All Signs

The seed of goodness is within everything, even misfortune and tragedy. That's because the best method of achieving permanent happiness is to generate love and compassion. When we're appalled at the suffering and loss of others, we feel compassion. We come closer to becoming the kind of person who is heroically intent on helping others. Ironically, this intention promotes our own happiness! (Weird, eh?) This week, two different influences exist: one involves manipulation, conflict, crime and the breakdown of things. (Sun/Mercury square Pluto.) The other (Jupiter sextile Pluto) is the opportunity for creative change, reform and rebuilding. With the right attitude, this can be a time of regeneration! It's kinda like the lotus -- a beautiful flower that grows out of the dirtiest, yuckiest ground.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week, your job will be stressed because of the breakdown of something (machinery, systems or relationships.) Oy! You might clash with others. Some might feel this same breakdown in their health. Your best choice is to lessen your focus on this. Quit kvetching! Because you have a wonderful opportunity to develop or enhance a partnership or friendship in a fantastic, meaningful way. You can form a working relationship to help the world (I kid you not) through publishing, the media, medicine, the law or education. Who wants to miss an opportunity like this? Not you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Everything related to romance, love affairs, your children, vacations, sports, the arts, show business, and financial investments is in the toilet this week. Oh yeah! Ego conflicts and manipulations can trigger power struggles that bring about serious breakdowns in these areas. Certain things will collapse! You have to let go of old ideas and patterns of behavior related to parenting, romance, gambling with money and talent, and even how you play in the world. You have to account for your actions! Fortunately, you can practically perform miracles through your job now. If you work with the resources of others to benefit society, this other stuff is small potatoes. (French-fries anyone?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Machinery and appliances break down at home. Family and domestic relationships are stressed out. (Dealing with parents is no picnic either!) People are pushy with advice and their desire to make somebody else over or improve things. Ha! Now the fur is flying. Take a breath and step back from all this. Yes, you have to fix what is broken. Factoid. But off in the wings, you have a marvelous opportunity to explore your creative talents, sports, life-changing romance, and your relationship with children. If you use this opportunity to make life better for others (especially children) - you'll benefit yourself and others enormously!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's an accident-prone week. (Your fanaticism can cause them.) You're obsessed about getting your own way or convincing others to agree with you right now. You're like a dog with a bone. Shee! Lighten up! Especially dealing with siblings and relatives. Lift up your eyes and look around you. If you work to improve family relations, or you help family members with their homes or their real estate - if you help others in some way (domestically) - you come out smelling like a rose! The key is you have to benefit others in order to benefit yourself. That's how it works with Pluto. Furthermore, Pluto rules countries. Can you help the family of mankind? (What if they threw a war and everyone brought a hot dish?)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're focused (dare we say obsessed?) on possessions and financial matters. Stuff that you own is broken. Not working. Kaput! This breakdown can go beyond your everyday world, and extend to romance, vacations, relations with children and financial investments. Ouch! Take care of business. But in the bigger arena of life -- through teaching, acting, writing, marketing and communicating to everyone (especially relatives and siblings) you have a chance to make positive changes in the world around you. You can teach or influence others to have the highest of ideals. You can gain power through your communications with others if these communications benefit others in some way. Hey, this is cool!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Tread carefully. The Sun and Mercury are in your sign and they both square Pluto. (Gulp.) You'll encounter powerful forces (from without and within) that compel you to make radical changes in your life. Let go of deadwood! Quit holding on to what no longer works. (This includes ideas, people and possessions.) Quit trying to convince others about something. Enuff awreddy! Right now, in the palm of your hand, you have the money, resources, materials, or the opportunity to get this stuff and totally transform something at home or within your family or within society. In fact, you can boost your earnings if you figure out a way to help others as well. Challenging but rewarding! Ka-ching.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

No matter how you try to escape, you're hung up with obsessed feelings of jealousy, power struggles, and fears. (You too?) Actually, when all this stuff is stirred up and it comes to the surface, you have a chance to see it for what it really is. ("Oooh, look at those little green bits over there.") Now you have a choice. There are two doors and one says: Price of Admission: Your Faulty Thinking. It's time to pack your bags. Fill them with those petty fears, envies and insecurities. Drop them at the dump. This is excess baggage, babes. More than any other sign, you can transform your world and the world around you by taking the high ground. Cultivate compassion. Share whatever you have with others. Be the best that you can be!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Power struggles with friends and groups are unavoidable now. Each party thinks they've got God on their sign. This is righteous stuff. You might have heard the term bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is one who heroically intends (sattva) to achieve enlightenment (bodhi) to be able to more effectively help others. (It's a Beastie Boys thang.) You're flirting with this right now. Back down from power struggles with friends and groups. Locking antlers with someone just ties you up and is a waste of time and energy. Examine what you're trying to do. Realize that others are simply operating from their own set of limitations. Nobody's perfect.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Power struggles with authority figures are unavoidable. (Whether it's your boss, your mom, your teacher or the police.) Back off. Call a truce. Forget who's right and who's wrong. You've got more important fish to fry. You've always wanted to know the big answers to the big questions. Hey! You're closer to discovering this Truth than ever before. If you tap into your highest ideals, and work with friends and groups to help others or benefit society in some way, you'll be enormously rewarded! Maybe even literally with cold hard cash. (Yum.) But you'll certainly find this activity gratifying. Do whatever you can do. (Ultimately, it's for your own benefit.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're hung up on religious, political and ideological differences right now. In fact, you're fanatical about something. (Fanaticism is so blinding even though it feels like you're scratching an itch.) Avoid these arguments. They're actually quite tacky. (Beneath you really.) There's an Indian saying, "When an arrow has hit -- there's no time to ask who shot it or what kind of arrow it was." Instead, use your wonderful organizational abilities, and your clout with VIPs to make a better world. If you use your influence now to benefit others, you will really collect big Brownie points in the sky. If you only promote your own welfare - you lose.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Disagreements with others about shared possessions, inheritances, and who is responsible for what are quite maddening. If relationships are ending, and you're deciding who gets the stereo, let it go. You can get the new, improved model. Quit bickering about stuff that is just a pile of rust waiting to happen. Get in touch with what your sign is all about! You want to make a world a better place. Right? Have you ever had a better opportunity than now? I doubt it. Work with foreign countries, the media, publishing, education, medicine and the law to benefit those around you or society as a whole. Your efforts to do this will bring you great merit. (And a lifetime subscription to Phone Numbers Worth Blocking on Caller ID.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Relationships are the pits right now. Power struggles with friends and partners drain your energy and ignite your anger. You feel pressured by others. People want you to account for yourself; and you're indignant. (I don't blame you.) Give this situation more breathing space. Take a mental-health break. Slip off somewhere by yourself to get a perspective on things. Figure out what you really want. If you learn how to use the resources of others and jointly held property so that you can benefit those who need your help, you'll feel so good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, it's easier to feel good about others. (You can't love anyone if you don't love yourself. Right?)