All Signs

This weekend fair Venus makes a lovely aspect to powerful Pluto. Venus rules relationship. (Singular.) In other words, it rules the relationship of word to word, colour to colour, texture texture, and person to person. We associate it with feelings. But the Moon rules feelings. Venus describes how we relate to each other, and to everything else. Pluto deepens and intensifies anything it comes in contact with. (Imagine: "Who's at the door?" "Darth Vader.") See would I mean? Pluto makes an ordinary event memorable! I mean, who wants Darth Vader for a neighbour? A pen pal maybe. (You can't surprise Darth with a gift because he always feels his presence.) Was that a groan?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It occurs to you now in a deep and meaningful way, just how much your friends and those who are closest to you really mean to you. It's curious how we all coast along and take this kind of thing for granted, isn't it? Of course, when tragedy strikes, the value of someone in your life hits home. But why wait for that? Right now you see how much you love someone; and in turn, you appreciate their feelings for you. This is wonderful! The fact that you appreciate your relationships will enhance them enormously. The word 'precious' describes something rare; it also describes something valuable. Loving partners and good friends are precious.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Right now your appreciation of two different areas of your life is strongly heightened. The first is your job. Practically all of you can enormously improve your job this year. You'll earn more money; you'll receive praise and appreciation; or you might find a completely new and better job. You're glad to have your work and your co-workers, locale, etc. (Hey - it beats drilling those tiny little holes in toothbrushes.) The other area is your health. Right now, something occurs that makes you appreciate your health. In fact, you not only appreciate these two areas - you want to improve them even more. Excellent!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Passion is the name of the game right now. (I can hear you panting as I write these words.) Many of you are madly in love with someone. (Is there any other way?) Your feelings for this person are deeply intensified now. Everything is hot and heavy. Intimacy is transforming. You're floating somewhere out there in the ether. Transcendence here I come! (Should I pack tropical?) However, this same overwhelming, delirious influence can promote your creative vibes as well. Artists can plumb the depths of their souls and produce marvelous work. Those who work with children might experience profound revelations or breakthroughs. This is pretty heady stuff. (I have to take a break.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is wonderful time for family and domestic occasions. Something unusual might happen that makes you truly appreciate your loved ones. It might be something minor and relatively significant. But the sharing moment makes you realize how much you love your family; and how important home and family will always be to you. You like a cozy nest. Now you can transform and improve your nest. And you can also show appreciation to family members. Don't wait until it's too late. No one knows what tomorrow holds. Therefore, tell others you love them. It's curious how something so important is so rarely expressed.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your feelings for siblings and relatives, and even for those people you encounter on a daily basis, are strong now. You feel fortunate to have these people in your life. Material things and career successes can come and go. It's the people in your life however, that truly enrich your world. Think of Citizen Kane: Big house. Lots of money. Gorgeous art and beautiful grounds. Lots of people kowtowing all the time. Was he happy? Human relationships are the true rewards: communication, caring, and a mutual giving and receiving. (Let's not forget hot sex.) You're suddenly grateful for who you know now. (Don't get me wrong. I know the saying, "I've been rich, and I've been poor, and rich is better.")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You've been thinking a lot about money lately. In part, because you're concerned with your cash flow. You want to earn more because you want to spend more. (Join the club.) You probably feel rather obsessed about some kind of financial issue. (I have to have a 42 inch plasma TV!) You might be excited about a particular investment or purchase. Similarly, you might see entirely new ways of earning money. Eureka! Whatever you do with your money now pleases you very much. You feel more solvent, and you're enjoying the contemplation of future purchases. Whee! Wanna go shopping? Get your plastic out of the ice cube tray in the freezer.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Venus is in your sign now making this marvelous aspect to Pluto! This will heighten and deepen (funny combo eh?) all your emotions. Nothing is piddley. Everything is intense. Friendships are important. Romantic relationships are stellar. People are extremely significant to you now. You will definitely enrich and enhance your relationships with everyone close to you. (Aren't you glad you have that bottle of champagne in the fridge?) You might even meet someone who is powerful. Moments like this actually can change you or change the direction of your life. They certainly give your life more meaning. (Check the dictionary for the meaning of life.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Each sign in a different way responds to this planetary influence (see All Signs above) right now. But perhaps (I'm going out on a limb now) you will learn the most of any sign. That's because this Venus/Pluto influence affects your subconscious. At a deep level, little stirrings are starting to rumble. These now begin to bubble to the surface. If you examine them, you could have a minor epiphany. You might have a better understanding of why a relationship is important to you; or how important this relationship is. You might see the workings of this relationship and what affects it. You might see how old habits harm your ability to relate to others now. You might see that Houdini didn't really look like Tony Curtis.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is an important time for you. You are aware at a conscious level of how important a friend (or perhaps a group) is to you at this time in your life. This awareness actually grips your heart in a way. It's a passionate realization. This person knocks your socks off! This individual is someone profound who teaches you something. This same process could take place with a group you encounter now. You see that this group can make a difference in your life. These are all marvelous experiences and realizations! You're lucky to have them. People like this give you moments to remember forever. (That's why your life is so fascinating.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

For some special reason, others really respect your abilities and talents now. Because of this, you might be asked to take on a particular job, especially related to design, the arts or making something look more attractive. People want your input. Don't shrug this off with modesty. Don't worry about whether or not you're an expert. (The world is run by people with C- average.) Accept the kudos awarded to you now. A powerful boss or authority figure (or even a conversation with a parent) could also blow your mind. You could meet your mentor. Conversely, you could become someone else's mentor. This is an opportunity for you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Fabulous travel opportunities or experiences in other lands or exposure to other cultures can totally amaze you. You might fall in love with someone from a completely different background. Perhaps this person lives far way. You might also have a mind blowing experience related to publishing, the media and higher education. You could meet your guru or a fabulous professor. You might feel you've struck the mother lode in terms of philosophical, religious or political wisdom. You worship at the hem of someone. On the other hand, (you have different rings) you might get a free bus ticket to Dawson Creek. Who knows? Adventure beckons!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Romantic relationships can definitely become the stuff of dreams now. (You really dig this stuff.) Intimate moments can transcend your wildest expectations. (And that's saying a lot.) You feel transformed in some way. (For the better.) Love relationships that begin now will alter your life. Existing relationships are suddenly tender, passionate and very intense. In a completely different vein (other arm) money, favours or assets could come to you through your partner or another source. This is something you have been expecting for a long time. You will definitely have a deeper understanding of how you relate to others both passionately, and in practical terms with respect to shared property. You're on a steep learning curve!