This weekend Mars squares Saturn. Whoopee! Let's have another round of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" People are not exactly on the warpath; it's more subtle. They have a gun to your head, which they say isn't loaded. But is it? Most of us will feel caught between a rock and a hard place. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. (I hate that part.) It's probably best to do nothing. After all, we are the keepers of our dignity. I keep mine in an airtight Tupperware in the fridge.
You're hot to trot. You're exceptionally keen on having fun now. Romance is extremely promising (old flames are probably sputtering in the picture as well.) Because your creative vibes are turned on, (you're turned on in every sense of the word!) you have several creative projects on the go. (Gasp.) However, either a depressing lack of finances, or a killjoy who has some financial power over you, temporarily stops you in your tracks. So many ideas! So much talent! And now you're scrambling for the wherewithal to implement your marvelous plans. It was ever thus. Great ideas shot down because cash was scarce. Avoid money disputes. (So boring.)
Family reunions and the like are probably taking place now because retrograde Mercury brings everyone to your doorstep. (Stock the fridge.) Saucy flirtations definitely spice things up a bit. (Who knew?) Meanwhile, you're feeling bored, restless and ready for fun. Your boredom makes these random flirtations look very enticing. But why blow something solid for a mere bon bon? (Not your style.) Recreational sex has its place, but not if the cost is too high. What you're really dealing with now is a slow burn. (Nothing to do with the Sun.) You're angry with someone but you aren't saying anything. (If you're having an argument with a loved one, don't go to bed mad. Stay up all night and fight.) Not!
This is a nutso period for you! What haven't you lost? Sunglasses, books, papers, keys, greeting cards, clothing, and soon -- your mind! This Mercury retrograde cuts into your communications and transportation scene big time. You're also irritated with someone. (Sibling?) However, if you voice your concerns, you fear you'll look petty or paranoid. You have too much style to admit you're a petty paranoid. Therefore, mum's the word. But you feel stifled! You're wise to keep quiet. Even if others suspect you're a petty paranoid, they don't know for sure. Why open your mouth and remove all doubt? Have another iced, low fat, grande latte. Go slurp it in a strategic corner where you can lick your wounds.
For some reason, you seem to be overwhelmed with financial issues right now. First, there's the obvious -- no money. But this is nothing new. (There's always too much month left at the end of the money.) A friend or group is really putting you in a tight spot right now. This financial dispute is hurting you. You need the dough, but someone is holding out on you. Not fair! Little flareups with siblings and daily colleagues don't help things either. Computer crashes, and power outages might further complicate things. Actually, your home, family and real estate scene are super blessed now. These are things that really matter to you. Yes, money's handy when you want to buy things. But don't let this ruin your day. (That would make you lose double.)
Financial surprises and unexpected bills or tax notices might put your teeth on edge. Money, money, money. Right now however, authority figures are tough to deal with. (This includes Mom.) Their criticism seems to embody the very essence of what you most fear about yourself. Of course, this isn't true but it sure feels that way, doesn't it? This is unnerving! Your inner doubts keep you from expressing your anger. Who are you to talk back? You're navel lint! But you won't grovel either. Just stay in a holding pattern. Don't voice your concerns. If people are upset about how you use your money -- tough. Think of Dolly Parton's complaint, "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!"
Upsets with partners and close friends catch you off guard now. You'll probably speak up about this. But be gentle. Because on the other hand, (your fingers are crossed) you might be doing a slow boil about something connected with travel, foreign countries, publishing, the media or higher education. Since you cannot speak your mind about these issues, you might unload on your partner! Make sure you confine your concerns to the party that really deserves your rage. Although, most likely, you are best served by saying nothing negative. After all, what purpose does it serve? Anger only makes everyone miserable. (And it ruins sex, especially for women.) Just think about all the money you're going to make this year. You'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Differences with friends or groups about shared property or joint responsibilities are highly likely now. You don't like this. When there's a lack of harmony with friends or people you're dealing with, it brings you down. You need positive vibes around you at all times. Just let this go. Is it really worth getting your belly in a rash? I think not. You have enough surprises to deal with at work, possibly government related. You can't fight a war on too many fronts. This will exhaust you. If your efforts to assert yourself are blocked -- so be it. Do something entirely different to take your mind off these matters. Rent a DVD.
This is a terrible time (this weekend) to deal with authority figures. Power struggles and ego trips abound. You're a very intense individual. If you're heavy with others, you will only arouse more opposition. Like duh? The name of the game is survival. With the Sun at high noon in your chart, everyone notices you now. This is not the time to have a hissy fit. If someone (a boss, parent or any other authority figure) chooses to prevent you from being as effective as you want to be -- don't take this personally. You're not inadequate. If you don't fall off that horse, you don't have to get back on it again. (Remember that one.) If you're choosing to remain silent now, it's probably wise.
You're suddenly caught up in disputes at work about publishing, dealing with foreign countries, the media, legal matters or something to do with medicine. Oy vay. You need this like a fish needs a bicycle. It's as if you're holding a house of cards. Everything you were counting on is sliding downhill. One moment your future promises excitement and adventure. The next moment, it's in the toilet. Remember: if things can change this fast, they can change this fast back again! All is not lost. Be patient with whoever or whatever is raining on your parade. That's just what's happening now. Your future is still so bright you're going to need shades!
Disputes about shared possessions, responsibilities for children, the cost about child related matters, the cost of entertaining, creative endeavours, and possible vacations -- these are some of the things you're probably ticked off about. Lovers' quarrels about shared responsibilities and shared possessions or finances are highly likely now. It's not that you're keeping score. (Although you are.) It's the principle of the thing. You don't want to be treated unfairly. Furthermore, you don't want to be taken advantage of. Trust your gut instincts. If you think something fishy is going on, it is.
Listen up. You have to demonstrate grace under pressure right now. Difficulties with family members, partners and close friends are unavoidable. Naturally, this is not your fault. You're the net worker extraordinaire! You have tons of friends and acquaintances. Nevertheless, this dark cloud is here -- right on your horizon. You can run but you can't hide. Given this set of parameters, consider this an opportunity to demonstrate how to skillfully deal with those who get in your way. You're getting stronger. You're through taking guff from others. "Candygram for Mongo!"
This weekend is the first of many incidents that will likely take place in the next six months. These incidents involve your style of communicating to others. Before, your sweet dulcet tones could soothe the savage beast. Now, you're a tad demanding. (Oh yeah.) In part, this is because you identify so strongly with your beliefs now. You're like a dog with a bone. Avoid pointless arguments by defending a position that really doesn't matter. I mean - does it really? Tension with partners might add to your problems at work. Be patient with coworkers and bosses. People are just doing their job. Mars is stuck in Taurus for six months. This makes you an aggressive communicator. Kinda good - kinda bad. Deal with it. (And you can!)