in your life. What do you want to achieve? What does success look like to you? If you define it, you'll recognize your stop and ring the bell. "Is this Park Place?"

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Cancers are often absorbed with the past. Sagittarians are absorbed with the future. You're full of plans for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. You love pondering future prospects. That's why optimism is vital for your sign! Perhaps you should take a news fast? Insulate yourself from negativity. Get involved with friends and groups. Form working units. Get out and schmooze. Physical activity with friends and groups really turns you on. Accept all invitations. Extend a few yourself. Enjoy your popularity in the next few weeks. Make long-range travel plans. Water your trap line. Think of all the free places you can stay once you hit the road. Whee!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is an interesting time for you. I say that because you feel both idealistic and yet practical at the same time. This is a good time to plot and plan how to use the resources of others (as well as your own) to benefit someone. If you do this, you'll be noticed. Perhaps, you can use your temporary high viz position to encourage others to practice generosity? You're definitely in the limelight now for some reason. You're talking to important people. You might use your efforts to benefit children because the opportunity is certainly there. Friendships or your relationship with a group could be confusing. Trust your gut instincts. The body never lies. It just expands. (Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain?)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You have strong escapist tendencies now. (That's a vanilla, anal interpretation.) One could just as easily say you're full of adventure, discovery and joi de vive! (Because it's true.) You want to travel and explore other cultures and places. You're also hungry to increase your learning and your experience of the world. You want to study. Therefore, get thee to an airport or sign up for a course. Publishing opportunities are also at hand. (Ready to send off that book?) Use your influence, your charisma and your oratory skills to ease the suffering of others if you can. You want to make the world a better place. You at least want to raise the hemline.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your focus is definitely on serious red tape matters now. Insurance issues, inheritances, estates, shared property, and closing important deals about jointly held real estate require your attention. You might supervise the division of property or the distribution of something to benefit others. This is also a good time to make long-range plans connected with your own work. How can you best use the resources at your fingertips? Privately, your gonads are in overdrive. (Ahem.) Sex is definitely memorable. (You do remember it don't you? After all, it's only been five years. Don't worry. It's just like riding a bicycle when the front tire is flat.)