All Signs

This weekend Venus, Mars and Pluto are doing a wonderful dance. This generates a lot of passionate energy to accomplish great things. I'm talking everything from building bridges to moving mountains to great sex. Whatever it is - it's done with gusto! Go forth and create a home, a painting, a garden, a boss spaghetti sauce, a new brake job, a family reunion - anything. These planets support each other thereby spawning energy, focus, drive and a desire to reform or make things better -- especially improving things by getting rid of excess. Look around and see what needs to be done. Be like John Wayne. "Talk low, walk slow, and don't say too much."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You have tremendous power and drive right now because Mars (your ruler) is bouncing off Pluto and Venus. This gives you enormous endurance and strength to get things done. You'll see this in sports, working with children, doing creative projects or just working out and buffing your bod. Things are improving fantastically for you. During the last few years, Saturn quietly gnawed away at you. (Aaaggh.) This is over now. Yay! Now Saturn helps you run things more smoothly. (Quel difference!) This year you can build your physical strength. In the next two years, you'll win recognition for your achievements. People are impressed with your diligence!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're working hard behind the scenes. In fact, you're doing a lot alone. The key phrase is "a lot" because you can accomplish an enormous amount with shared possessions and sorting through your stuff. What do you want to keep? What do you want to get rid of? You definitely want to make improvements to your home now. You're on a decorating and renovating kick. Good. Your home is your castle. In the next two years, it's important to solidify your home base one way or another. You need to know where you're going to live. You want a warm feeling in your tummy about where your bed is at night. (Get good sheets. At least 300 thread count.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're active with friends, groups, partners, clubs and organizations. You're trying to change the world around you by making improvements to your surroundings. This is good. However if you work solely for your own benefit, your results will be minimal. If you work for your own good plus the needs of others -- your results will be excellent. When Pluto is in the picture, you have to work for the benefit of others as well as yourself. (Formula.) New ways of relating to siblings, neighbours and relatives will give you greater freedom to express yourself. Start to prepare for a job change or residential move in the next two years.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're ambitious to make big changes in your life now. Partly, you see what you have to do; and partly, you believe you can do it. This is a wonderful combo: the realization of what needs to be done and the confidence to attack the job. Right now, you can make money, or improve how you make money, or improve your job in some way. If you can introduce improvements to your work that benefit others as well as your self - then your rewards will be even greater! You're going to refine your value system in the next few years. You want to figure what really matters in life. (You don't want to be waiting at the train station when your ship comes in.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're wrapping up a 30-month window that was strenuous and quite tough. For some, it was the dark night of the soul. For others, it was a journey of letting go and giving up many things - people, places and possessions. Now you're embarking on an entirely new life. Exciting! This calls for new clothes. A new image! The truth is you're now embarking on a seven-year cycle where you will completely reinvent yourself. (A new you!) Romance can be very hot. In fact, you feel passionate about love, sports, vacations, good times and just enjoying yourself. And why not? Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (That feeling of "I don't know, so maybe I'm not" is over.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're on a serious self-improvement kick. You want to muster all the resources at your fingertips, and perhaps even the resources of others, to make improvements to your daily surroundings. You're giving lots of things the old heave ho because you want to streamline and make everything in your life more efficient. You want to have less to maintain, to clean, to guard, to repair and to store. You want more freedom. Like Leo, you feel sexy and passionate now. Sex can be sizzling! Quietly, you're coming to the conclusion that you have to dismantle much of what you created since 1994. That's because you're going to be moving on to other things in a few years.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Lovers can become friends, and friends can become lovers. Many of your relationships can be deeply changed or transformed right now. It's just what's happening. In part, you have a desire or a need for new kinds of friendships. Therefore, you'll let these in your life. You'll also change existing relationships for the better. You want more honesty; and you also want to know what's going on. You refuse to kid yourself anymore by sweeping things under the rug. Try to introduce changes that make things better for others as well as yourself. After all, you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. "If each one sweeps in front of his own door, the whole street is clean." (Old proverb.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In some ways, you're making a clean sweep of things at work. You're starting to see very clearly what is working in your life, and what is not. Whatever is not working, or is too costly, or is just baggage you don't need to drag along anymore - get rid of it. This process of downsizing will probably go on for the next two years. (But you're only letting go of what you no longer need.) New ways of making money are at hand. You'll make the most money however, if you can figure out ways of improving things for everyone (not just for yourself.) If you can do this, then you can really clean up! The year ahead will be most fortunate for you. Expect a miracle.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Many of you can finally see your goal in life. You have identified what you want to accomplish. In fact, right now you can wrap up a lot of business related to foreign countries, travel, publishing, the media and plans related higher education and universities. Just do it. In particular, matters connected with children, vacations, the arts, show business and professional sports can surge forward with success. Make improvements here. Make sure your improvements benefit others as well as yourself. You finally see you're going places. You're packing your bags, and it ain't for a guilt trip. Nosiree!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Time to make big changes at home. Get rid of stuff you don't need. Renovations, residential moves, improvements, clean ups, and changes to improve things at home are taking place now. Good. De-clutter your life! People would be surprised at the cost we pay for clutter. A messy workstation, a messy office and even a messy bedroom makes your mind messy and cluttered as well. Your thinking is not as sharp. Your confidence is not as strong. If you clean up your workstation, office and bedroom - correspondingly, you feel stronger, more on the ball, and more ready to handle whatever life throws your way. Work on your independence. (Partners will likely change jobs soon.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a very significant time in your life. Saturn has just moved opposite your sign. The last time this happened was in the seventies. (1976-78) Those who are in relationships that have outlived their usefulness, will probably go forward alone. In any event, all relationships must undergo big adjustments in the next few years. You're starting to take your power. From here on, you're on the world stage. You're dealing with your career, your external goals, and you expect results. Right now you're extremely convincing! No one can resist your rhetoric and your famous psychobabble. Yadayadayada.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're getting curious about your job, your work, and what you want to do. Recent efforts to generate money from new sources were successful. This not only put a smile on your face; it increased your confidence about going out into the world to make a living. You're cooking with gas! You see new, improved ways of doing things. Make sure these improvements benefit others as well as yourself. If you do this, you will truly benefit. One thing is certain: in the next few years, you're going to work very hard. (So hard that at times you'll be overwhelmed.) But you're going to come out the other end, feeling confident, accomplished and surer of what you can do. (Check out those pecs!)